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Making Our Mark

Map last updated on 08/21/2019

Special Containment Procedures

Foundation maritime patrol vessels have been dispatched 5 km around the perimeter of Santa Cruz Island (henceforth referred to as Containment Zone-7750) as to prevent civilian access. These vessels are to undergo maintenance once a month at Outposts 3195-02, -03, -05, or -08.1

Foundation personnel assigned to SCP-3195 are not to interact or engage with SCP-3195-1 instances unless the instance interacts with the individual first or if the instance is suspected to trigger a 7750-Pulse event. Personnel are authorized to administer Class-A Amnestics to the instance then return it to the nearest SCP-3195-1 Entry Point should the latter scenario occur.

Personnel are not to come within 5 km of SCP-3195-2 or within 1 km of any 7750-Pulse event site. If any individuals other than any SCP-3195-1 instances claim to have insight on SCP-3195-2's appearance or its nature, those individuals are to undergo amnestic treatment and transferred to another project. Digital masking methods have been employed to camouflage SCP-3195-2, 7750-Pulse event sites, and Foundation outposts within Containment Zone-7750 from satellite images.

Containment procedures will be updated should construction of SCP-3195-2 be completed.


SCP-3195-1 is the collective designation given to humanoid entities that appear within Containment Zone-7750. SCP-3195-1 instances have been recorded to have an average height of 200 cm and an average weight of 55 kg. Instances also possess reddish-grey skin with a charcoal-like texture.2 The organism can disappear and reappear in certain areas.3 (Designated SCP-3195-1 Entry Points, as noted on the map of Containment Zone-7750.) How SCP-3195-1 accomplishes this is currently unknown, and all attempts to track SCP-3195-1 instances leaving Containment Zone-7750 via these points have failed.

SCP-3195-1 are noted to be cooperative with Foundation personnel except when performing tasks pertaining to SCP-3195-2 or when traveling to a 7750-Pulse event site. While SCP-3195-1 instances vocalize sounds believed to be their native language, the instances also demonstrate an intermediate understanding of English, Spanish, and Cruzeño.4 SCP-3195-1 instances only display hostility whenever an individual enters within an unspecified radius of SCP-3195-2. The length of the radius varies greatly, but does not exceed 5 km.

Should an individual enter the aforementioned radius, multiple instances of SCP-3195-1 will surround the subject and assault the individual, then subsequently [DATA EXPUNGED]. Although SCP-3195-1 attacks are rarely fatal, approximately 70% of victims of said attacks suffer from progressive mutism and develop symptoms consistent with that of posttraumatic stress disorder.5

Due to the nature of SCP-3195-1, it is currently not possible to research the effects of SCP-3195-2 at this time. As such, the following information regarding SCP-3195-2 has been provided to Foundation personnel by various SCP-3195-1 instances:

SCP-3195-2 is a statue that is currently being constructed by SCP-3195-1. Through conjecture, Foundation analysts have estimated that the final dimensions of SCP-3195-2 will be 25m x 25m x 80m. SCP-3195-2 will depict an SCP-3195-1 instance weeping while cradling miniature humans in its arms. Although it is constructed from non-anomalous materials such as stone, marble, and iron, it is resistant to any and all forms of attempted destruction.

Upon completion, SCP-3195-2 will generate a memetic effect. Those who observe SCP-3195-2 through any means will gain full knowledge of the history of SCP-3195-1's former civilization. (Referred to as the U█████████.) Any attempts to physically obscure SCP-3195-2 that excludes the natural environment of Containment Zone-7750 will fail through anomalous means.

In addition to the above effects, SCP-3195-1 will cease to manifest within Containment Zone-7750, as they believe "they have accomplished their goals on [Earth]."

7750-Pulse events denote scenarios where an SCP-3195-1 instance has ceased performing SCP-3195-2 related tasks. It will travel to an area no less than 1 km away from the nearest entry point and make a sound that personnel have observed as "pained screeching" at approximately 200 dB. After twelve minutes of producing this sound, the instance will remove all of its internal organs from its body, replacing them with dirt and various other objects the instance finds on the ground before exploding. The radius of said explosion has been measured to be 1 km.

The ground within the radius is altered to contain traces of the various materials needed to construct SCP-3195-2. As such, SCP-3195-1 instances will refer to 7750-Pulse event sites as "sacred spots."

Addendum 3195: Interview logs with various SCP-3195-1 instances: