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Self-Replicating Automaton

Connected to: SCP-1360

SCP-2785 following a SCP-2785-1 event on 01/14/2014. Foundation markings redacted.

Special Containment Procedures

The current instance of SCP-2785 is to be kept within a standard Euclid-class containment cell. The room is to be completely barren with no furniture, and observation of SCP-2785 is to take place using security cameras behind bulletproof glass. SCP-2785 does not require sustenance. No materials containing metal of any kind are allowed within SCP-2785's cell. The outer layer of SCP-2785's cell is to be lined with a layer of lead that is to be inspected biweekly for damages.


SCP-2785 is a fully functional automaton made entirely out of mechanical parts. SCP-2785 is 1.2 meters tall and is fully capable of movement and speech1. SCP-2785's appearance varies from instance to instance. When not in the process of an SCP-2785-1 event, SCP-2785 has been reported to be polite to Foundation staff, often offering to help when it feels that it is needed.

SCP-2785-A is a set of three gears, colored a light shade of green. SCP-2785-A appears to be the source of SCP-2785's anomalous properties, apparently rotating itself using an unknown energy source to power SCP-2785. In newer instances of SCP-2785, SCP-2785-A has stopped turning, instead giving off electrons at 250 volts to power SCP-2785. Direct analysis is impossible, since SCP-2785-A is always sealed within a chamber within SCP-2785 locked in a way not yet understood, and attempting contact with SCP-2785-A during the Transfer phase of SCP-2785-1 will result in [DATA REDACTED]. However, long distance analysis has confirmed that SCP-2785-A is made up entirely of organic material.

Once a year, on January 17th, starting at 0412, SCP-2785 will enter an SCP-2785-1 event. This event occurs in four phases:

-Collection: SCP-2785 will move around to find suitable materials in the general vicinity. While in this trance state, SCP-2785 will disregard personnel, and has been noted to actively avoid obstacles in the search of materials. These materials are usually various metals, types of rocks, strips of cloth, and more recently, electronic devices. Once SCP-2785 has a collection of materials deemed suitable, it will move on to the next phase.

-Construction: SCP-2785 will use said materials to construct the basic frame of a similarly shaped automaton. SCP-2785 will often deploy various tools from within itself that it has been either unable or unwilling to deploy outside of an SCP-2785-1 event. Notable tools include a large hammer (used to hammer metal into certain shapes), a large saw (used to cut non-metal components), a plate capable of heating itself through unknown means (used to heat metal), and a corkscrew ([DATA REDACTED]). During this phase, the automaton reaches anywhere from 43 to 66 percent completion.

-Transfer: SCP-2785 will then take SCP-2785-A out of its chest cavity and put it into the automaton. Approximately eight seconds later, SCP-2785 will cease animation, and the automaton will animate itself. For all intents and purposes, this new automaton is now SCP-2785, as the previous instance of SCP-2785 has ceased anomalous properties.

-Finalization: SCP-2785 will transfer internal parts, such as gear systems and tools used in construction, from the previous instance of SCP-2785 to itself. When SCP-2785 has reached 100% completion, it will resume its former behavior.

In all recorded SCP-2785-1 events, 27% have resulted in a new SCP-2785 instance with no notable changes, while 73% have resulted in variable changes designed to improve SCP-2785. Some of these changes include replacement of one of SCP-2785's hooks that was formerly used to manipulate objects with a fully functional, humanlike hand, shrinkage of SCP-2785, implementation of several clockwork devices, replacing a portion of SCP-2785's system of gears and pullies, replacement of its left hand with one of several tools (this improvement is the most common of SCP-2785's improvements), and implementation of electronic devices within SCP-2785, replacing several of its mechanical components. This includes motors, various sensors, and processing units.


Inner electronic components of SCP-2785. Recovered from a former instance of SCP-2785.

███ years and has undergone a corresponding number of SCP-2785-1 events.

Addendum 2785.2:

Addendum 2785.3:

On 01/15/2014, two days prior to an SCP-2785-1 event, SCP-2785 requisitioned a large amount of copper for its transformation, in addition to other metals. However, for the first time in its containment, SCP-2785 did not requisition cloth or wood parts.

The SCP-2785-1 event took three hours longer than usual, mostly due to SCP-2785 using its tools to shape materials into electronic devices, then integrating them into the new instance of SCP-2785.

When SCP-2785 was interviewed following the event, SCP-2785 reported that it had "seen the better machines", and wanted to "catch up". Following this event, the gap between SCP-2785-1 events shortened from one year to thirty days, though SCP-2785 requisitioned far less material for these events. Exposing SCP-2785 to modern electronics is strictly forbidden from this point.

Addendum 2785.4:

As of 07/██/2014, SCP-2785 has integrated electronic components fully into its form, replacing about 94.61 percent3 of its mechanical components. Radio analysis has revealed that SCP-2785-A no longer spins in its former fashion; rather, it emits electricity at approximately 250 volts. Some upgrades to itself include replacing gear systems with electronic motors, replacement of it's tool hand (which was formerly a shovel), with a regular hand, though with several more tools integrated into it, and the replacement of its mechanical voice-box with an electronic synthesizer.

On 08/██/2014, SCP-2785 asked to meet with SCP-1360, asserting that it wanted to "cheer it up". It is of note that SCP-2785 was not informed of SCP-1360's existence. An observation of SCP-2785's innards revealed an electric signal interception system in the model of a standard Foundation [DATA REDACTED]. Due to the possibility of SCP-2785 gaining knowledge of technologies with the potential of causing a containment breach, as well as the obvious breach of information, SCP-2785's containment procedures were revised, and SCP-2785 has not displayed any information breaches since.

Addendum 2785.5: