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The Stuff That Dreams are Made Of

SCP-2914 during testing

Special Containment Procedures

Only personnel who submit a formal request and receive approval from site command may operate SCP-2914. SCP-2914 is to be stored in locker 2109-B when not in use.


SCP-2914 is a glass-fronted wooden cabinet, 66 cm in height and 38 cm in width, composed of unremarkable materials. The cabinet contains contains three glass shelves. The back of the interior of the cabinet is a mirrored surface.

The cabinet contains twenty-two stoppered glass bottles, each with a capacity of approximately 0.1 liters. Under normal, non-testing conditions these bottles are empty.

SCP-2914's primary anomalous attribute manifests when a human subject physically touches the glass front of SCP-2914 while specifically recalling a particular memory. Under those circumstances, the glass front momentarily becomes opaque, then transparent again to reveal that some or all of the bottles within the cabinet have been filled with various substances.

Partial test log of SCP-2914 (deconstruction configuration) follows:

Test reference: 0001
Subject: D-3804
Description of Test: Subject was asked to recall a pleasant memory. Subject stated that he would think of a trip that he had once taken to Key West, Florida.
Result: Bottles were filled with the following substances/materials:

  1. Beach sand
  2. Liquid identified as low-quality tequila
  3. Seawater
  4. Strip of terrycloth
  5. Cigar ash
  6. Sunscreen (coconut-scented)

Test reference: 0023
Subject: D-4962
Description of Test: Subject, a military veteran, was asked to recall an episode during his combat service in Chechnya.
Result: Bottles were filled with the following substances/materials:

  1. Concrete fragments and dust
  2. Diesel fuel, comparable to that used by Russian army for BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle
  3. Vodka, contaminated with soil
  4. Substance tentatively identified as partially-digested military rations
  5. Ice
  6. Human blood
  7. Human blood (from a different person)
  8. Small, folded map of a valley near the city of Grozny
  9. Page of the Koran, cut into thin strips
  10. Several disassembled components of magazine of AK-74 assault rifle
  11. Sandy soil

Test reference: 0041
Subject: D-5751
Description of Test: Subject was asked to recall her earliest childhood memory. Subject described earliest memory as a kindergarten playground incident.
Result: Bottles were filled with the following substances/materials:

  1. Red fingerpaint
  2. Milk
  3. Carrot sticks
  4. Broken crayons (orange and purple)
  5. Foam stuffing consistent with the contents of a child's plush toy
  6. Polyester carpet fibers
  7. Several strips of urine-soaked cotton cloth
  8. Human tears and mucus

Test reference: 0058
Subject: Researcher Liebowitz
Description of Test: Subject was asked to recall his lunch, eaten in the Site 22 canteen earlier that day
Result: Bottles were filled with the following substances/materials:

  1. Diet soda
  2. Shreds of baked chicken
  3. Off-brand catsup
  4. Strips of paper napkin
  5. Linoleum disc, materials comparable to tabletop of canteen furnishings
  6. Feces of Rattus norvegicus
  7. Page from the Daily Racing Form, cut into shreds
  8. $5.81 in United States currency (bills and coins)

Test reference: 0061
Subject: D-6312
Description of Test: The 1993 film Gettysburg was exhibited to subject. Subject was asked to recall the film.
Result: Bottles were filled with the following substances/materials:

  1. Popcorn
  2. Off-brand cola consistent with beverage consumed by subject while viewing the film.

Test reference: 0062
Subject: D-6344
Description of Test: The 1993 film Gettysburg was exhibited to subject. Subject suffers from schizophrenia and indicates a diminished capacity to distinguish fact from fiction. Subject was coached to believe that subject had personally witnessed the events depicted in the film.
Result: Bottles were filled with the following substances/materials:

  1. Popcorn
  2. Diphenylbutylpiperidine
  3. Lithium carbonate
  4. Approximately 30 cm of tightly-wound Betamax videotape which, upon analysis, contained a recording of a segment of the film

Note: It was an avenue worth exploring.

Test reference: 0063
Subject: D-7212
Description of Test: Subject was awakened from REM sleep and asked to recall her dream. Subject reported experiencing an anxiety dream about having failed to study for a high school examination.
Result: Single bottle, containing strip of cotton sheeting consistent with subject's cot in Site-22 D-class secured dormitory.
Note: This appears to be another blind alley.

Test reference: 0052
Subject: D-2834
Description of Test: Subject underwent hypnosis and was asked to recall her earliest memory.
Result: Single bottle, filled with human amniotic fluid

Test reference: 0065
Subject: D-3751
Description of Test: Subject was asked to recall a memory from the period of time that she was suffering from Leukemia.
Result: Bottles were filled with the following substances/materials:

  1. Alkylating agents
  2. Cyclophosphamide
  3. Ifosfamide
  4. Melphalan
  5. Blood containing cancer cells that matched the DNA of D-3751

Note: Subject did not seem to know the names or effects of the chemicals created. This seems to indicate that 2914 has some idea of chemical compositions of different substances.

Addendum #1
After debriefing D-4962 following the test of SCP-2914, Dr. Morrison inspected SCP-2914 to document the contents of the bottles. In the course of doing so, Dr. Morrison briefly touched the glass front of the cabinet before the bottles had been removed or disturbed. Dr. Morrison reported that he experienced a first-person hallucination which corresponded to the details of D-4962's recollection.

Addendum #2
Researcher Marcinkiewicz attempted to replicate Dr. Morrison's experience by causing D-5452 (a 52-year old woman) to touch the glass front of the cabinet about an hour after Test 0023 involving D-4962. By this time, the ice in bottle #5 had melted, and portions of the samples in other bottles had been removed for testing. D-5452 reported experiencing a first-person hallucination that involved a bumpy ride for several hours inside a BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle, following which the point of view exited the vehicle and marched with other Russian soldiers into a barracks. Extensive interviewing of D-5452 regarding the details of the scenery and setting of the barracks indicated that it was located in northern France. There are no historical reports of Russian military forces operating a BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle or maintaining a military presence in that region.

The experience prompted Dr. Morrison and Researcher Marcinkiewicz to commence a separate series of tests.

Partial testing log of SCP-2914 in its antideconstruction configuration follows:

Test reference: 0166
Subject: D-7871
Description of Test: Researcher Marcinkiewicz filled bottles as follows:

  1. Soil (obtained from Central Park, New York City)
  2. Grass clippings (obtained from Central Park, New York City)
  3. Water (New York City tap water)
  4. Rolled-up newspaper clipping advertising a "Shakespeare in the Park" event
  5. Cigarette

Result: Subject had never visited New York City. Subject reported experiencing a hallucination of a visit to Central Park. Subject's description of some park landmarks differed from their real-world counterparts.

Test reference: 0182
Subject: D-8386
Description of Test: Researcher Marcinkiewicz filled bottles as follows:

  1. Sample of D-8386's blood
  2. Air, with concentrations of oxygen and sulfur dioxide
  3. Seawater
  4. Limestone
  5. Fern frond
  6. Crushed, powdered coal

Result: Subject reported hallucination of standing on the shores of a sea while several large animals (presumably hadrosaurs, based on the description given) grazed nearby.

Test reference: 0184
Subject: D-8392
Description of Test: Researcher Marcinkiewicz filled bottles as follows:

  1. Seawater
  2. Sand
  3. Blood of Crocodylus porosus (saltwater crocodile)
  4. Fish viscera

Result: After recovering from severe nausea, subject reported experiencing the sensation of being a female Crocodylus porosus during the act of mating.

Test reference: 0188
Subject: D-7884
Description of Test: Researcher Marcinkiewicz filled bottles as follows:

  1. Distilled water
  2. Liquified, heated polyurethane
  3. Iron filings

Result: Subject blacked out for approximately 35 minutes. When subject recovered, subject reported having experienced the sensation of asphyxiating in outer space. After extensive interviews conducted with the use of hypnosis and nootropic tropic medications, subject was able to describe the environment that she had observed during her experience, which consisted of the interior of an orbital space station operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation, the hull of which had been damaged exposing the interior to the vacuum of space. The Indian Space Research Organisation has not, to date, ever launched a space station. Subject experienced acute PTSD and has been deemed unsuitable for future testing.

Test reference: 2932
Subject: D-11328
Description of Test: Dr. Morrison filled bottles as follows:

  1. Sample of D-11328's blood
  2. Sample of blood of D-0936 (a D-class personnel stationed at a different facility who had never encountered D-11328)
  3. Grass clippings from several widely separated sources
  4. Soil samples from several widely separated sources
  5. Wine (blend of two different vintages not normally available for purchase at the same place)
  6. Strips of musculature of several different animals
  7. Metal filings (obtained from sampling various historical artifacts including a Roman-era iron architectural component, a bronze Tang-dynasty Chinese bell, and an iron spearhead from southern Africa)

Result: Subject blacked out for several hours. Upon recovery, subject was confused and distressed and had lost the ability to communicate in English. Over the course of a series of interviews conducted over a period of weeks with the liberal use of nootropic medicines, researchers learned that subject was able to communicate in an archaic form of the Telugu language. Subject, although female, identified as a male and reported that "he" had lived for at least thirty years as a traveling merchant, transporting merchandise overland from the region of Khorasan (central Asia) to the city of Amadomoglu (which does not appear on historical records but according to D-11328's account, was located on the east bank of the Volga River near the northern Caspian Sea. Most of the details of D-11328's report do not correspond to identifiable historical places or events, but the report included an account matching the description of SN 1054 (a supernova in the constellation Taurus that occurred in the year 1054 AD). Subject's last chronological recollection was of a "Daeva attack", after which subject could not recall any subsequent events. Subject had no recollection of her life before the test.

Test reference: 2937
Subject: D-114078
Description of Test: Dr. Morrison filled bottles as follows:

  1. Coffee from Site 22 break room
  2. Fresh water

Result Subject reported hallucination of unremarkable events in Site 22's D-class secured dormitory. Four days after test, D-114078 escaped from secured dormitory, apparently by means of successfully impersonating Dr. Morrison and obtaining unauthorized access to Site 22's data files and security center. Dr. Morrison was killed during the escape. D-114078's whereabouts are unknown.