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The Empire of Savaki

SCP-2880-A35 partially reconstructed, on display at the █████ ███████ Museum prior to its containment.

Special Containment Procedures

The one hundred and forty nine (149) known SCP-2880-A objects are contained in Secure Containment Locker 2880-A at Site-74, disassembled. Those who wish to reconstruct more than eighty-five (85) percent of an SCP-2880-A object for the purposes of testing should notify Site Command prior to their research. If an SCP-2880-A object is used for testing purposes, the SCP-2880-A object it is paired with should also be assembled and stored in a monitored, habitable location. Unless required for the purposes of testing, personnel handling reconstructed SCP-2880-A objects should not expose bare skin to the surface of the object.

All known SCP-2880-B artifacts that can be safely relocated have been moved to Secure Containment Lockers 2880-B1 through -B32, also at Site-74. Any researcher with at least level 2 clearance may access SCP-2880-B artifacts with the supervision of a member of the Site-74 Archeology department.

SCP-2880-B buildings and artifacts which cannot be safely relocated are stored at Provisional Areas 2880-B1 through -B68, located throughout the southern Pacific Ocean. Personnel assigned to provisional areas 2880-B1 through -B68 should be briefed by their Area Director on the cover story used by their assigned facility.


SCP-2880-A is a collection of destroyed earthenware pottery platforms of a uniform design. SCP-2880-A objects, when reconstructed, are approximately thirty (30) centimetres in diameter at their widest point and approximately six (6) centimetres in height at their tallest point.

An SCP-2880-A object will not display any anomalous qualities unless at least approximately ninety (90) percent of both it and the SCP-2880-A object it is paired with are reconstructed into its original design and there are two (2) metres of space between the top of both objects and any solid objects above them. The second criterion is believed to be a safety feature purposely induced by SCP-2880-B.

Humans1 that expose their bare skin to the surface of a reconstructed SCP-2880-A object will disappear. Within 0.07 seconds, subjects will reappear on the SCP-2880-A that is paired with the item that the subject touched. SCP-2880-A objects are pairwise connected and each consistently transports subjects to a single other SCP-2880-A object. Items with a volume of less than three cubic meters in contact with the subject, such as clothing or handheld objects, are also transported, with the exception of the SCP-2880-A object itself. Upon the disappearance of the subject, a quantity of fluid (in the majority of tests, air or water) with the same volume as the subject will disappear at the location of the subject's reappearance and be transported to the location of the subject's disappearance. The subject will fill the vacuum left by the disappearance of the volume of fluid, and the fluid will fill the vacuum left by the disappearance of the subject.

Subjects transported by an SCP-2880-A object consistently display a far lower core temperature2 than usual upon their arrival and are often coated in saline water, even in tests not involving submerged SCP-2880-A objects. The majority of subjects report mild disorientation, nausea and headaches after using SCP-2880-A objects repeatedly. Long-term use of SCP-2880-A objects can cause repeated auditory, visual and tactile hallucinations in affected subjects. Recurring themes in these hallucinations include drowning, storms, and a large coastal cityscape.

SCP-2880-B is the Foundation designation for the Savaki culture, the prehistoric Bronze Age Pacific Island society that created and utilized SCP-2880-A. SCP-2880-B controlled a large number of western Pacific islands between Taiwan and Hawai'i from about 2500 BCE to 1700 BCE, at which point they were gradually replaced by the Lapita culture and other pre-Polynesian groups. The disappearance of SCP-2880-B is believed to have coincided with the destruction of SCP-2880-A. The reliance on SCP-2880-A for trade, travel and transportation of resources is the most likely cause for the decline of SCP-2880-B's society.

It is currently not understood why the SCP-2880-A objects were destroyed, or why SCP-2880-B chose not to rebuild them.
