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What We Did, What We Were

Object Class: Esoteric

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2959 and all related documentation are to be kept at Delta 5 Security Clearance. No individual with Delta 5 Security Clearance is to engage in any contact with any individual who has been exposed to SCP-2959. Communication between individuals with Delta 5 Security Clearance and those exposed to SCP-2959 are to be facilitated by an AI (LUKA-7) designed to purge the communications of memetic hazards while also retaining the general meaning of the message.

Currently, all major sites are presumed to have been infected with SCP-2959 and house an instance of SCP-2959-A. Until eradication procedures for SCP-2959 can be designed and implemented, all individuals who hold Delta 5 Security Clearance are to be held in designated safe zones, at least one hundred kilometers from any Foundation outpost.

Until SCP-2959 can be eradicated, there are no plans to stop the behavior of those affected, despite deleterious effects. Those with Delta 5 Security Clearance are to focus on finding a way to eliminate SCP-2959. If SCP-2959 can be eradicated, all affected individuals will be given the choice to be amnesticized.


SCP-2959 is the designation given to a group of entities known to afflicted Foundation personnel as “D-Class.” Instances of SCP-2959 appear as average human individuals, of varying gender, race, age, and background. Biologically, SCP-2959 are identical to baseline humans, having standard deviations in their mental and physical states. SCP-2959 instances have varied personalities with no similarities besides a tendency to refer to Foundation personnel as “doc.” Uniformly, SCP-2959 claim to have been inmates in various high-security prisons, normally those slated for execution or political dissidents from various countries, before being taken into Foundation custody. Currently, there is no theory as to how SCP-2959 produces its effect.

SCP-2959's anomalous effect occurs when a Foundation employee, in any capacity, interacts with an SCP-2959 instance or an individual who has interacted with an SCP-2959 instance. Foundation employees who are infected view SCP-2959 as human test subjects. Despite previous moral character or aversion toward violence, personnel infected by SCP-2959 engage in, or otherwise support, experiments utilizing the SCP-2959 instances and other SCP objects. These experiments normally result in death or otherwise grievous harm being afflicted upon the SCP-2959 instance. Most experiments offer little scientific merit and achieve no greater understanding of the SCP object. Affected personnel's disinterest toward the lives and comfort of SCP-2959 instances grows over prolonged contact.

SCP-2959 instances are used as test subjects for one calendar month. Infected personnel ensure cooperation of the SCP-2959 instances through promises of release at the end of their service. On the first of every month, the SCP-2959 instances will be terminated. Normally, this is achieved through a gas chamber attached to SCP-2959-A. Some atypical SCP-2959 terminations have been noted in various sites, such as ritualistic beheading, drowning, and flogging, with the necessary tools all provided by SCP-2959-A. In all cases, terminated SCP-2959 instances are incinerated. As the SCP-2959 instances are incinerated, new instances materialize fully clothed in orange jumpsuits and asleep within the dormitories of SCP-2959-A. Affected personnel do not respond to videos of these events or discrepancies involving SCP-2959 transport. Those affected experience false memories of SCP-2959 instances being delivered to the site.

SCP-2959-A is a wing or floor (in certain cases, entire buildings) that serve as the “D-Class barracks.” SCP-2959-A fully incorporates itself into Foundation sites when any involved personnel are infected by an SCP-2959 instance or an affected Foundation employee. The materialization of SCP-2959-A has been shown to occur instantaneously. SCP-2959-A hold all necessary equipment for care, eradication, and control of SCP-2959. All site personnel view SCP-2959-A as always having been a part of a building.

Ninety-five percent of SCP-2959 instances have been shown to be duplicates of individuals currently serving time in prison, normally for petty crimes. Details of their personal lives largely match those of their counterparts with the noted exception of the reason for their imprisonment. The remaining five percent correspond to no known individuals, living or dead.