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Microscope image of individual SCP-2663 cells

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2663 is to be held in a standard fungal organism containment chamber, kept on an isolated ventilation system. This chamber should be maintained at a steady temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and relative humidity of at least 70%. The chamber should be cleaned biweekly, and all waste products are to be incinerated. SCP-2663 is to be given 80 kg of plant matter treated with a fungal nutrient solution1 every two months. All personnel interacting with SCP-2663 are to wear self-contained breathing apparatuses. Non-essential personnel are not to come within 15 meters of the containment chamber.


SCP-2663 is a colonial organism composed of approximately 250 kg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, believed to be roughly 7000 years old. While individual component cells of SCP-2663 do not display any physical abnormalities, they have never been observed budding2 or mating, and do not undergo apoptosis. SCP-2663 typically takes the shape of a large stationary fungal mat on the floor of its environment, but is capable of drawing itself up into a large pillar, which is capable of moving at approximately 2.5 km per hour through the use of pseudopods.

Anomalous properties of SCP-2663 are much more apparent on a macro scale, as the entire colony appears to possess a collective intelligence on par with that of an adult human, and is able to telepathically communicate with individuals within a 10 meter radius. SCP-2663 has proven to be extremely cooperative during both its recovery and continued containment. For sample interview logs with SCP-2663, see Addendum.

SCP-2663 feeds as would be expected of standard S. cerevisiae, and as a result creates ethanol and carbon dioxide through the fermentation of sugars. Ethanol produced by SCP-2663 appears to have approximately twice as strong a psychoactive effect when consumed by humans, but is otherwise entirely non-anomalous. Carbon dioxide produced by SCP-2663 has several psychological effects when inhaled by humans. Subjects will experience an increased desire for alcoholic beverages and a desire to bring SCP-2663 grains and fruit. Subjects will also begin to express a reverence for SCP-2663, and will seek to prevent any harm that might befall it.

SCP-2663 was discovered in a forest in the Caucasus Mountains by Foundation personnel deployed there on an unrelated mission. These personnel were approached by SCP-2663, which then made telepathic contact. SCP-2663 was cooperative in its subsequent recovery, and has not expressed any dissatisfaction with its containment.