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London Terminus

A train within SCP-2887, taken during initial exploration. Passengers observed with heavy bleeding from eye sockets.

Special Containment Procedures

Owing to the volume of traffic utilising the building of which SCP-2887 is part, the site cannot be closed in its entirety. Instead, containment is focused on controlling access to SCP-2887. The office unit including the sole known access to SCP-2887 has been acquired by the Foundation on permanent lease with the assistance of the British government, and functions as the centre for operations not requiring access to SCP-2887. Access to SCP-2887 is restricted to those deemed necessary for its containment.

Biosafety precautions consistent with US BSL-4 are to be followed at all times when inside SCP-2887, including, but not limited to, an airtight double door, redundant air-filtration systems and use of full-body protective suits. The interior of SCP-2887 is to be monitored at all times by self-contained closed circuit television cameras. Monthly entries into SCP-2887 are to be made in order to recover data from and change the batteries of the cameras as part of a general inspection, with spent batteries being recharged within SCP-2887 for future use. No equipment or other objects are to be brought out of SCP-2887; all surveillance data is to be transferred wirelessly to storage media within team members' protective suits. Otherwise, no entry to SCP-2887-A is permitted without both direct authorisation from both the Head Researcher and the ADC liaison officer attached to the SCP object. Any person directly exposed to the interior of SCP-2887 must be subject to a quarantine period of at least 30 days.


SCP-2887 is an underground chamber accessible through a door on a lower-floor service corridor of Charing Cross Station, located in London, UK. No other access points are believed to exist. SCP-2887 has the appearance of a generic British Rail terminus circa 1970, with trains entering and exiting through tunnels at the chamber's far end. Exploration by remote drones has indicated that the tunnels are of indeterminate length. The volume occupied by SCP-2887 is inconsistent with the location of tunnels, utilities and basements in the surrounding area. Lights, plug sockets and other electrical equipment within SCP-2887 are all fully functional. Platform display boards identify destinations via strings of numbers and letters (believed to be hexadecimal codes) and identify the service operators as 'AWB'. This information is repeated by frequent loudspeaker announcements, apparently automated.

Trains entering and exiting the station are consistent with various passenger models used on the British railway network from the early 1970s to the present day. A driver is always present within a train; passengers are present in approximately 70% of incidences. When a train arrives at the station, its doors will not open1, and the train will depart about ten minutes later. Approximately 20 trains will arrive per hour. Any passengers observed will display advanced symptoms of serious diseases, including several classified as SCP objects. As the passengers are inaccessible only visual diagnoses can be made; however symptoms consistent with African trypanosomiasis, MERS, smallpox and SCP-████ are the most commonly observed. Both passengers and drivers will not acknowledge attempts of Foundation personnel to communicate2, although drivers may occasionally wave to personnel present within SCP-2887 or each other. Attempts to gain access to empty trains have been made; all have been unsuccessful, save for SCP-2887-A (See Incident SCP-2887-1)

SCP-2887 was brought to Foundation attention in 1993 via Project ELISION3. Containment was established following an initial exploratory mission by a Foundation containment team, with an ADC liaison in attendance. Under the terms of Project ELISION, containment of SCP-2887 is the sole responsibility of the Foundation; however, following Incident 2887-1, investigations are currently ongoing as to how ADC personnel became aware of the anomaly, and of any possible relationship with the organisation identifying itself as Anomalies Without Borders.

Incident 2887-1


SCP-2887-A at time of discovery. Internal lights have since failed.

On ██/██/1996, a weekly inspection noted a train with its doors open. The train was boarded by the team, who found it empty, with the exception of a typed note pinned to the driver's door, a transcription of which is available below. Upon discovery, the driver's compartment was empty; a review of surveillance footage showed no signs of any exit from the train. The inspection team were subsequently placed in quarantine to protect against any potential contamination. Quarantine was relaxed after no signs of infection had occurred by 30 days after the incident. As a result of Incident 2887-1, inspections have been changed to occur monthly instead of weekly.

The train containing the note has been present on all subsequent inspections, and has been designated SCP-2887-A. It has been proposed that notes may be left within SCP-2887-A as a method of communication. Approval for such attempts is currently awaiting O5 Council approval, pending further information on GoI-0188's involvement in SCP-2887.