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Somebody Else's God

Connected to: SCP-962

Early encounter with SCP-2670-1 through SCP-2670. Image dated Aug. 14th 1877.

Special Containment Procedures

Due to the remote location of SCP-2670, interaction with outside personnel is unlikely. Despite this, SCP-2670 is to remain guarded, and unauthorized personnel encountering SCP-2670 are to be administered a Class B amnestic and turned over to the local authorities.

Interaction with SCP-2670-1 is only to be done by Level 2/2670 researchers or above, and all interactions are to be logged and recorded. SCP-2670-1 and -2 have thus far shown no hostility towards human beings or Earth, however, in accordance with Foundation Protocol ET-1 caution is required when dealing with extraterrestrial lifeforms of any kind, regardless of intent.

Gift items delivered by SCP-2670-1 are to be contained within storage lockers at Site-56, with the security level dependent on the nature of the item in question.

Amended Containment Procedures: In light of recent information gathered about the nature of SCP-2670-1's homeland, utmost care is essential when divulging information regarding Earth and humankind. In accordance with Foundation Protocol Paramount Regal, Foundation anthropologists assigned to SCP-2670 have created a resource of information that is allowed to be given to SCP-2670-1 and -2, and any personnel interacting with these entities is to adhere heavily to the approved information. Failure to do so may result (and has previously resulted) in the torture and massacre of likely billions of sapient entities residing within SCP-2670. The details of Protocol Paramount Regal are detailed within Addendum 2670-D.


SCP-2670 is a spatial anomaly existing above the ███ █████ █████ in ███ ███████, ██. SCP-2670 is roughly 5m in height and 2m in width, although SCP-2670 is subject to fluctuations in its proportions. The anomaly was first documented by American naturalist Josiah Sneddon in 1875. His original documentation of the anomaly can be found in Addendum 2670-A. It was upon initial investigation that Sneddon encountered SCP-2670-1, and began documenting information gathered from SCP-2670-1 about the Most Glorious Earth-Bound Sovereign Empire of Xandromius Prime. While SCP-2670-1 and SCP-2670-2 are capable of moving freely through SCP-2670, human beings are not able to do so. Drone-based reconnaissance of the interior of SCP-2670 has ascertained the validity of SCP-2670-1's claims.

SCP-2670-1 is a Class III Non-humanoid entity of indeterminate appearance. SCP-2670 goes by the name "His Most Humble Servant Ambassador of his Excellency the God-King Emperor of Magnificent Xandromius to the World of Our Most Glorious Lordships, Jeremiah Bartimeus Branderson of the House of Manyscot", and is an entity capable of altering its physical form at will, and will do so depending on a given social situation. SCP-2670-1 usually appears as a human male or female of varying ethnicity wearing currently fashionable human clothing. When shifting into its "relaxed state", SCP-2670-1 appears to be a levitating, nebulous cloud of liquid particulate matter capable of condensing into various shapes and items, as needed by SCP-2670-1. The limit to the complexity of this ability is currently unknown. SCP-2670-1 is additionally capable of creating minor spatial distortions, which it uses to view the extraterrestrial region it calls Xandromius.


SCP-2670-1 and SCP-2670-2, circa 1895.

SCP-2670-2 is a large, vaguely humanoid robotic entity. Referred to as "The Most Noble and Prestigious Kill-Gore Mastiff Bloodseeker Champion, Right Hand to the Emperor of Magnificent Xandromius", SCP-2670-2 is typically inactive when SCP-2670-1 is not present. SCP-2670-2 first appeared from within SCP-2670 in 1892, and has acted as a guard to SCP-2670 in the time since. SCP-2670-2 will respond to questioning, but only to make emphatic statements about the emperor of Xandromius Prime, Xandromius, the empire, itself, human beings, and Earth.

Through conversations with SCP-2670-1, it has been determined that both SCP-2670-1 and SCP-2670-2 originate from an extraterrestrial world (Xandromius) containing a structure referred to only as the "Spire", which allowed the inhabitants of that world to view other worlds over great distances in real time. At some point in Xandromius' past, the inhabitants discovered Earth1 and became particularly fond of its people and cultures, so much so that the entire civilization began to imitate human civilization on Earth in a number of ways.