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In Case Of Emergency, Break Glass

Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-119SCP-281SCP-1485SCP-2400SCP-2493

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2943-A is currently within the boundaries of Site-51. A digital display showing the current date and time is to be kept within visible range of this manifestation point at all times. A timer counting down until precisely 8,640 minutes have elapsed since the previous SCP-2943 manifestation is to be kept running at all times, and reset as required. Tests conducted with any SCP-2943 instances are to be catalogued in the SCP-2943 Testing Log.

All instances of SCP-2943-1 are to be catalogued according to manifestation time and stored accordingly. New instances of SCP-2943-1 are to be timestamped immediately for ease of cataloguing.

Instances of SCP-2943-2 are to be processed similarly to SCP-2943-1 before being transported to Lunar Area-32, to facilitate satellite imagery of the Earth as depicted through each instance, to assist in determining the cause of their manifestations. SCP-2943-2 are to be stored at Site-51 when not in use, separately from SCP-2943-1 instances.

In the event of an impending severe K-Class scenario, Procedure SATURN LAMENT is to be initiated as a last resort. Under no other circumstances whatsoever are any potentially destructive tests to be conducted on any SCP-2943 instances.

Procedure SATURN LAMENT: Information detailing pivotal events regarding the imminent K-Class scenario, such as events that directly instigated the event or alternate outcomes that were not explored, are to be left exposed within reasonable distance of SCP-2943-A until an SCP-2943-1 or SCP-2943-2 instance manifests. Once this has occurred, an available SCP-2943-1 or SCP-2943-2 instance that manifested prior to the first event pivotal to the impending K-Class scenario the most recently manifested SCP-2943-1 or SCP-2943-2 instance is to be destroyed by any means necessary.


SCP-2943 is the collective designation for a group of glass octahedrons that manifest at a predefined point, designated SCP-2943-A, relative to the Earth's inner core. Looking through an SCP-2943 shows the observed environment as it was at the time of the instance’s manifestation. The instance is unable to pass through solids or liquids that are visible through it, which become permanent obstructions for the instance. No passage of time is observed in depicted locations, with the exclusion of detectable subatomic particles and energy, which do not suffer from any measuarble diminishment in quantity or energy.

Testing performed utilising localised temporal distortion1 has confirmed that SCP-2943 instances are immune to such effects – instances manifest precisely once every six days, following an indeterminate ‘rate’ of time theorised to be analogous to that of SCP-1485-A. Attempts to accelerate or decelerate the rate that SCP-2943 instances manifest at have universally failed.

SCP-2943 instances are classified under one of three superficial designations:

SCP-2943-1 are instances that manifest precisely six days following the most recent SCP-2943 manifestation, as expected.

SCP-2943-2 are instances that superficially manifest at random periods of time, typically more than twenty-four hours earlier or later than expected. As the SCP-2943 phenomenon cannot be induced to manifest instances earlier or later than the six day period, the manifestation of SCP-2943-2 logically means that a large-scale temporal distortion was occuring prior to, or during the manifestation. Beyond this superficial difference, SCP-2943-2 are identical to SCP-2943-1.

Information regarding instances of SCP-2943-3 is restricted to Level 3 or higher personnel.

tachyon fields can be manipulated by use of radio waves, presents the opportunity for the development of a device capable of diminishing, if not outright neutralising temporal distortions within an area of effect.

A device will be constructed that contains the following:

  • Two tachyon field detectors
  • An AM/FM radio transmitter capable of broadcasting at VHF/UHF
  • An internal processing unit
  • One instance of SCP-2943-1

The device will be constructed as follows:

  • A tachyon field detector will be altered in order to enable it to record the intensity of a tachyon field via the SCP-2943-1 instance, giving an approximate 'baseline' value.
  • The second detector will record the intensity of the tachyon field in the environment surrounding the device.
  • The central processor will analyse the difference between the recorded values of each emitter, and utilise the built-in AM/FM radio transmitter to emit radio waves sufficient to manipulate the tachyon field of the surrounding environment to match the field recorded through the SCP-2943-1 instance.

This would ideally result in a complete neutralisation of any temporal distortion within the device's area of effect, reverting the rate of time to the baseline that the SCP-2943-1 instance follows.

The portability and effectiveness of this device would strongly depend upon its power source. A larger power source would ensure an extended lifetime for the device before replenishment or replacement is required, however would make it significantly more difficult to relocate and utilise; likewise, a smaller power source would make the device more portable and easier to rapidly deploy, but will significantly stint the effectiveness and lifetime of the device.

Project approved by Foundation Administrative Council.
High priority status granted by Overseer Council.

Addendum 2:

In light of these events, extreme care is now mandatory to ensure SCP-2943 instances are not destroyed. This restriction is overruled in the case of Procedure SATURN LAMENT.

Addendum 3" id="">Addendum 1: Xyank/Anastasakos Project Overview

Xyank/Anastasakos Project

SCP-2943 instances enable us to actively observe the value of local tachyon fields as they were at the time of the instance’s manifestation. This, coupled with the recent discovery that tachyon fields can be manipulated by use of radio waves, presents the opportunity for the development of a device capable of diminishing, if not outright neutralising temporal distortions within an area of effect.

A device will be constructed that contains the following:

  • Two tachyon field detectors
  • An AM/FM radio transmitter capable of broadcasting at VHF/UHF
  • An internal processing unit
  • One instance of SCP-2943-1

The device will be constructed as follows:

  • A tachyon field detector will be altered in order to enable it to record the intensity of a tachyon field via the SCP-2943-1 instance, giving an approximate 'baseline' value.
  • The second detector will record the intensity of the tachyon field in the environment surrounding the device.
  • The central processor will analyse the difference between the recorded values of each emitter, and utilise the built-in AM/FM radio transmitter to emit radio waves sufficient to manipulate the tachyon field of the surrounding environment to match the field recorded through the SCP-2943-1 instance.

This would ideally result in a complete neutralisation of any temporal distortion within the device's area of effect, reverting the rate of time to the baseline that the SCP-2943-1 instance follows.

The portability and effectiveness of this device would strongly depend upon its power source. A larger power source would ensure an extended lifetime for the device before replenishment or replacement is required, however would make it significantly more difficult to relocate and utilise; likewise, a smaller power source would make the device more portable and easier to rapidly deploy, but will significantly stint the effectiveness and lifetime of the device.

Project approved by Foundation Administrative Council.
High priority status granted by Overseer Council.

Addendum 2:

In light of these events, extreme care is now mandatory to ensure SCP-2943 instances are not destroyed. This restriction is overruled in the case of Procedure SATURN LAMENT.

Addendum 3
In the wake of the implementation of Procedure SATURN LAMENT, an exponential increase in the number of manifesting SCP-2943-3 has occurred, along with an abnormally long delay between SCP-2943-1 and -2 manifestations. This increase has been significant enough to not only prominently increase storage costs for SCP-2943 instances, but also poses a potential VK-Class hazard should such instances continue to manifest. In light of this, Procedure SATURN LAMENT has been altered to rectify these issues.