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The Forest Men of ???????

Aftermath of an SCP-2831 attack

Special Containment Procedures

The known population of SCP-2831 is to be kept in a one square kilometer area surrounded by barbed wire topped chain link fence. Civilians are to be told the area is a protected habitat of the European pine marten (Martes martes). Civilians attempting to enter are to be apprehended, expelled and threatened with legal action if they return.

In the event that one or more specimens of SCP-2831 breaches containment, personnel are to be deployed to the area immediately, and authorities in Cahir are to be notified. Personnel are not to make skin contact with any instances of SCP-2831 - all interaction with SCP-2831 specimens is to be carried out in full hazmat suits.


SCP-2831 is the collective designation for a race of small humanoids. They are completely built out of common ivy leaves, aside from the tips of the fingers, which appear to be sharpened sticks. They are approximately 50 centimetres tall, and have no visible facial features aside from a pair of shallow holes on the front of the head, presumed to be the eyes. Colonies of SCP-2831 have, as of yet, only been found in Ireland, primarily in and around the small village of ███████, near the town of Cahir. The current known population is confined to an area █.█km outside ███████ (SEE CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES). Despite this, it is suspected that there may be unknown colonies of SCP-2831 in other locations.

When in a forested environment, specimens of SCP-2831 are usually peaceful, and generally avoid humans. However, approximately every 3 days, SCP-2831 groups will travel out of the forest to terraform new habitat. When in a non-forested environment, such as a town or city, specimens of SCP-2831 become highly dangerous. Colonies of displaced specimens of SCP-2831 will seek out groups of humans (other species have been proposed to SCP-2831 colonies, all have been roundly rejected) and seek to transform them into a new home for the group. When a specimen of SCP-2831 makes skin contact with a human, a transmutation process occurs. Bone grows out of the feet and roots the human to the floor. Next, the legs fuse together, and the arms fuse to the side of the body. The bone, muscle and blood of the subject begin to turn into the heartwood, sapwood, and other inner-tree bark. The skin then transmutes into cambium and outer-tree bark. This process is noted to work its way methodically up from the feet of the affected human. The hair on the scalp of the affected human then thickens and stretches out into branches, which then sprout leaves. The human stretches to around 4 metres in height during this process. When the procedure is over, the human is left looking indistinguishable from a normal tree. The species of tree which the affected subject becomes varies, but it appears to be typically either birch or oak. Analysis of the bark of the newly created trees have revealed that only trace amounts of human biological substances are present.

Another anomalous property noted by personnel is that animals seem to be attracted to the forests created by SCP-2831 colonies. Researchers observing newly created SCP-2831 homes have noted groups of beetles, bees, wasps, mice, deer, and squirrels heading towards the new trees. Personnel have also noted that plants often found in forests, such as ferns, moss and ivy, will seemingly grow out of hard ground or the trees themselves, with no seeds involved. As with the trees, analysis has revealed trace human biological substances in their genetic makeup.

Observations of SCP-2831 communities has revealed that there appears to be a hierarchy. The largest instance always seems to be the governor of each respective community, taking control of the smaller specimens. SCP-2831 specimens appear to communicate with each other through simplistic vocal clicking noises. As SCP-2831 specimens have no visible mouth or nose, it is unknown how these vocalisations are produced. Inscriptions, carved into the ground and trees, have also been found to be created by SCP-2831, which appear to be the medieval language alphabet of Ogham. Specimens of SCP-2831 have not displayed any need for sustenance, and appear to be able to live indefinitely. It is unknown exactly how intelligent SCP-2831 instances are, but as they are able to identify and seek out humans, it is suspected that they have near or equal intelligence to humans.