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Ancient Foundation Burial Ground

Object Class: Esoteric

Special Containment Procedures

Foundation personnel without Level 4 clearance or higher should be redirected to the incomplete document. It is believed that SCP-2807 cannot access information with a clearance above Level 3.

Containment is focused on controlling access to SCP-2807. Due to its useful effects, Site-04 has been converted to a medical site. [UNAUTHORIZED EDITS REMOVED] SCP-2807 requires at least 300 D-class in varying states of injury at all times. Source of injury must come from testing or accident - the anomaly can differentiate between injuries deliberately caused and those from testing.

Site-04 is to be cordoned off for a 3 km radius and have limited access as a sacred area and archaeological dig. Site-04 encompasses SCP-2807. [UNAUTHORIZED EDITS REMOVED]

Access to SCP-2807 is limited to D-class personnel. Wings -7 through 14, -19, and -21 have been walled off. Access to these wings is strictly prohibited, except in the case of an 2807-Golf event. D-class personnel with medical training should permanently staff the facility. In the event Foundation personnel lacking these qualifiers enter SCP-2807, they should be immediately stripped of their clearance and reclassified as D-class. [UNAUTHORIZED EDITS REMOVED]

In the event that D-class at SCP-2807 drop below the required amount trigger an 2807-Golf event, one member with ranking of at least Site Director1 must enter Wing -19, and one D-class elevated to their position.

One copy of this document must remain in a server at Site-04 at all times, and re-examined weekly for any possible changes.


SCP-2807 is located in Eastern Turkey, near the ancient ruined city of Ani.
SCP-2807 refers to Site-04 in its entirety except for the control center, which exists separately from the rest of site. SCP-2807 refers to the malicious entity that has manifested in Site-04, as a result of previous activities undertaken by the Foundation prior to [DATA EXPUNGED]. This entity possesses knowledge of Foundation security practices and can directly influence D-class. D-class have been supplied with network usernames and passwords, door passcodes, Foundation identity cards and [REDACTED], believed to be a result of effects of SCP-2807. The anomaly also has the ability to alter Foundation documents, but does not appear to have access to documents cleared above Level 3. The anomaly appears to be mollified by the presence of D-class, especially injured D-class.

Site-04 refers to a previously abandoned Foundation storage, testing and D-class processing facility, estimated to be more than 200 years old, and most likely abandoned after the [REDACTED] event. Despite several breach and destruction attempts, the storage facilities inside remained intact. SCP-████ and several archives were recovered. [UNAUTHORIZED EDITS REMOVED]

Archaeological analysis and documentation acquired prior to the sealing of several of Site-04's wings has revealed the function and history of Site-04 prior to its reactivation. See Document 2807-2 - Historical Information.

SCP-2807's effects were initially noted in the D-Class recovery wing - analysis of medical statistics across Foundation sites indicated that grievously injured (4 - 6 on the Abbreviated Injury Scale) D-class recovered ███% more often than projected, even when controlling other factors. Several D-class were also recovered from injuries previously thought to be lethal. However, such medical anomalies only occur in D-class on site - treatment for other Foundation personnel remains within standard boundaries. See Table 2807-1 for list of possibly anomalous recoveries. [UNAUTHORIZED EDITS REMOVED]

SCP-2806 SCP-2808