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Lineage of Vaski

Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-029SCP-140SCP-2406

SCP-2833-52, photographed prior to its containment.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2833 instances are to be held in individual modified humanoid containment cells at Site-147, equipped with hermetically sealed walls and an observation window made of laminated ballistics glass. These cells are to undergo daily remote decontamination. Each SCP-2833 instance is to be supplied a bottle of mineral water and nutrients capsule thrice per day, delivered via inbuilt pneumatic tubes. Interviews conducted with any SCP-2833 instances are to be done via remote microphone.

Update (01/07/1975): Mobile Task Force Omega-44 ("Death Seekers") is tasked with identifying and capturing any wild SCP-2833 instances in Northwestern India. While interacting with SCP-2833 instances, MTF Ω-44 operatives are to don Class A Hazmat suits at all times.

Update (01/10/2010): All matters pertaining to SCP-2833 are handed over to Sitra Achra Joint Command. Further information is restricted to Project: Sitra Achra personnel.


SCP-2833 refers to a group of genetically identical male humans, although each instance has a unique physical appearance. All instances of SCP-2833 are dressed in attires typical of the Aghori.1 Languages known to various SCP-2833 instances include Hindi, English, Gujarati, Dogri, Kashmiri, Punjabi, Urdu and an archaic Uralic language that does not correspond to any modern known variants of the Uralic language family.2

SCP-2833 is capable of manipulating organic matter within its body, generating an anomalous parasite classified as SCP-2833-A. It is typically released through bodily orifices and open wounds on SCP-2833's body.

SCP-2833-A refers to a parasitic invertebrate resembling insects of the order Diptera, approximately 20 mm in length. SCP-2833-A is red in colouration and capable of flight via its wings. SCP-2833-A typically attempts to enter the body of another vertebrate creature (referred to as "host") through the host's orifices or open wounds. SCP-2833-A instances usually attach themselves into a host's nervous system, allowing a corresponding SCP-2833 instance to manipulate said host's nervous system and sensory organs. This is utilised to induce hallucinations on a target or manipulate said target's body.

Internal composition of SCP-2833-A consists primarily of a combination of keratin and muscular tissues with traces of ash. The interior of SCP-2833-A contains a spermatophore, which holds a miniature SCP-2833 instance. Miniature SCP-2833 instances found in SCP-2833-A instances are approximately 2 mm in length and are usually inert.

If SCP-2833-A's host is a female human, SCP-2833-A instances may deposit their respective miniature SCP-2833 instance in the host's uterus. Thereupon, they will undergo growth in the host's uterus and consume all organic matter in proximity. Through SCP-2833-A, the "parent" SCP-2833 instance tends to manipulate female hosts to leave their areas of residence and reside in non-urban environs.

After a period of approximately one year, a new SCP-2833 instance is born. In 100% of observed birthing events, the female host is unable to survive the process. Newborn SCP-2833 instances retain the memories of respective "parent" SCP-2833 instance, and are capable of speech from birth. Once born, newborn SCP-2833 instances tend to consume their "mother's" corpse. Notably, the death of the host does not hinder the gestation of SCP-2833. Instead, SCP-2833-A generates an unidentified embalming agent to preserve the host's body until the birth of SCP-2833. In those cases, SCP-2833 instances may be born prematurely.

The first known SCP-2833 instance (classified as SCP-2833-1) was found in Himatnagar, Gujarat, India on ██/██/1969, where it was implicated in inciting civic unrest via its anomalous properties. SCP-2833-1 was then extradited by Indian authorities upon the Foundation's request.

The existence of multiple SCP-2833 instances is identified upon the identification of four instances of SCP-2833 in a cemetery in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India on ██/██/1975. These SCP-2833 instances were previously ambushed by GOC operatives, resulting in the termination of an SCP-2833 instance. The remaining three SCP-2833 instances were successfully taken into Foundation custody.

The presence of SCP-2833 instances is identified in rural areas within the Indian states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir. Total population of SCP-2833 is estimated to be in excess of 1,000.