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Special Containment Procedures

SCP-3076 is to be contained in a dedicated aviary at Site-104. It is to be fed twice daily, and provided new forms of simple entertainment monthly. Visual contact with SCP-3076 is to be limited to an absolute minimum. Outside of testing, no personnel are allowed entry to the containment chamber. Test subjects must be confined to a cell or containment chamber to prevent the possible spread of infection. It is recommended that test subjects in the tertiary stage of SCP-3076-A be terminated, and all related materials destroyed. Any contact between SCP-3076 and computer systems is strictly prohibited.


SCP-3076 is an albino black-billed magpie (Pica hudsonia).1 It is abnormally intelligent, expressing an understanding of written language, though it is unable to understand most verbal communication. It is estimated that SCP-3076 has the mental capacity of a ten-year-old human being. SCP-3076 is capable of deceptive behavior, such as feigning illness or ignorance, and possesses extremely long-term recall. SCP-3076 may use these skills in attempts to escape containment unless properly cared for.

When directly viewing SCP-3076, all sapient beings analytical systems will feel a compulsion to produce some type of artistic expression. This is the first stage of the SCP-3076 cognitive infection (SCP-3076-A). Those with a preexisting disposition toward one form or medium will feel compelled to more strongly pursue these prior tendencies. Those with no previous experience with artistic expression appear to select a random art form to pursue. SCP-3076 is only able to produce this effect after several aggregated hours of viewing, though the precise number varies from subject to subject. It is also possible to transfer the effect through other sensory means, especially if the subject is blind, though the time required for infection to occur is much higher. Note that this stage of the infection is reversible if contact between SCP-3076 and the subject is terminated.

To date, no subjects have expressed satisfaction with their work, and will continue to produce art in an attempt to improve. After approximately two weeks, SCP-3076-A enters its secondary stage, and no action short of induced coma will reverse the effects. Subjects in this stage of infection will improve at a normal rate, considering heightened resolve and enthusiasm. Over time, subjects will continue to devote more and more time to the pursuit of their art form. Without outside intervention, about 80% of subjects expire due to thirst or starvation, as most affected individuals forego basic needs in the pursuit of their art form.

The SCP-3076-A enters its tertiary stage approximately 13 months after initial exposure. Subjects will begin to produce anomalous artwork, most commonly bearing cognitohazardous material. It is unconfirmed whether the SCP-3076-A is able to spread via these works.

Addendum 3076-1: Recovery

SCP-3076 was found after Incident 3066-5, in the forests of Linville Gorge, North Carolina. It was initially collected by Foundation operatives as a part of the reconstruction operation after Incident 3066-5, and its anomalous properties discovered after many of the personnel involved with its recovery began to neglect their professional duties. Upon confirmation of its anomalous properties, SCP-3076 was moved to Site-104 for containment and further study.

Addendum 3076-2: Sample Test Log

The following is an incomplete log of SCP-3076 testing to highlight noteworthy findings.