Connected to: SCP-939SCP-1541SCP-1564SCP-2404SCP-2406SCP-2527
Special Containment Procedures
The SCP-2688-A population is aware of SCP-2688's anomalous nature, and have agreed to provide information regarding the history and anomalous properties of the region in exchange for being allowed to continue living within it. No information regarding the Foundation, ORIA or any other Group of Interest is to be released to SCP-2688-A instances, unless as part of an Exchange of Information Agreement authorized by the current Director of Area 58.
Area 58 has been established on Bubiyan Island near SCP-2688, with additional facilities located on other areas of the island, disguised as a Kuwaiti military base.
SCP-2688 is a small farming village located on Bubiyan Island, Kuwait, containing a population of 135 people. SCP-2688's current population (hereafter referred to collectively as SCP-2688-A) are culturally and linguistically distinct from other Kuwaiti groups, speaking a creole with loanwords derived from Koine Greek, Babylonian Akkadian, Imperial Aramaic and Mesopotamian Arabic. SCP-2688-A practice a religion loosely resembling Iron Age Akkadian belief systems, centered on the deity Nammu. SCP-2688-A voluntarily remains isolated from the outside world, though passive observation of other groups was common prior to the ORIA establishing control over the region.
There are two anomalies affecting SCP-2688:
- All children conceived within SCP-2688 will display multiple physical malformations of a highly random nature. These malformations include, but are not limited to, extra or missing sensory organs, benign tumours and teratomas, and malformed or missing internal organs. It is currently unclear whether this anomaly only affects SCP-2688-A or extends to any children conceived within the village, as testing it has been deemed unethical.
- Any liquid water not within a biological organism brought within an approximate two kilometer radius of the temple complex will spontaneously transmute into a solution of amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, gastric acid and sodium chloride suspended in water. The concentration of this solution will vary. SCP-2688-A instances experience none of the unhealthy effects that would normally occur from coming into contact with this solution, and utilize it in the place of water. This solution has religious significance to SCP-2688-A, and it is often used in libation and purification rituals.
In the center of SCP-2688 is a large ruined ziggurat, dated to approximately 4100 BCE1. Though not itself anomalous, the ziggurat is anachronistic, as it is over a millennium older than any other structure in the area constructed using similar methods. Several anachronistic or formerly anomalous artifacts have been recovered from within the ziggurat, including cuneiform tablets in an unknown language, dated to approximately 4000 BCE2, and seven mummified human cadavers displaying similar anomalies to those experienced by SCP-2688-A, dated to between 200 BCE and 900 CE.
A subterranean system of tunnels, constructed at approximately the same time as the temple complex, extends more than 500 metres beneath SCP-2688. These tunnels have not been mapped in their entirety. The only entrance to these tunnels is from the ziggurat in the center of the village. The use of ground-penetrating radar has shown that at the base of these tunnels is an unusually large, anomalously stable underground body of water at least 90 km2 in size.
Based on texts uncovered from the site, it is believed that SCP-2688 was continuously inhabited from approximately 4100 BCE to 1200 BCE, at which point it was abandoned due to invasion from the north by an unknown group. In approximately 300 BCE, the site was resettled by a group of Hellenes and Babylonians. SCP-2688-A is descended from these settlers.
Recovered texts3:
Discovery and Containment:
In 1955, the Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts became aware of the existence of SCP-2688 and attempted to establish a presence within it, an action which SCP-2688-A responded to violently. This conflict lasted for thirteen hours, after which the ORIA were able to forcibly take control of the region.
In 1991 Foundation operatives conducted a raid on SCP-2688 and were able to capture it from the ORIA. Individuals with Level 4 or higher security clearance may access Document-2688-Aleph for details on the operation.
Interview Log 2688-A5: