Instant Organs
Object Class: Esoteric
Special Containment Procedures
Due to the widespread use of SCP-2687, Mobile Task Force Gamma-41 ("Bad Science") has been formed to track and contain any uncontained instances of SCP-2687-A and -B.1
At all times, a set of 20 SCP-2687-A instances per depicted organ is to be kept at Storage Site-77 for use as emergency replacement organs when it is logistically infeasible to use non-anomalous organs. Any instances recovered beyond the original set of 20 per depicted organ are to be incinerated at a temperature of at least 475 ºK.
SCP-2687-A is a currently unknown number of polyethylene models of various human organs presumed to have originally been manufactured by Prometheus Labs. When ~20 g of organic material2 is applied to a given instance of SCP-2687-A, the following occurs over the course of approximately 10 minutes:
- The model immediately changes composition from a plastic similar to high-density polyethylene to a series of unusually high-density proteins often found in SCPs such as SCP-2923-07 and SCP-534.
- Via unknown processes, the model increases vastly in volume, often destroying its container while doing so. Density of the model decreases, as per non-anomalous physics models.
- Aforementioned proteins form together into a previously undocumented form of stem cells.
- The stem cells differentiate into cells found in the modeled organ, essentially recreating the organ with a <0.01% error margin.
Organs generated by SCP-2687-A are collectively labeled SCP-2687-B. All SCP-2687-B instances are genetically identical, and are apparently immune to organ rejection. During regular cellular replacement/death, the cells within instances of SCP-2687-B will revert into their original composition. This increasingly large amount of plastic within a person's body leads to death in ~75% of untreated cases. However, the use of SCP-2687-C has been capable of preventing death from occurring.
SCP-2687-C is an In Vivo CRISPR-Cas93 treatment created by the staff of Research Lab #14 during initial development of SCP-2687.
SCP-2687-C uses anomalous genetic material to modify cells surrounding a SCP-2687-B instance, creating specialized organelles capable of processing the polyethylene plastic excreted by SCP-2687-B instances during cellular replacement.
SCP-2687-C displays slight antimemetic properties; those not aware of SCP-2687-C's properties invariably ignore any information related to SCP-2687-C's existence4. Those aware of SCP-2687-C's properties are capable of perceiving SCP-2687-C, but are incapable of sharing information regarding SCP-2687-C with persons unaware of SCP-2687-C.
Currently, information regarding SCP-2687-C's properties can be gathered via the administration of a standard Class W mnestic. For approximately 2 hours after the mnestic is administered, information regarding SCP-2687-C's properties can be received and, unlike most anti-memes, permanently remembered. This specific combination of antimemetic properties allows SCP-2687-C to be administered without a risk of discovery.
The current version of SCP-2687-C was developed soon after the staff of Research Lab #14 was employed by the Foundation. Previous versions of SCP-2687-C include:
- A machine approximately the size of a modern fMRI capable of relocating all polyethylene currently inside a human body (Prototype; never released).
- Direct injection of enzymes capable of breaking down polyethylene (Prototype; never released).
- A swarm of microscopic, bio-degradable drones that broke down polyethylene in the body (Version released to the public).
- Various other temporary solutions.5