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Let's Play Jenga!

Connected to: SCP-1433SCP-1617SCP-2747SCP-3089

Photo of SCP-2753-A instance taken during Boston Anomalous Art Expo (BAAE) prior to collapse.

Special Containment Procedures

A Foundation-operated bot (I/O-SILVER) is to monitor internet traffic for SCP-2753. Upon discovery, all data containing SCP-2753 is to be destroyed. Anyone outside of Foundation personnel aware of SCP-2753 is to be apprehended, interrogated, and amnesticized.

Instances of SCP-2753-A are to be kept disassembled in a secure locker on-site. Instances of SCP-2753-B and SCP-2753-C are to be handled on a case-by-case basis. Tests are prohibited at this time.


SCP-2753 is a 3 dimensional ratio that can be used to describe the relationship between the sides of a block.

Instances of SCP-2753-A are blocks which match SCP-2753's projection within a certain threshold; they can otherwise be of any size and material. They exhibit their anomalous property only when 42 instances of similar size and material are assembled into a standard Jenga1 tower: If this tower collapses, any structure containing it will immediately collapse with it.

Since 2009, the growing popularity and accuracy of 3D printing combined with SCP-2753's presentation within OBJ files2 as a printable Jenga set has led to 21 structural collapses, 35 injuries, and 14 deaths.