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Periscope Ants

An immature SCP-2977-1 instance. Estimated current depth is 1.7 km.

Special Containment Procedures

Due to the unpredictability of the emergence of SCP-2977-2, SCP-2977 has been publicly designated as a critically endangered species and provided protection under the multilateral CITES treaty. Non-anomalous research data may be considered for public release at the discretion of the Lead Researcher.

Mobile Task Force Upsilon-7 ("The Glass Jar”) are to monitor international conservation groups for descriptions matching SCP-2977-1. MTF ϒ-7 are to investigate possible instances, locate SCP-2977-2 using chemical pheromone tracking and ground-penetrating radar, and convert affected areas into Provisional Sites under the guise of preservation efforts.1 SCP-2977-2 must be located before full containment is enacted.

Due to the extreme rarity of both SCP-2977-1 and SCP-2977-2, future excavation attempts must be approved by both the O5 Council and the current coordinator of Project Longfellow.


SCP-2977 are a species of eusocial insect of the family Formicidae, commonly known as ants. SCP-2977 members are black in color and reach between 13 mm and 20 mm in length depending on caste. SCP-2977 are externally distinguishable from other Formicidae by their limited reproduction cycle and the characteristic "rainbow" or "bullseye" pattern of debris surrounding their colonies. SCP-2977 also cultivate unusual food species in underground reservoirs in a pattern of agriculture-like mutualism, including Amblyopsidae (Blind cave fish) and tardigrades.

SCP-2977 colonies, designated SCP-2977-1, expand almost directly downward to extreme depths, rarely exceeding 1.5 m in diameter below the surface. SCP-2977-1 are known to extend below 15 km, the maximum depth currently attainable by Foundation technology. The concentric circle pattern of debris surrounding each SCP-2977-1 is created when SCP-2977 members bring excavated material from the deepest point in their colony to the surface, with deeper minerals forming new rings as older debris are pushed outward.

SCP-2977-1 are considered "mature" when they reach an estimated final depth of ██ km and cease producing new debris. (A summary of minerals surrounding a "mature" instance is available in Addendum 2977-1.) Mature colonies produce nuptial flights of male and fertile queen SCP-2977 members in order to produce new SCP-2977-1. This occurrence is extremely infrequent, and has only been observed 16 times across all Sites since initial containment in 1914.

SCP-2977 instances have not displayed digging capabilities superior to those of non-anomalous Formicidae. Based on observations of expanding debris patterns around multiple SCP-2977-1 over time, it is estimated that the time required for a new SCP-2977-1 instance to reach a “mature” depth is ███ years.

SCP-2977-1 are always found in close proximity to a “source” colony, designated SCP-2977-2. SCP-2977-2 emerge sporadically in areas of high volcanic and tectonic activity, primarily in the Pacific “Ring of Fire”. It is believed that SCP-2977-2 originate at an unknown depth and expand upwards until they break the surface, leaving only entry tunnels visible.

Unlike typical SCP-2977 queens, queens emerging from SCP-2977-2 are wingless and reproduce by asexual parthenogenesis. SCP-2977-2 queens also display significant genetic aberrations from SCP-2977-1-produced queens. (Genetic analysis results are available in Document 2977-2.)

Addendum 2977-1: Site-2977-α Colony Debris Pattern


Infographic available: Click to enlarge.

The following is a list of circular debris bands surrounding SCP-2977-1-α-05, a "mature" instance that has not produced new debris in over 40 years. The total diameter of the debris field is approximately 6.6 m.

Material Band width
Edge of debris field
Soil/Quaternary deposits 5 cm
Basalt, sandstone, limestone, and shale bands appropriate to local geology 5-10 cm, 1 m total
Green siltstone (Jurassic) 5 cm
Dolomitic Conglomerate (Triassic) 13 cm
Anthracite (Paleozoic) 24 cm
Granite 36 cm
Solidified silicate magma, .5 mm spheres2 40 cm
Solidified andesitic magma, 1 mm spheres(See above) 62 cm
Solidified basaltic magma, .7 mm spheres(See above) 38 cm
Diamond 5 cm
Porcelain 10 mm
Stainless steel 2 cm
Silicon3 interspersed with gold 5 mm
Obsidian interspersed with palladium 5 mm
Powdered ivory4 3 mm
Colony entrance

Additional SCP-2977 Documentation - Level 4 Access required