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Perpetual Motion Run Amok

Special Containment Procedures

NOTE: By Order of the Deputy Site Director, the above containment procedures have been discontinued. Until such time as it is safe for them to be reinstated, the temporary measures outlined below are to be utilized instead.


SCP-3016 is a highly-polished spinning top, appearing to be made of steel or iron due to its magnetic properties, that experiences rotational acceleration with no known force acting upon it. This acceleration varies wildly, from 0.5 rads/s2 to [REDACTED], with no recognized pattern. The source of the required kinetic energy for this to take place is unknown.

SCP-3016 displays incredible durability, and while materials testing has been limited, the object has yet to receive even minor abrasion. Long-term application of a speed-limiting clamp has yet to damage SCP-3016 at all, despite the need for the clamp to be replaced ██ times since recovery.

While SCP-3016 can be picked up and held immobile, it will continue to exert a torque on anything holding it in place. This torque, like the object's usual acceleration, varies wildly, and has been known to cause damage to any agent resisting it. Because of this, SCP-3016 can only be restrained for short periods of time.

Addendum 1: Site 55 Containment Breach

At 0855 on ██/██/████, eight of Site 55's Keter-class entities were able to breach containment, causing a failure of both primary and backup generators throughout the facility, and resulting in the loss of ██ personnel. While power was disabled, both the primary and secondary brakes restraining SCP-3016 shut down, and the object was able to accelerate uncontrollably for several hours.

Upon the successful restoration of power to the facility, all escaped entities save SCP-████ had been recontained, with minimal further casualties.

During the outage, all telemetry on SCP-3016 was lost. A maintenance unit consisting of two personnel is sent to look into the feasibility of restoring full containment. It is to be noted that due to the variable acceleration of SCP-3016, its rotational velocity at this point in time is unknown.

Both personnel arrive at the SCP-3016 containment chamber, and reported that containment was stable, although not intact. The object was at this time suspended in space by the magnets, and it remained within a vacuum, but both clamps melted upon being engaged. Shortly thereafter SCP-████ was sighted on Level 7, and both personnel donned vacuum suits and attempted to take refuge within the SCP-3016 containment chamber.

SCP-████ was able to detect the personnel, however, and managed to breach the vacuumized unit. The resulting implosion resulted in the destruction of much of the chamber itself, as well as the loss of both maintenance personnel and the apparent termination of SCP-████.

Addendum 2: SCP-3016 Post-Breach Investigation

At the time of the explosive decompression of the SCP-3016 containment chamber, the object had already reached an unknown, but dangerously high, rotational velocity. Within five minutes of the collapse, the ambient temperature within Level 7 had risen by 10°C, and continued to rise from that point.

The Temporary Containment Procedures listed above were put into place within five hours of the final breach. Three members of MTF Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") were called in to examine the affected floor in greater detail. This team was supervised directly by Site Director Jacob Cole.

After the Beta-7 team described the observed lax containment procedures in their final report, the Ethics Committee conducted a full investigation. After confirming that Special Containment Procedures had not been correctly followed, it was also discovered that several additional Safe and Euclid class objects had been contained improperly.

The Ethics Committee requested an audit of the financial records of Site 55, and discovered that a portion of the funds allocated for containment were unaccounted for. A further investigation recovered paperwork implicating Site Director Jacob Cole, who later confessed to embezzling Foundation Resources for personal gain. Director Cole was immediately removed from office, amnesticized, and released into life as a civilian with no memory of his career with the Foundation.

Research into a means of restoring containment to SCP-3016 is ongoing. CCTV Capability on Level 7 has yet to be reestablished.