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Temporal Funnel Trap


Special Containment Procedures

As of ██/██/20██, operation of SCP-3091 is to be maintained as long as possible.

The only in-person operations allowed with SCP-3091 at this time are:

A) Monitoring the built-in measurement device outputs from SCP-3091, which are deemed safe at this time.

B) Maintenance and repair of SCP-3091’s power supply and “field generators”, following Report 3091-89A submitted to the O5 Council on ██/██/20██. The documentation on these devices is considered sufficient that their maintenance can be reasonably attempted.

SCP-3091 is considered temporally unstable. Localized time dilation or contraction events and minor retrocausality are not unusual. Personnel working in SCP-3091 are to be trained in DMWT “Best Practices in Temporally Unstable Locations”, and to heed these practices while working within SCP-3091, especially with regards to information security and distinguishing expected from unexpected disturbances. Due to particle radiation, time spent inside the facility should be minimized.

Testing involving the “Red Room” facility within SCP-3091 is forbidden by order of the O5 Council. Currently, investigations are to be made only by studying the existing documentation, rather than taking any actions that may interfere with SCP-3091’s functions.


SCP-3091 is a massive underground structure located at ██.██.██.██ under the Queen Maud Gulf Bird Sanctuary in Nunavut, Canada. The facility is accessible via 14 camouflaged access points from the surface. It has a total area of 1.05 million m2 and occupies four floors. Electricity and heat are generated from geothermal boreholes. Equipment in the site appears to have been designed for sustained function without human intervention, but is subject to normal wear and tear, and has been maintained since discovery by the Foundation.

SCP-3091 appears to have been constructed to support Large Event Chamber-001 (refer to Document 3091-AB-Schematics), a spherical chamber measuring 14 meters in diameter (“The Red Room”).

The area is temporally unstable. Typical examples of events include:

  • Researchers spending thirty minutes in vicinity of the Red Room, which appeared to outside observers as 3 hours
  • Computer processor cycles repeating
  • Radio transmissions arriving before they were sent

The instability field is strongest around the Red Room, and is virtually unnoticeable 30 meters out from the facility. This corresponds to a high background free tachyon concentration (1,000 times the global average close to the Red Room.)

Notable features of SCP-3091

Field Generators

36 identical pieces of highly complex machinery are located equidistant around the chamber. Their sole purpose is to continuously emit one or more energy fields consisting of:

  • UV light at extremely high energy levels
  • Coherent beams of ionizing radiation (somehow contained and redirected by receiving components on adjacent devices, making escaped radiation comparable to background levels.)
  • Thermal energy (used to maintain internal structures within the barrier containing xenon gas at a critical point.)
  • Tachyon fields (see (Xyank, 2005))
  • Additional energetic force of an unknown nature, consisting of either unknown elementary particles or photon-like discrete energy packets. Interactions of this gas with the critical-point xenon create a previously unknown phenomenon [DATA EXPUNGED] hypothesized relation to the gravitational anomaly.

Given Document 3091-AD-DE, which is a set of recovered blueprints associated with all SCP-3091 major structures, the actual structure of the “field generators” is well understood, and may even be replicable, with the exception of [DATA EXPUNGED] superconductor materials [DATA EXPUNGED] known relation to anomalous substance ██████-רת.

The purposes of the individual components remains unknown, as is the intention or result of the entire field. Replication has been proposed but not attempted, due to the possibility of recreating the central anomaly.

The field is generated in a continuous fashion while allowing viewing windows at certain “Observation Points.”

Hypothesized Purpose: The Field Generators are arranged to project a field around the interior of the Red Room. This field may create, contain, or interact in an unknown way with the central anomaly.

The Red Room Anomaly

Six Observation Points, which include transparent windows comprised of plate glass plus unknown materials, look directly into the Red Room. Numerous instruments in each observation stations also appear to monitor the physical conditions inside the anomaly. As far as can be determined (measurements have also been corroborated where possible via optical methods), physical conditions inside the anomaly include:

  • Temperatures of over 1000K
  • Internal conditions consisting of matter at a supercritical point (consistent with extremely high temperatures and pressures)
  • Opaque substance with a faint red glow
  • Elemental composition of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, various metals, and other elements, many in organic compounds.
  • Small solid metal objects made of iridium, tungsten, and tantalum. Other metal pieces may have been present but melted in the extreme conditions.
  • Extremely temporally unstable (Hypothesized)

Hypothesized Purpose: Unknown

Surrounding Facilities

Partial furnishings indicate that other parts of the facility include offices, storage areas, and maintenance units for the field generators and site at large. Intact heating and plumbing indicates that the facility was designed for year-round usage by humans.

Several nearby satellite facilities are entirely unfurnished, but based on plumbing, appear to be dormitories capable of housing up to ten people. Furniture or signs of life (including DNA evidence) are absent.

The entirety of Document SCP-3091-AD-DE, representing much of our understanding of SCP-3091, was recovered from the upper drawer of a file cabinet in peripheral office J34 (see map for location.) No other written materials, relevant to SCP-3091 or not, have been found within SCP-3091.

Hypothesized Purpose: SCP-3091 was designed for human monitoring and habitation, although it was never occupied.

Addendum SCP-3091-1: Failed attempts to determine provenance of SCP-3091

  • No public records from the nearby area for available history report any information on the construction or existence of SCP-3091. No individual or entity is known to possess similar technology to the functional parts of SCP-3091.
  • Foundation moles within higher echelons of the Chaos Insurgency were instructed to search their private internal documentation and look for knowledge regarding SCP-3091. No results were found.
  • During this process, one of the moles, Agent 4-November, was discovered by Insurgency leadership. 31 teeth and a jar containing brain tissue in formalin (both matching Agent 4-November) were delivered to Site 19 anonymously informing the Foundation of this fact, along with a note disclaiming responsibility for the anomaly.
  • An informal trade with the Global Occult Coalition was scheduled, exchanging an operative previously held in Foundation custody for information regarding SCP-3091. After extensively searching their documentation, including that of multiple paramilitary groups, the Coalition concluded they had no information on the matter.
  • Multiple major government intelligence agencies were consulted discreetly about the technologies found in SCP-3091. No connection or leads unveiled.
  • A Serpent’s Hand connection was asked to search for information surrounding the anomaly, or its creators, via whatever means were accessible. A small amount of classified Foundation knowledge of interest to the connection was provided in exchange. Connection reported to be “surprised” by the lack of information in their databases, but claimed that the reason for their surprise was not required as of the terms of their agreement.

A thorough search of SCP-3091 was conducted. The following was noted:

  • Shelving in storage rooms was constructed with triangular allen screws, identical to the type made in-house and used frequently in Foundation construction. These types of screws are also available commercially.
  • Hallway construction and heating pipe arrangement is somewhat similar to a proposed architectural design for underground Foundation sites from 1972, although other pieces have been modified. These designs were never implemented in any site.