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Monkey Business

SCP-3149-1-29 in its enclosure. At the time this picture was taken, SCP-3149-1-29 possessed the personality of American author Dan Brown.

Special Containment Procedures

The building containing SCP-3149 is currently owned by the Foundation and has been completely sealed from the public. At least two security personnel are to guard the entrance to SCP-3149 at all times. Any individuals attempting to gain access to the building are to be apprehended, interviewed and released after administration of amnestics.

All specimens of SCP-3149-1 are to be stored in an enclosure at Site-10 and fed twice a day in accordance with Nutritional Chart 3149-1-1. Any testing involving SCP-3149-1 must be approved by at least one member of Level 3 personnel.

Due to their relative docility while inside SCP-3149, all specimens of SCP-3149-2 are to be contained within it. Observational equipment within SCP-3149 is to be used to confirm the presence of all SCP-3149-2 specimens at all times.


SCP-3149 is an extra-dimensional space accessible by walking backwards through an empty doorframe located in an abandoned office in Los Angeles, California. Graffiti next to the doorframe provides the following instructions for accessing SCP-3149:


Upon walking backwards through the doorframe, the individual concerned is instantly transported to SCP-3149, the interior of which resembles a large warehouse. No natural sources of light are visible through the windows of SCP-3149, and all attempts to breach through its boundaries have been unsuccessful. The primary contents of SCP-3149 in terms of objects are one hundred desks, one hundred laptop computers1 atop these desks, one hundred printers placed below each desk, a large chute in the center of the room, and when first discovered, the corpse of one elderly woman2. A free standing doorframe is also present in SCP-3149, allowing individuals to exit it using the same method.

Evidence suggests SCP-3149 was a facility utilized by GoI-1783 ("Westhead Media") for the purpose of mass-producing written literature, primarily via a workforce of SCP-3149-1 specimens.

SCP-3149-1 is the collective designation for, at the time of writing, seventy-three3 Formosan rock monkeys4 originally found producing literature within SCP-3149. All specimens of SCP-3149-1 differ from non-anomalous specimens of their species in that they possess a large opening on their back intended to be filled with written works. Despite the presence of this opening, the bodies of SCP-3149-1 specimens appear to be able to function as normal.

When a written work is inserted into the back of an SCP-3149-1 specimen, they will adopt the personality and memories of that work's original author. Despite receiving a human personality, the SCP-3149-1 specimen will remain unable to vocalize outside the extent of that possible for a monkey, making non-verbal communication necessary. When first brought into Foundation custody, the SCP-3149-1 specimens were determined to have identical personalities to a number of famous and successful authors, with the exception of severe trauma brought about by their time in SCP-3149.

Use of SCP-3149-1 specimens for intelligence and historical purposes is under consideration pending a verdict from the Ethics Committee.


An aggressive specimen of SCP-3149-2.

SCP-3149-2 is the collective designation for ten organisms superficially resembling lampreys of abnormally large sizes, reaching heights of 1.5 meters and lengths of 3 meters. Despite their resemblance to lampreys, specimens of SCP-3149-2 are land-based and move by slithering across the ground. Analysis of the bodies of SCP-3149-2 specimens has shown that they have little in the way of internal organs, suggesting they are animated through anomalous means. SCP-3149-2 specimens are docile towards individuals from outside SCP-3149 unless one attempts to remove them, at which point they will become hostile until allowed to return to their original position.

When a specimen of SCP-3149-1 fails to meet its quota of one page every ten minutes, the nearest specimen of SCP-3149-2 will move to their position and exact physical punishment. This largely consists of blunt force inflicted using SCP-3149-2's tail or lacerations using SCP-3149-2's mouth. These attacks are invariably focused on the legs and torso of the specimen of SCP-3149-1, presumably so that they remain able to use their hands for writing purposes. While these injuries are painful, they are rarely permanently damaging. This is also presumed to be intentional on the part of SCP-3149-2, as they have proven capable of inflicting greater injuries during attempts to remove them from SCP-3149.

SCP-3149 was initially located following the successful escape of a single SCP-3149-1 specimen, which came to the Foundation's attention following several 911 calls reportedly made by a monkey. The agents who proceeded to the source of these calls were then directed to SCP-3149 by the SCP-3149-1 specimen in question.