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Angel's Tongue

Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-1390

Fly again for us.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2690 is to be only studied by SCP-2690-A instances. Once every 10 5 2 years, a Foundation researcher is to be sent to Containment Site-2690. Containment Site-2690 is not to have contact with other Foundation sites and is to be monitored by Containment Task Force Epsilon-13 (“De-Wingers”). Any signs of a SERAPHIM-1390 Event are to be met with Procedure ICARUS-2690.


SCP-2690 is an unidentified object that initiates an LK-Class species transmutation event, classified SERAPHIM-1390, if not kept under constant study. All individuals studying SCP-2690 become instances of SCP-2690-A.

Instances of SCP-2690-A are [DATA EXPUNGED].