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The Immobile Muse

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3126 is to be held in a standard humanoid containment chamber in Site 19, and should not be brought in contact with strong magnets outside of testing, including those found in most hard drives. Additionally, SCP-3126 requires daily deferoxamine injections to treat its iron overload.

Addendum: In light of the recent suicide attempt, SCP-3126 is required to submit to psychiatric evaluations after any testing, along with mandatory weekly evaluations and antidepressants. Also, on the advice of the site psychologist, SCP-3126 is allowed a weekly allotment of painting supplies for art therapy purposes.


SCP-3126 is an African-American female, physically 23 years in age, 185 cm tall and weighing 88 kg . It suffers from chronic iron overload, resulting in joint pain, hair loss and depression, and it is estimated that the condition may result in liver failure within ten years.

Its anomalous effect occurs when the subject is exposed to a magnetic field of 1 Tesla or higher. When exposed to a sufficiently powerful magnetic pull, the subject's skin appears to transform into cast iron, with the effect expanding across the skin as long as the magnet remains within range. Additionally, any muscles or joints under the affected area lose all mobility, resulting in complete immobility within a minute. The effect can be reversed by applying high-salinity water to the metal surface, which causes the iron surface to rust and disintegrate within minutes, exposing human skin beneath it. When the transformation is reversed, SCP-3126 shows no symptoms of iron overload, and if the immobilization period exceeds two hours, it will temporarily show symptoms of iron deficiency. This process does not appear to cause SCP-3126 pain or injury, and all biological processes are paused while it is immobilized, allowing it to stay that way for an indefinite amount of time. However, researchers are advised to not leave SCP-3126 immobilized for long periods of time, as SCP-3126 reports being conscious while immobilized, and extended immobilization may aggravate its mental conditions.

SCP-3126 was taken into SCP custody in 201█ based on reports of a transient woman with metal fingers in ████████████, Los Angeles, California being hospitalized for minor wounds after nearly being hit by a car. A field agent embedded in the hospital noted her anomalous properties, and arranged for her to be extracted in the guise of transferring her to another facility. Later investigation connected her to a missing person case for a Gloria ████████, age 21, from Boston from 199█