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From Dust to Dawn

One instance of SCP-2853's interior

Special Containment Procedures

Due to the nature of SCP-2853, containment is only partially feasible. A perimeter is to be established in a 250 meter radius of SCP-2853 and heavily monitored for activity. All civilian access points should be appropriately closed down under the guise of military operations.

Since the events of Incident 2853-1-1A, the containment measures have been updated to adapt to [SECURITY CREDENTIALS INADEQUATE].


SCP-2853 is a dilapidated two story house located approximately █ km outside of ███████ █████, Oregon. No known records of the construction or ownership of SCP-2853 exist at this time (See Addendum 2853-1-B). Despite the degrading architecture, the house is sealed completely, and all attempts to break or peer through the windows have failed.

For approximately twenty minutes per day, the front and back doors of SCP-2853 unlock and open via an anomalous means. The doors will close and reseal themselves after this interval has passed.

If a human enters SCP-2853 during this period, the doors will immediately seal themselves until the next day.

Multiple exploration attempts have been recorded and have yielded additional data about the anomalous effects of the house, as described below.

Record of Exploration Logs 2853-A through C:

Exploration 2853-A

On ██-██-████ at ████:██:██ hours, SCP-2853's doors were observed opening. A D-class equipped with video and audio monitoring systems and one day's worth of rations was sent to observe the inside of the house.

Immediately after entry via the back entrance, the doors of SCP-2853 swung shut with a loud slam heard only through the audio feedback of D-3248's recording equipment.

D-3248: (startled) Shit! I knew the door would shut on me, but the thing damn near took my foot off. Couldn't wait to have company.

Control: Noted. Please activate your camera and headlamp and begin observations.

Camera flicks on, revealing the interior to match the age and wear of the outside structure. Heavy amounts of dust coat all surfaces and cloud the windows. Despite the current time of day, the headlamp is deemed unnecessary, as the house seems illuminated by a dull daytime light through the shrouded windows. D-3248 is seen attempting to clear one to see outside, but the layers of sediment do not seem to give way at all.

D-3248 starts to move around the current room, panning the camera for Control. Several doors are present, as well as a set of stairs leading to the second floor. The interior is mostly unremarkable, containing a worn couch bearing a faded floral pattern aside a small table. Several chairs are skewed about haphazardly. Cobwebs and dust layer everything, including the walls and some various gardening tools kept by the rear door.

D-3248: Pretty drab house. The air in here is fucking stale.

Control: Please observe the rest of the house, 3248.

D-3248: Yeah, yeah.

D-3248 is seen choosing the first door to the left of the entrance. Upon entering, the door opens to a small kitchen and dining area that would comfortably fit a family of four. Dust once again coats all surfaces. 3248's movements are seen kicking up particles from the floor. D-3248 takes a minute to brush off his clothes and coughs several times.

D-3248: Now, I'm not one for house cleaning, but this dust seems a bit excessive. Agh, my eye. Hold up.

3248 takes the water bottle out of his rations kit and presumably flushes his eye with a small amount off camera.

D-3248: Better, continuing on.

Subject is seen moving around the kitchen, checking cupboards and inspecting the room. Sets of plates and tarnished silverware are found among the items, but nothing of interest aside from the heavy accumulation of dust, approximately one centimeter on most surfaces, even in the interior of the cabinets. D-3248 stops several times to cough and flush his eyes.

D-3248: God damn. This place is the worst. How long until the door opens again?

Control: Another twenty-two hours, probably.

D-3248: Jesus Christ. I gotta save some of this water for drinking, my throat is dry as hell. This sink doesn't work.

Control: Noted, again. Please continue.

D-3248: (laughs) You guys don't give a shit about me, do you? Dumb question, sorry.

3248 continues around the perimeter of the kitchen. Camera shows uneaten food on the dining table. Despite the heavy coating of dust, no mold is observed on the food itself. Mild camera and audio interference is seen at control, though GPS location still reads in accordance to D-3248's position.

After finishing with the kitchen, 3248 moves back into the main room and takes the next door on his left. A small bathroom fills the camera's view. Subject is seen hastily checking the sink for water but the tap yields nothing. D-3248 moves to the shower and toilet respectively, both having the same result.

D-3248: (coughing) There's so much dust. So much.

Control: Try to avoid breathing it in, conserve your remaining water. You'll be fine.

3248 does not respond and leaves the room. Another door exists to its left, but has been nailed shut with boards. After a moment of hesitation, 3248 opts to take the stairs to the second floor.

The second floor landing comes into view and extends in both directions. At least three other rooms are present. The accumulation of dust on this floor is at least three centimeters high. Large amounts are kicked up from D-3248's movement as his breathing becomes ragged.

A low groaning sound in the 15-20 Hz range is picked up in the background of 3248's recording equipment. The camera jerks suddenly, cutting temporarily, possibly due to D-3248 panicking. Quality of the audio degrades further but remains functioning.

D-3248: (distorted) -so hot, dry too. Worse than (coughs) below, like seriously can't stand this air- (distorted) -last of my fucking water too, fucking fuck. What-

Video contact is reestablished, but the camera is pointed straight down. The unusually large amount of dust on the floor appears to be ebbing and flowing like water. 3248 appears to shudder and fall, gasping for air. Camera becomes inoperable again due to worsening static distortion. Audio recording still works to a degree, although 3248's voice is hoarse and dry.

D-3248: (distorted) -gotta get me outta here, it- (distorted) -in my fucking lungs! I can feel it! Can't- (wracking cough) -fuck, help me- (distorted) -in my eyes and in my lungs! It's in my head. -(distorted) -my eyes and in my head! In my eyes in my lungs IN MY HEA-

A loud drone is heard before the audio is overcome by static and then cuts abruptly. Subject's GPS tracking fails and D-3248 is assumed lost. SCP-2853's doors open ahead of schedule.

Exploration 2853-B

On ██-██-████ at ████:██:██, SCP-2853's doors open once more, and a D-Class is prepared for entry. Given the air quality and nature of the house observed in the previous log, it was deemed appropriate to equip the subject with an air filtration suit and several extra bottles of water.

Upon entry via the front door, the house loudly seals. The slam is once again only heard through the microphone on D-8113's person. Subject activates camera without instruction and begins observation. Light level confirmed as the same as before, despite the high sun.

D-8113: I can already tell, this place is full of laughs, isn't it? Gonna be a grand time in dusty-musty McMansion. Honestly this kind of reminds me of my Aunt Cheryl's-

Control: 8113, please commence your search of the house.

D-8113: Sorry, Doc. I babble when I'm nervous.

Control: It's fine.

Subject takes a quick loop of the entry room, which is identical to the previous test, aside from the gardening tools, which have been seemingly used recently. Dust is only beginning to form on the dirt-covered trowels. Control notes this but does not tell the subject.

Upon entering the kitchen, more changes are noted, mostly in the form of moved kitchenware and the absence of food on the table. Dust still heavily coats all surfaces.

D-8113: I take back what I said about my aunt, even she couldn't let the dust build this much. This stuff must have been here for, what, two hundred years? This counter has about an inch of dust on it.

Camera feed confirms the increase. Dust has doubled since last exploration attempt, and particulates in the air are heavier. 8113's filtration system is checked and affirmed as still functioning.

Subject finishes in the kitchen and moves to the next door as well. The bathroom is still present and in its state of disrepair. Dust coats the floor in a thick layer, approximately seven centimeters high. 8113's steps cause a large cloud of dust to bloom into the air. Subject backs out of the room and closes the door, wiping off her suit.

D-8113: Throat's getting dry, gonna remove the helmet and take a drink.

Control: Keep your eyes closed and breathe as little as possible outside of the air filter.

D-8113: Roger Dodger.

Subject removes helmet, noting the layer of dust forming on the top, and quickly takes a drink before putting the helmet back on.

D-8113: Good enough. I could feel the dust in my eyebrows.

Control is unsure whether this is a joke or not. The low groan in the same range as the last exploration is heard through the recording equipment, causing 8113 to glance around in sudden vigilance.

D-8113: That was unsettling.

D-8113 notes the door to her left, which is still boarded shut. Returning to the entry room, the camera quality begins to degrade lightly. The room contains at least seven centimeters more of accumulation than when last observed.

D-8113: Uh, this is abnormal. And the air is so dry and hot…

Subject takes several drinks of water and dons her helmet again, stifling a small cough. She focuses on the stairs, which appear to have been hidden under a deluge of dust. Video interference dies down a bit as D-8113 ascends the stairs. No sign of the last D-Class is found. The landing has been hidden under almost 20 cm of dust, and every movement stirs up clouds of gray particles.

D-8113: (Coughing) This stuff is harsh. The suit helps though. I'm going to take this room here.

A small bedroom presents itself to 8113. It appears to have been once owned by a small child. Dust has been swept against the bed and dresser like dunes, almost 60 cm high. D-8113 fords through the accumulation toward the dresser. Setting the camera down, 8113 checks the drawers, coughing.

D-8113: Ugh. Are you sure this suit can handle this?

Control: It's the best we've got.

D-8113 stops her search for a second and looks around. After a moment, she resumes.

D-8113 Uhm, okay. I found some clothes, think they're for a girl. Yeah- (coughs). Small one, maybe five. Huh, found some papers underneath. Oh.

Control: What is it?


Control: …Noted. Thank you.

D-8113: (nervously) That's enough for this room.

Camera distorts, static suddenly returning despite no obvious changes. Subject gathers the documents and picks up the camera, turning to leave. 8113 appears to stop halfway and aims the camera down for Control. Dust rolls against the floor in waves.

D-8113: What the heck?

Moving to the door, 8113 is apparently wading against a current of dust, approximately waist high. D-8113 passes through the door frame to find dust pouring in from another room.

D-8113: (coughing) This is bizarre, but I'm okay. I think it-

Camera feed, audio feed and GPS positioning all fail simultaneously. SCP-2853's doors open abruptly. After a period of radio silence, D-8113 is considered lost. Due to the information gathered from the documents 8113 found, this sudden disconnection is probably due to [DATA EXPUNGED].

Exploration 2853-C