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World of Two Artists

Object Class: Esoteric

Artistic depiction of SCP-3007-3 by SCP-3007-2. Paintings are non-visible (See Addendum 3).

Special Containment Procedures

Hospitals and media worldwide are to be monitored for the appearance of SCP-3007-1. Instances of SCP-3007-2 are to be brought into Foundation custody, and exploration of SCP-3007-3 using SCP-3007-2 may be conducted under the supervision of one Clearance Level 3 personnel. All individuals confirmed as SCP-3007-2 are to be terminated immediately. Unaffected civilians who have acquired knowledge of SCP-3007-3 are to be administered Class-A amnestics. Personnel demonstrating reluctance or noncooperation in the enactment of the above procedures are to be amnetised and transferred immediately, as containment breach of SCP-3007 will likely result in an XK-Class End of the World scenario.


SCP-3007-1 is a reoccurring hallucinogenic phenomenon, with no apparent pattern regarding age, gender, race, health or occupation. SCP-3007-1 affects approximately ██ individuals (designated SCP-3007-2) at any given time worldwide, with new instances constantly emerging despite the Foundation's efforts at elimination. Currently, no method other than death has been proven effective in the prevention or discontinuation of SCP-3007-1. SCP-3007-1 occurs on a seemingly random basis, for an average of four times per day in each subject. The duration is typically between fifty to eighty minutes.

Affected subjects claim to be transported to a location, designated SCP-3007-3. The description of SCP-3007-3 is largely identical among subjects, but does not resemble any known place on Earth. Although SCP-3007-1 often occur in multiple subjects simultaneously, there are no confirmed cases of subjects meeting within SCP-3007-3. While experiencing SCP-3007-1, subjects are fully capable of physical movement, but report that they can only perceive reality through hearing and touch. As a result, subjects are capable of navigating SCP-3007-3 while also maintaining communication with unaffected individuals. The sensations of sight, smell and taste within SCP-3007-3 are reportedly indistinguishable from reality.

Any trauma or injury obtained within the context of SCP-3007-1 will also manifest on subjects in reality. To date, there have been ██ subjects deceased from high-altitude impact, presumably due to actions taken while experiencing SCP-3007-1. In addition, sound originating from within SCP-3007-3 can be clearly perceived in reality within a two meter radius of SCP-3007-2. These two attributes provide some evidence as to SCP-3007-3's existence.

Addendum 1: Interview Log 3007-2C, the first recorded account of SCP-3007-3.

Addendum 2: The presence of a large pillar is consistent among the reports from SCP-3007-2. Per subjects, the object is visible to the starting point within SCP-3007-3, and appears prominent among the other structures in the city. Due to its potential significance, Dr. ████, the leading researcher on SCP-3007, strongly advocates its exploration.

Addendum 3: 25/09/20██. Graphic reproduction of paintings on the surface of the pillar by SCP-3007-2GV. The images were shown to other subjects involved in later expeditions, who confirmed that that they were highly accurate in terms of resemblance to the original artworks.

Addendum 4: 27/12/20██. Attachment 3007.B, reproduction of the final painting located at the top of the pillar.