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A portion of SCP-3187's shell. Photograph provided to the Foundation by Josy Conklin.

Special Containment Procedures

Containment of SCP-3187 is primarily focused on suppressing public knowledge of it. Foundation satellites are to scan the Pacific Ocean for the appearance of new island-like bodies in unexpected locations and are to log these occurrences as potential SCP-3187 sightings. If the sighting is confirmed by surveillance drone, all non-Foundation satellite images of the sighting are to be digitally altered to remove evidence of SCP-3187. Furthermore, Foundation nautical vessels are to be deployed to form a 10-kilometer perimeter surrounding SCP-3187 and prevent unauthorized entry.


SCP-3187 is an anomalously large sea turtle, belonging to the Cheloniidae family and genetically similar to the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas). While SCP-3187 is proportioned normally, its body covers an area of approximately 500,000 m2. Although the amount of sea grass and algae it consumes is large (approximately 8000 kg/day), it is not sufficient to non-anomalously sustain an organism of its size and it is unknown if it requires this diet to survive. Furthermore, it has been observed to remain underwater for months at a time, suggesting that it may not require oxygen. Its shell is covered in trees, grass, and moss. While this vegetation undergoes a normal life cycle, it is not damaged when SCP-3187 is submerged.

SCP-3187’s habitat covers the majority of the Pacific Ocean. Historical records recovered by Foundation anthropologists indicate that its age is, at minimum, 1578 years, and that other members of its species also existed, although SCP-3187 is believed to be the only extant member today. Prior to the 18th century, most societies in Oceania and on the Pacific coasts of the Americas and Asia knew of SCP-3187. The efforts of European paranormal organizations, including Foundation precursors, to create and maintain consensus reality and a lack of SCP-3187 sightings led to its disappearance from cultural memory.

An ovoid cavity, approximately three meters long and one meter deep, exists at the center of the dorsal side of SCP-3187’s shell. The bottom of the cavity is lined with a mucous membrane and covered in finger-like protrusions, each approximately 6 mm in length and 1 mm in diameter. The interior of each protrusion is composed of nervous tissue. When a human being, designated SCP-3187-1, comes into direct contact with these protrusions, they rapidly fuse with the human tissue, beginning to provide nutrition and forming a connection between SCP-3187-1 and SCP-3187’s nervous systems. If a sufficient number of protrusions are connected, it becomes extremely difficult to remove SCP-3187-1 without causing fatal injury. SCP-3187-1 has a normal lifespan; when it dies, the protrusions retract from its body. When submerged underwater, the ovoid cavity fills with a breathable, highly viscous liquid, the surface of which hardens to seal the cavity, thereby protecting SCP-3187-1.

Currently, SCP-3187-1 is Moses Kanae, former resident of Kailua, Hawaii. Foundation background searches of SCP-3187-1 have discovered extensive involvement in the Hawaiian anomalous community. Approximately 80% of the tissue on its back is fused with SCP-3187. It claims to be able to re-experience events which have taken place in the lives of SCP-3187 and previous iterations of SCP-3187-1.

Addendum-3187A: SCP-3187 was discovered by Foundation satellite imaging on ██/██/2006. Agent ███████ Rezendes was dispatched via boat to intercept and landed successfully, moving inwards on SCP-3187’s shell until he discovered SCP-3187-1. SCP-3187-1 possessed several watertight containers, which it stored with it inside its cavity. The contents of these containers included several laminated photographs, long-range communications devices, nautical maps, star navigation reference texts, and 23 notebooks.

Agent Rezendes conducted an interview of SCP-3187-1 lasting approximately two hours. During the interview, Agent Rezendes examined the contents of SCP-3187-1’s notebooks and discovered that they contained transcriptions of Hawaiian chants, which SCP-3187-1 performed upon request. Full copies of these notebooks can be found in Document-3187-██; selected translations are provided below.