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I'm sick of bugs getting stuck in my god damn bathroom light

An individual of SCP-3184 species Luxlosidae scola as it was discovered in situ.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3184 instances are to be stored, maintained and propagated (as required in respective testing procedures) in Site-██ Botanical Research Centre. Most SCP-3184 instances are to be tended as per Standard Flora Maintenance 3184-A, with variance in individual species of SCP-3184 to be catered for appropriately. To prevent injury from more hazardous individuals, Standard Flora Maintenance 3184-B must be followed in accordance.


SCP-3184 is a collection of carnivorous plants of the family Luxlosidae, as named by Foundation research staff. All individuals of SCP-3184 have external physiology that mimics common man-made light fixtures. All species of SCP-3184 have a complex metabolic system for producing large quantities of luciferin, a chemical which can result in bioluminescence, in an appendage analogous to a light bulb, with luminosity observed to be between 200 and ████ lumens. This luminescence appears to be a mechanism for attracting insect prey, which become entrapped within SCP-3184 individuals for digestion. The method of entrapment varies between each species and is suited to the light fixture that the plant mimics (see SCP-3184 Species List for further information on variations between each species).

The majority of species of SCP-3184 have an exterior shell, presumed to be mimicking plastic materials found in light fixtures, which is keratinous in nature. Some species have an exterior mesh comprised of metalloprotein polymer, with intrinsic metal ions densely oriented for the purpose of conducting electricity. The method of electricity production within these individuals of SCP-3184 is currently unknown. Metal ions integrated into these proteins have been mostly observed as aluminium or copper, however other metals have been noted, such as: gold, carbon, an unknown metallic alloy, and [REDACTED].

Cellular structure of SCP-3184 instances is similar to non-anomalous plants, however most SCP-3184 instances posses few to no chloroplasts within their cells. It is unclear how the process of photosynthesis is circumnavigated in SCP-3184 species. Most SCP-3184 species have a root system, however this is considered to be vestigial and used to anchor them in place.

If individuals of SCP-3184 go for extended periods of time without sustenance, their bioluminescence will cease until an insect or other source of nutrition becomes entrapped. In most cases that this has been observed it has resulted in the individual's death. This appears to be a major fault in SCP-3184 as a family that would have likely been rendered extinct had it evolved, prompting investigation into manufacture as a possible origin of SCP-3184.

SCP-3184 reproduction has been observed, but is nonetheless a rare occurrence. SCP-3184 individuals produce offspring via spore reproduction, in which the dispersal of spores only occurs during periods of dormancy. This is believed to be due to the energy requirement by the organism to produce spores. In many individuals the release of spores is followed subsequently by death due to energy expiration. Upon fertilisation, SCP-3184 individuals produce microscopic buds dorsally along the analogous bulb, at which point they [DATA EXPUNGED]. Offspring are to be studied and then destroyed, unless otherwise stated by testing protocol.

Addendum 3184-A: SCP-3184 came to Foundation attention when local news reports of a primary school classroom in ████████, United Kingdom claimed that a light fixture had begun to wilt and rot. Foundation personnel were dispatched to investigate and discovered a dying instance of Luxlosidae scola. A cover story was perpetuated that a chemical had leaked in the ceiling above the light fixture, leading to its corrosion. The local parish later started a successful frundraising effort to refurbish the school after the news of a chemical leak. In the process of refurbishment, an embedded Foundation agent within the community discovered 6 more individuals of Luxlosidae scola.

Addendum 3184-B: Modification to Standard Flora Maintenance 3184 has been put in place due to two separate incidents on ██/██/████. Dr █████ injured herself while tending to an individual of Luxlosidae fetor when an electrical surge exceeding ███ volts arced from the individual to Dr █████, causing moderate electrical burns on her right forearm. Intriguingly, other individuals appeared to surge immediately after the initial surge. Tests into possible SCP-3184 communication methods is currently under approval.

On the same day as Dr █████'s accident, a Dr ██ was injured by an individual of Luxlosidae scola. While removing insect husks from the individual, it began to excrete large amounts of digestive enzymes that it would have otherwise used for digesting insects. The digestive enzymes formed a fine film around Dr ██'s right hand, causing moderate chemical burns.

As a result of these two incidents, Standard Flora Maintenance is divided into A and B sections, with A being for docile individuals and B being for hazardous individuals. Investigations into SCP-3184 intelligence are currently under approval.

Addendum 3184-C: An investigation into Botanilite Labs! underwent upon discovery of Luxlosidae scaphi. Through analysis of the paper and adhesive on branding labels found within Luxlosidae scaphi, the investigation team was able to trace production of the labels to a printing company in ██████, United States. Foundation agents searched the premises of the printing company under the guise of police investigating tax fraud to search for any evidence of dealings with Botanilite Labs!. Though no evidence of any dealings were found, scraps of a résumé pertaining to one Brandon Brokovic were found to have Botanilite Labs! listed as previous work experience, along with a phone number for the group. Tracing of the phone number led the investigation team to a small house in rural ██████, United States. Upon arrival the house was seen to be uninhabited. The interior of the house was mostly devoid of furniture and infrastructure was heavily damaged due to extensive infestation of perished SCP-3184 individuals. A thorough search of the house was conducted, and several documents were discovered in a damaged microwave. Many of the documents were comprised of genetic analysis data and incoherent scientific abstracts, however one document was found to be a letter to an individual named ████ from a sender that is believed to be Brokovic. The letter is as follows:

Hey ████,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to need to head out of here soon and find someplace else to hunker down. It just got a bit out of hand.

Hope to see you again soon so we can get back to work. Send my love to the kids. I hope they like the nightlight.


As of ██/██/████, the investigation is ongoing.