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The Conflagration


Special Containment Procedures

Caught specimens of SCP-3102 are to be contained in Unit 39 of Bio-Site-66. Three (3) SCP-3102 specimens are allowed per enclosure. Enclosure dimensions must measure 2.0 meters by 1.4 meters. Enclosure walls must be composed of thermal resistant glass-ceramic, and lids must have a fire-resistant wire mesh. A UV lamp is to be placed over the left side of the enclosure, and one single day lamp is to be placed over the opposite side. SCP-3102 is a diurnal species, and lamps are automated to switch off during the nighttime hours. Enclosures walls and lamps are to be routinely inspected.

In order to minimize risk of anomalous behavior, specimens’ enclosures must mimic their natural habitats. Dry soil and aspen shavings will consist as enclosure substrate. Enclosures must have a basking rock for specimens, in addition to various hide boxes. Specimens require little water, but must have a water bowl for soaking. Habitat props are to be painted in fire-resistant coating. Each specimen is to be fed two (2) rats weekly, at 0800 hours. Specimens' enclosures must be cleaned daily at 1800 hours. In the event of a specimen combustion, inert gases will automatically flood the enclosure to incapacitate the specimen. Once fire is outed, specimens are to be relocated, and enclosure must be salvaged.

All personnel must wear fire-retardant suits when tending for SCP-3102. One (1) stationed guard will prevent any unauthorized access to Unit 39. Bearing any flammable materials while inside Unit 39 is strictly prohibited. Personnel found infringing this directive are to be severely reprimanded. Personnel who wish to bear documentation must file a request to the Site Director.

In the case of a containment breach, Unit 39 will begin lockdown procedures. Heat sensors will seal doorways in the event of a fire, and dispense inert gases to incapacitate SCP-3102 instances. Cleanup crews will be dispatched to remove scorch marks and fires, as well as recapturing any torpid SCP-3102 specimens.


SCP-3102 is an unidentified species of nonvenomous, tertiary serpents that are closely related to members of the genus Pituophis. SCP-3102 is endemic to the North American Prairies, and the Chihuahuan Desert. Total species population is believed to number near the high hundreds, and is increasing at a steady rate.1 Specimens can grow up to two (2) meters in length and 3.5 kg in weight. SCP-3102’s diet consists of small rodents and reptiles, including other serpents.2 Specimens are normally docile in nature, and typically ignore nearby humans.3 Unusually, SCP-3102 is partially endothermic. While internal temperatures do fluctuate like other ectotherms, SCP-3102 is able to increase its own body temperature at will. This comes at a cost of higher energy demands, and thus specimens have a more ravenous appetite. Specimens’ scales are notably durable, resisting acidic solutions and high temperatures. Specimens are highly social creatures; SCP-3102 can be usually found in colonies, or traveling in packs. Specimens are also highly protective of their young, and will remain close to any juvenile serpents. At the time of writing, thirty-six (36) specimens are in current Foundation care.

When threatened, agitated, or heavily stressed, SCP-3102 will burst into flames. Specimens’ scales will ignite violently and remain burning, with temperatures exceeding 300°C. The ignition mechanism that SCP-3102 employs is currently unknown at this time. The fire poses no bodily danger to SCP-3102, but it consumes large quantities of energy, and specimens can only exist in this state for a limited time. Depending on the size of a specimen and its level of stress, the ignition state of SCP-3102 can last from 45 seconds to 5 minutes long. Upon the conclusion of the ignition state, SCP-3102 will become lethargic, and incapable of ignition for several days.

Specimens of SCP-3102 will also experience behavioral changes upon ignition. While in flames, SCP-3102 becomes extremely aggressive, and actively pursues any moving organisms in the vicinity. SCP-3102 will then constrict and bind their victims tightly, setting their target alight. Testing has showed that SCP-3102 prefers attacking larger organisms to smaller ones, and will chase their quarry with speeds of up to nine (9) kmph. Upon coming into contact with an appendage, SCP-3102 will wind itself around the limb, and tightly constrict. SCP-3102 will also anchor itself into the flesh of its victim via its teeth in order to maximize damage potential. Victims of these attacks will receive 4th-degree burns, and chances of survival are low without immediate amputation.

If two or more specimens enter an ignition state simultaneously, they will act in a highly coordinated matter. Specimens will strategically corner victims, attack different limbs simultaneously, and create fiery blockades to herd their prey. In addition, specimens have a tendency to congregate when indoors. Specimens will wind their bodies tightly around each other, increasing pressure and surface area, thus making their flames hotter and longer lasting. Specimens use this method to quickly burn down structures, or in some cases, create a defensive position.

Incident Log 3102/A: On 07/08/2017, █████████ National Park was hit by a rampaging wildfire that annihilated over 564 hectares of forestry. The resulting inferno destroyed sixteen structures over the course of its rampage, and eighteen causalities occurred. In combination with favorable weather conditions and a rapid response time, firefighters easily contained the blaze, and subdued the forest fire after four days. County investigations began shortly after, due to suspected foul play. Point of origin was determined to have occurred near Happy Pines Camp, a popular cabin grounds for tourists.


Picture of █████████ Fire, 08/08/2017.

Foundation officials were alerted once emergency chatter mentioned that several witnesses claimed they had seen “fiery snakes” chase after fleeing animals. Foundation agents were dispatched under the guise of emergency officials, and ordered to find any traces of anomalous phenomena. Nine (9) specimens of SCP-3102 were discovered near Happy Pines, attempting to make a nest in the area. Specimens were captured and shipped to Bio-Site-66. Inspection of specimens revealed that they had not been fed for several weeks. After interviewing several key witnesses, Class-A amnestics were administered, and the fire was publicized as the result of a malfunctioning pressure cooker.

Interview Log 3102-A: Julia Deboree

Addendum 3102/A: Foundation sweeps eventually discovered a man sleeping in a cavern near the █████████ Fire’s point of origin. Suspect was covered in various burns, and suspect’s clothing matched Ms. Deboree’s description. Upon approaching, the suspect awoke, and proceeded to attack Foundation agents with a piece of cinder. Suspect was easily overtaken, sustaining multiple fractures in the wrist, and detained. Interrogation log of suspect can be found below.

Search of suspect’s camp and personal possessions showed that suspect had been living inside the cavern for an extended period of time. While surveying the camp, two SCP-3102 specimens
were startled by Foundation agents, and entered their ignition state. Agents Mague and Schuffman are currently in critical condition.

Interview Log 3102-B: Tyson H████ [LEVEL 2+ ACCESS REQUIRED]