Interview Log SCP-2918-Kato-1
Interview dated 19 ███, 20██, two days after SCP-2918 displayed anomalous properties.
Interviewer: Researcher ████, a prior service member and Foundation personnel stationed at a nearby AFB.
Interviewed: Captain Derek Kato, USAF drone pilot.
<Begin Log>
Researcher ████: When did you first begin to recognize 2918's anomalous properties?
Kato: I'm not sure.
Researcher ████: Please clarify for the records.
Kato: Listen, you work on these things for twelve-plus hours a day, for weeks. Sometimes months. We would talk about them like they were people.
Researcher ████: Why would you do that?
Kato: Boredom, mostly. You're stuck in the GCS for 12 hours a day. You get familiar with the machines over time, and you start uh… Refresh my memory. What's the word for when you assign human characteristics to something?
Researcher ████: Anthropomorphism?
Kato: Sure. You start treating them like people. B2 had a slight crook in the wing, not enough to render it INOP but enough that you had to compensate for it when you were turning. So we called him a grumpy old man, like he had a gimp foot. Stuff like that.
Researcher ████: So you and your fellow pilots assigned personalities to the drones?
Kato: Not intentionally. We'd just kind of complain about them, to be honest. Heh. You know, A1's lagging a little, he wants to do his own thing again. B1's camera is off, she wants to have a kodak moment with that sunset instead of the hajji we're after.
Researcher ████: What personality was assigned to airframe A2?
Kato: Innocence. For one reason or another, A2 always got less action than all the other drones. We eventually started joking about her being a virgin or a little girl.
Researcher ████: Did the system display any anomalous properties before the event?
Kato: Like I said, they had their own problems. We didn't think it was out of the ordinary. Well, except maybe that we weren't putting enough effort into maintenance. Most crews wouldn't let a crook in the wing or a laggy turbine go on for so long. But we just chalked it up to a high ops tempo. The Colonel wanted us to take them on missions practically every day. Barely enough time for us to sleep and eat and refuel. Then we'd be back up.
Researcher ████: Can you describe for us the events on 17 ███, 20██?
<Captain Kato's demeanor shifts notably during this portion of the interview. Though he appears uncomfortable, his face is expressionless and maintains strict "military bearing".>
Kato: Yes sir. On the 17th we undertook a night mission in ███████. We were looking for an insurgent leader in the area. Our night monitoring was poor, but we believed we had found him in the presence of several civilians. We asked for mission clarification, and were told to proceed regardless of the civilian presence. At the time, I was operating airframe A2. She refused to fire.
Researcher ████: When you say refused, you mean…?
Kato: I issued the command to fire and airframe A2 did not fire. All systems displayed green and there was no mechanical failure. I issued the command to fire a second time and A2 still refused. We shuffled tasking and I began to return her for maintenance while B2 took the shot. B2 confirmed casualties on the ground, at which point we realized several of the dead were children.
<Captain Kato pauses to take several deep breaths. He is noted as assuming the seated position of attention. His account of events nearly word-for-word matches his written statement from his judicial hearing.>
Kato: A2 began to accelerate on its return even though no command had been issued to do so. It continued to accelerate well beyond safe flying speeds. We had taken nearly 90 minutes on approach, and A2 made the return journey in 45. While A2 was returning, we analyzed the ground and realized that our target was not among the casualties. At this point we began to call into doubt whether or not he had even been present at the location. We radioed up to command post asking for further details and mission instructions, and were ready to declare the mission a total failure. At this point, A2 completed its return journey but refused to slow when given commands to do so.
<Captain Kato begins to hyperventilate. Researcher ████ offers Captain Kato a glass of water, and is told he can sit at ease. Captain Kato accepts the glass of water, but refuses to leave the position of attention otherwise.>
Kato: A2 fired two Stingers at the GCS. One impacted the cockpit for B2 but did not detonate, killing the pilot instantly. The other landed nearby and detonated, wounding 2nd Lieutenant ███, the pilot for B1, and 1st Lieutenant ███████, the pilot for A1. I removed the pilots from the GCS, which had caught fire, while requesting medical attention for the wounded. A2 landed itself on the strip with no input while medical and fire personnel put out the GCS and began to treat the wounded pilots.
<Kato leaves the position of attention, shielding his eyes with his hands.>
Kato: ███ lived. ██████ did not.
Researcher ████: No further questions at this time. Thank you, Captain.
<End Log>
Closing statement: Captain Kato was treated with class-B amnestics and soon received an honorable discharge from military service. His chain of command and personnel involved in taking his statement were also issued class-B amnestics up to Brigadier General ███████, who is to monitor missions for further deviations of this nature and report them to Foundation personnel if discovered.