Mr. November
Special Containment Procedures
Conventional containment of SCP-3129 is not possible as it is not clear whether or not the phenomenon has a tangible source. However, suppression of SCP-3129 can be achieved through disruption of Stage 1 phenomena. During state and local election cycles television broadcasts are to be monitored for occurrences of SCP-3129. Should a positive identification of SCP-3129 occur, MTF Tau-3 ("Cable Guys") are to be dispatched to the area.
MTF Tau-3 has been outfitted with formerly civilian broadcasting engineers trained specifically in the disruption of SCP-3129 infected transmissions. MTF Tau-3 are to infiltrate, interrupt, or otherwise prevent further occurrence of SCP-3129 until such a time as Stage 1 phenomena cease in the area.
Stage 2 or higher occurrence of SCP-3129 may require the widespread application of amnestics via local water utility.
SCP-3129 is a cognitohazardous phenomenon with no known or apparent source. SCP-3129 phenomena manifest as television and radio commercials in areas holding local or state elections. These broadcasts can run for any length of time between a few weeks to several months. Television appearances of SCP-3129 have been limited to locally-owned and operated stations. No abnormalities are apparent from the broadcaster's side.
SCP-3129 phenomena invariably focus upon a human male, aged somewhere between 40 and 50, hereafter designated SCP-3129-1. SCP-3129 transmissions can vary in presentation and length wildly but invariably remain on the topic of SCP-3129-1's apparent election bid. No instances of SCP-3129 have been found outside of the continental United States or presenting in any non-English languages. This is considered Stage 1 phenomena.
Stage 2 begins after two to four weeks of exposure to Stage 1 phenomena. Up to 8% of viewers will become fixated upon SCP-3129-1. Civilians more politically aligned with the ideas presented in SCP-3129 commercials are more susceptible to infection. SCP-3129 adverts have not shown an overall political bias. Class B amnestics are effective at treating Stage 2 infection.
Stage 2 infections left untreated for over a month progress to Stage 3 symptoms. Individuals under the influence of Stage 3 infection display fanatical devotion to SCP-3129. They argue with open hostility against opposing viewpoints and ideologies. Stage 3 infected tend to seek out other infected in person and by way of online message boards and communities.
It is not presently clear whether or not SCP-3129-1 actually exists. Foundation officials have been unable to make a positive visual identification of SCP-3129-1 nor have officials ever encountered it in public.
Addendum 3129.1: Interview 3129-1-ASH
A Stage 3 infection of SCP-3129 occurred in Asheville, North Carolina during its 2013 election. Of its 89,000 residents, at least 7,000 were compromised.
Foundation officials along with MTF Tau-3 were deployed to the area with directions to suppress the spread of SCP-3129. Widespread amnestic dosing via Asheville's three water treatment plants was successful in preventing SCP-3129 infection from continued growth. However, interaction with Stage 3 infected individuals prompted an official debrief for MTF Tau-3 agents Mayfield and Haas.
Interviewed: MTF Tau-3 Agents Rory Mayfield and Kennen Haas
Interviewer: Dr. April Oliviera, Project Lead
Foreword: The following debrief has been included for insight into extreme behavior of SCP-3129 Stage 3 infection.
[Begin Log]
Dr. Oliviera: Please repeat once more what you encountered in Asheville.
Haas: Okay, so, the operation was a success. Asheville was nice and ignorant again. Mayfield and I were doing a routine Normalcy Check.
Mayfield: Tau-3 had split into five groups of two. Each team was to canvass the downtown metropolitan area. Just to be sure.
Haas: So we're walking around for a while and suddenly Mayfield stops. Dead in his tracks. Grabs my shoulder and tells me to look. He's pointing inside some sort of convention center. I go over and look. And there's thirty or forty civilians inside.
Dr. Oliviera: This struck you as odd?
Haas: At three AM in the morning, yeah it did.
Dr. Oliviera: Continue.
Haas: So Mayfield and I go in. Door wasn't locked or anything. Again, three AM. So we go in and like I said there were roundabout thirty to forty people in there. And they're all deathly silent. I've never witnessed such an uncomfortably quiet group of people in my life.
Mayfield: I almost called it in then and there. I thought we had something in the wild here.
Haas: And they're all facing the same direction. Toward a stage at the far end of the building. Lit like there was someone up there. With spot lights and what not. But there wasn't anyone up there. It was completely empty.
Mayfield: It looked like they were all hypnotized or something. Maybe by the pulpit.
Haas: But then everyone explodes! From quiet as the dead to the loudest damn thing in the universe. They're waving their hands, jumping up and down, losing their shit all over the place. And they're screaming at the empty stage.
Dr. Oliviera: Go on.
Mayfield: Then they go quiet again.
Haas: Yeah. Every single one of them. Quiet as humanly possible. For forty-five seconds, maybe a minute. And then they all go ape shit again. This goes on for over an hour. Back and forth. They'd get real quiet, watching the stage like it was the most important thing in the world, then they'd erupt like Oprah had just walked in. Mayfield and I never got so much as a glimpse of what the hell they were looking at or hearing.
Mayfield: We checked after the thing dispersed. Everyone filed out of the room like zombies but Haas and I hung back. We went up to the stage, looked around. Checked around and behind it. Nothing. Just a brick wall. If they were using smoke and mirrors I have no earthly idea of where they kept them.
Dr. Oliviera: Did you attempt to interact with any of the individuals in the crowd?
Haas: No. We had reason to believe they might be hostile due to SCP-3129.
Dr. Oliviera: And you both are absolutely sure you saw nothing on the stage?
Mayfield: Not a damn thing. I don't know what was talking to them but we couldn't hear it.
[End Log]
Closing Statement: Examination of the building in question revealed no capability to hold such an event. Said building is currently the offices of a now-defunct financial institution and its internal layout is inconsistent with the description of agents Haas and Mayfield. Investigation of this incident is ongoing. Agents Haas and Mayfield are currently on medical leave, pending psych evaluation.
Addendum 3129.2: Experiment 3129/34-Gamma (Operation "CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT")
Following the incident in Asheville and with the evaluations of Mayfield and Haas showing no signs of compromise it was decided that further study of the Stage 3 phenomenon was required. Investigation occurred during the 2015 election cycle. This project took place as a joint operation between Foundation researchers and MTF Tau-3.
It was determined that study of Stage 3 infected could only be performed with a controlled outbreak of SCP-3129. Temporary Site 34-Gamma was created to allow for this. Temporary Site 34-Gamma was a Foundation-controlled and contained small town in Washington State found to be a target of SCP-3129. This operation was performed under the pretense of government quarantine.
The project met almost immediate opposition from what is assumed to be SCP-3129-1 and was forced to conclude prematurely. The following information is considered incomplete. More inauspicious study of SCP-3129 is being planned.
Addendum 3129.3: Catalogued Recording
The following is an instance of a Stage 1 phenomenon recorded from the home of ████ ███████ during the operation in Washington State. Note that the anomalous effects of SCP-3129 do not manifest in analogue or digital recordings.
Recording begins with a daytime shot of SCP-3129-1 standing outside. It has one foot elevated onto a large rock positioned to its right.
3129-1: Hi, I'm Norman Mann, and I'm running for governor of the state of Indiana.
SCP-3129-1 approaches the camera. It gestures with its right hand while keeping its left in its trouser pocket.
3129-1: My opponents would like you to believe that I'm not a legitimate candidate for your governor. I'd like to take a moment here to convince you otherwise.
The recording transitions to SCP-3129-1 being observed from afar. SCP-3129-1 is walking through a suburban neighborhood and is greeted by bystanders. Bystanders do not appear to look directly at SCP-3129-1 or otherwise focus their attention on what they are doing.
3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: Together, I believe we can do so much more than individually. As your governor, with your help, I will be able to do anything.
SCP-3129-1 smiles and waves back to bystanders.
3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: I believe in community first and foremost.
SCP-3129-1 continues down the street. A male and female bystander are kneeling beside a child. Upon noticing SCP-3129-1, they stand and begin waving. The child begins waving as well, in perfect synchronicity with the adults.
SCP-3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: Community, family, and togetherness.
Scene transition. It is now nighttime. The camera is trained on the outside of a house. Three individuals can be seen, dressed in black, attempting to break into the home by using a crowbar to pry open a window. The shot changes to a closer view while there three individuals gain entry.
SCP-3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: There are people out there that want to destroy our community.
The three individuals successfully open the window and begin climbing through.
SCP-3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: A vote for me is a vote for a safer community. I will not be soft on the agents of fear that would seek to separate us.
Scene transition. SCP-3129-1 is walking through the previous neighborhood once again. Bystanders stand and greet it as it walks by. Bystanders continue to greet SCP-3129-1 long after it passes them by.
3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: As your governor I know it's going to be "all eyes on me." But that's the way I like it. The more of you I have watching me the better. I'll never back down from public scrutiny.
Scene transitions to images of common electronic technology such as televisions, computers, and the like. As well as people in groups and people giving speeches.
3129-1 [VOICEOVER]: In this day and age there's so many voices out there trying to lead the voters astray. My voice is a voice you can trust. Listen to my voice.
Scene transitions back to SCP-3129-1 speaking directly to the camera. It is the same shot that began the recording but focused closer on SCP-3129-1. Only its top half is visible.
3129-1: With your help I can be a force of change in this great state of Indiana. Without it, I can't so much as lift a pebble! Please, lend me your support.
Shot transitions to one further away and turned to SCP-3129-1's right. SCP-3129-1 turns to regard the camera directly once again.
3129-1: Make the right choice. Together we can be a part of something bigger, something greater. Together we can do anything. Together nothing will stop us. Together. Not alone.
Recording ends with a still of SCP-3129-1 smiling. At the bottom of the screen a note reads 'PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT NORMAN MANN.'
Closing Statement: Following the completion of the operation in Washington, widespread blackouts were orchestrated to cease transmission of SCP-3129. Widespread amnestic dosing was successful in reversing all infection. Dr. Oliviera has been disqualified from further field work.