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The Last Daughter of Thsassashan'aa

Special Containment Procedures

Revised as of ██/██/2014, in response to Incident 2636-Aleph-Exarch.

SCP-2636 is to be contained within a Type-45 Isolation Chamber within Site-115. All anomalous objects previously stored at Site-115 have been relocated to other sites: those objects that cannot be moved have been placed under increased security as outlined in Document S115-RE-5-D. SCP-2636 is to be provided with half a liter of caprine, ovine, porcine, or bovine blood per day for sustenance. SCP-2636’s respiratory sphincters have been surgically modified to prevent vocalization. Administration of class Omega-3 amnestics to SCP-2636 is authorized.

All procedures involving SCP-2636 are to be carried out through remote automation. All items coming into contact with SCP-2636 are to be sterilized upon removal from the containment chamber.

The security perimeter around SCP-2636-1 is to be monitored by armed patrol and night-vision security cameras. Entry to SCP-2636-1 is reserved for the research team.

Any wild specimens of Potrix caprarum sapiens are to be captured for further study.

██/██/2014: UAP-5982-1 through UAP-5982-8 were successfully terminated during Incident 2636-Aleph-Exarch. The remains are currently stored within separate Type-101 Stasis Chambers within Site-115.

██/██/2015: SCP-2636a has been terminated. The remains are currently stored within a Type-101 Stasis Chambers within Site-115


SCP-2636 is a female bipedal mammal-like reptile of an unknown species (henceforth referred to as Potrix caprarum sapiens), measuring 3.4 meters in height and 135 kilograms in weight. Subject’s skin is smooth and hairless, and is dark red in coloration with a pale grey underbelly. SCP-2636’s primary senses are sight and hearing: the specimen possesses large eyes and ears, with the ears serving the secondary function of removing waste heat from the body. All scent organs are effectively vestigial. SCP-2636’s legs are semi-digitigrade, with three toes and a fleshy foot pad to distribute weight, and the hands are four-fingered with one thumb. The head and back bear flexible spines measuring 5-20 cm in length.

SCP-2636’s digestive system is specialized for a liquid diet, primarily blood, though it is capable of digesting vegetable and fungal matter. As such, the mouth structure of SCP-2636 lacks teeth and a functioning mandible, instead consisting of a muscular, bone-tipped proboscis. Venom sacks are located in the upper thoracic cavity, directly below the collarbone. This venom is a powerful hemorrhagic toxin, capable of liquefying the internal organs of the prey creature. SCP-2636’s respiratory system consists of a series of eight sphincters located in the upper chest and back.

SCP-2636 is believed to be sapient, due to demonstration of self-recognition, mathematical ability, and artistic expression. However, no successful communication with SCP-2636 beyond simple pantomime and pictograms has been accomplished: SCP-2636 is incapable of speaking human languages, and has made no progress in learning written languages. SCP-2636's native form of communication, a series of song-like vocalizations, is not yet understood. SCP-2636 is highly sensitive to sound, with continuous loud noises (in excess of 100db) triggering hemolacria, otorrhagia, and hematidrosis in the subject. Tissue analysis has shown that SCP-2636 is highly susceptible to chemical carcinogens and pollutants, and possessing of an immune system incapable of protecting SCP-2636 against many human-carried diseases.

SCP-2636’s blood and other body fluids contain a variant of the Mycobacterium leprae bacterium, termed Mycobacterium leprae potrix. The symptoms of Mycobacterium leprae potrix are both accelerated in progression and more severe than those of Mycobacterium leprae, and the bacteria have proven resistant to leprostatic agents.

SCP-2636-1 is a pre-Colombian temple complex1 located in [REDACTED], Mexico. The architecture of SCP-2636-1 does not match that of any indigenous peoples in the region: the scale of the complex and artistic depictions within indicate that it was constructed by SCP-2636’s species. The oldest segments of SCP-2636-12 have been dated to approximately 12,000 BCE: the most recent constructions3 have been dated to approximately 7500 BCE.

The central chamber SCP-2636-1 was built with a significant knowledge of acoustics. An individual standing on the central dais is capable of being heard throughout the central chamber without difficulty. Speaking in a raised voice will allow the individual to be heard outside SCP-2636-1 by means of structures funneling sound through the roof of SCP-2636-1.

This central chamber of SCP-2636-1 is built above a natural cave formation, later expanded by the builders of SCP-2636-1. Chambers within the cave were apparently used for storage, residence, and internment of the dead. A total of 3409 skulls belonging to Potrix caprarum sapiens specimens have been found within the cave system, dated between c. 12,000 BCE and c. 2000 CE. Entry to the central chamber is made only by passing through two antechambers. A one-room stone structure, referred to as the Small Temple, is located outside the primary structure. The purpose of this structure is unknown.

SCP-2636-2 is a mass of mummified animal parts bound together with hide strips, measuring 4.7 meters in height and weighing approximately 500 kilograms. SCP-2636-2 consists primarily of bones, organs, and limbs, with six goat heads forming the top of the pyramid. The age of SCP-2636-2 is unknown, but the animals used in its construction indicate that it was built after European settlement. It is unknown how SCP-2636-2 has maintained a state of preservation in a tropical environment.

UAP-5982-1 through UAP-5982-8 are entities outwardly appearing to be living specimens of SCP-2636-2, bearing no signs of decay and measuring approximately 50 meters in height. It is believed that SCP-2636-2 was envisioned as a representative image of these entities. UAP-5982 specimens have only been observed during Incident 2636-Aleph-Exarch.

██/██/2015: SCP-2636a is a deceased fetal female of the same species as SCP-2636. SCP-2636a is genetically identical to SCP-2636, indicating that the pregnancy was the result of parthenogenesis. Events surrounding the initial generation of SCP-2636a are designated as Incident 2636-Aleph-Exarch.


  • Potrix caprarum sapiens killed in large numbers by humans.5 Human figures are portrayed as squat, grotesque figures, with exaggerated mouths and disproportionately small eyes.
  • Retreat of Potrix caprarum sapiens below ground and into the remote jungle. Humans displayed as desecrating Potrix caprarum sapiens bodies on the surface. Surviving specimens depicted as injured and sickly.
  • Construction of SCP-2636-1 and SCP-2636-2 by Potrix caprarum sapiens.
  • The passing of the lunar cycle, with attendant symbolism to indicate repetition. A procession of female Potrix caprarum sapiens stands in from of a dormant SCP-2636-2: all female specimens are pregnant, and making gestures of supplication towards SCP-2636-2.
  • SCP-2636 positioned in front of SCP-2636-2, hands folded in front of its abdomen. Cutaway view of the abdomen shows developing fetus. SCP-2636-2 has extended an arm to touch SCP-2636’s abdomen. SCP-2636-2 is depicted with a song-halo motif for the first time. This motif is significantly deviated from the typical content and style.
  • SCP-2636 giving birth to SCP-2636a. Musical motif is a combination of symbols from the depictions of both the pre-human state, the human conflict, and SCP-2636. This is termed the divine motif.
  • SCP-2636a presented before SCP-2636-2. SCP-2636-2 is once again portrayed with song-halo motif. In addition, SCP-2636-2 is portrayed in an unmummified state, and as animate.
  • SCP-2636a riding SCP-2636-2, driving forth humans, surrounded by a crowd of Potrix caprarum sapiens. Divine motif shared by all individuals. SCP-2636-1 is airborne.
  • Addendum-02: Initial recovery of SCP-2636 occurred between ██/██/2013 and ██/██/2014, after an extensive hunt, ending near [REDACTED] Arizona. The complexity of traps used against recovery agents indicated that SCP-2636 worked with the aid of at least one other individual. This individual or individuals have eluded follow up searches of the region, and no further activity has been noted.

    Incident Report 2636-Aleph-Exarch

    Date: ██/██/2014

    Location: Site-151 (Coordinates ██-██.█-██.█)

    Event Type: LK (Localized Crisis)


    At 0222, local time, SCP-2636 enters labor, beginning songlike vocalizations that will last the entirety of the event. These vocalizations match no patterns observed before, and indicate intense pain.

    Vocalizations steadily increase in volume as SCP-2636 begins exerting force upon the structure of Site-151, culminating in an outward explosion of force centered around SCP-2636.

    Eight instances of UAP-5982 appear at this time, emerging from the ground around Site-151.

    SCP-2636 rises into the air, hovering approximately 25 meters off the ground. SCP-2636 develops six wing appendages.6 At this point, SCP-2636’s vocalizations have risen to approximately 140 db, and have been joined by similar vocalizations by all eight instances of UAP-5982.

    Vocalizations peak and then begin to recede. UAP-5982 instances each place a hand underneath SCP-2636 and lower it back to the ground. UAP-5982-4 shoots approaching helicopter containing members of MTF Eta-87 out of the air using what appears to be a beam of concentrated light, killing all hands.

    Upon returning to the ground, SCP-2636 falls asleep.

    Resultant Anomalies and Damages

    • Liquefaction of 89% of personnel within Site-151.
    • Deafening and blinding of all surviving personnel.
    • Destruction of 79% of Site-151’s primary structure.
    • Transmutation of all water within Site-151 into blood containing Mycobacterium leprae potrix.
    • Generation of eight incidences of UAP-5982.
    • Generation of SCP-2636a

    Recovery Efforts: Site-151 was retaken by members of Local Task Forces 151-He (“Jared Crump’s Hard-Luck Club”), 151-Yaw (“Pillar Men”), 151-Qoph (“Heavy Metal Queens”), and Mobile Task Force Eta-87 (“Lucky Leftovers”), with the assistance of EWU Squad 7. All instances of UAP-5982 were terminated by 2030, ██/██/2014. Surviving personnel were admitted to intensive treatment at Site-04, Site-78, and Site-115. SCP-2636 and SCP-2636a’s remains were successfully transported to Site-115. SCP-2636 was successfully placed in isolation and administered Omega-3 amnestics without further incident.

    Media coverup efforts and the remote location of the incident were sufficient to justify the withholding of additional amnestics to the surrounding population beyond standard waterborne rations.

    Foundation Casualties: 5 administrative staff, 16 research staff, 20 security staff, 11 D-Class personnel, 45 task force personnel.

    Items Lost: SCP-███, SCP-████, SCP-████, E-█████ through E-█████, and E-█████.

    Addendum-03: In light of the destructive nature of SCP-2636a, preventative termination of SCP-2636a was proposed and passed by the Overseer Board, with a vote of 8-5, with approval of the Ethics Committee. SCP-2636a was terminated without further incident.

    Analysis of the remains of SCP-2636a indicate that the fetus bore significant physical deformities, and is estimated to have survived no longer than two months after birth. This, combined with SCP-2636a’s method of parthenogenic conception, and the continued mummified and inanimate state of SCP-2636-2, indicates a significant deviation from the events depicted within SCP-2636-1. The consequences, if any, of this deviation are unknown at this time.

    Addendum-04" id="">Addendum-01: Certain carvings and paintings within SCP-2636-1 have been deemed to provide further context regarding the nature of SCP-2636, and have been arranged in presumed chronological order, as follows.

    • Potrix caprarum sapiens in pastoral scenes. Imagery indicates a nocturnal hunter-gatherer lifestyle, with some rudimentary form of fungal agriculture.4
    • Potrix caprarum sapiens killed in large numbers by humans.5 Human figures are portrayed as squat, grotesque figures, with exaggerated mouths and disproportionately small eyes.
    • Retreat of Potrix caprarum sapiens below ground and into the remote jungle. Humans displayed as desecrating Potrix caprarum sapiens bodies on the surface. Surviving specimens depicted as injured and sickly.
    • Construction of SCP-2636-1 and SCP-2636-2 by Potrix caprarum sapiens.
    • The passing of the lunar cycle, with attendant symbolism to indicate repetition. A procession of female Potrix caprarum sapiens stands in from of a dormant SCP-2636-2: all female specimens are pregnant, and making gestures of supplication towards SCP-2636-2.
    • SCP-2636 positioned in front of SCP-2636-2, hands folded in front of its abdomen. Cutaway view of the abdomen shows developing fetus. SCP-2636-2 has extended an arm to touch SCP-2636’s abdomen. SCP-2636-2 is depicted with a song-halo motif for the first time. This motif is significantly deviated from the typical content and style.
    • SCP-2636 giving birth to SCP-2636a. Musical motif is a combination of symbols from the depictions of both the pre-human state, the human conflict, and SCP-2636. This is termed the divine motif.
    • SCP-2636a presented before SCP-2636-2. SCP-2636-2 is once again portrayed with song-halo motif. In addition, SCP-2636-2 is portrayed in an unmummified state, and as animate.
    • SCP-2636a riding SCP-2636-2, driving forth humans, surrounded by a crowd of Potrix caprarum sapiens. Divine motif shared by all individuals. SCP-2636-1 is airborne.

    Addendum-02: Initial recovery of SCP-2636 occurred between ██/██/2013 and ██/██/2014, after an extensive hunt, ending near [REDACTED] Arizona. The complexity of traps used against recovery agents indicated that SCP-2636 worked with the aid of at least one other individual. This individual or individuals have eluded follow up searches of the region, and no further activity has been noted.

    Incident Report 2636-Aleph-Exarch

    Date: ██/██/2014

    Location: Site-151 (Coordinates ██-██.█-██.█)

    Event Type: LK (Localized Crisis)


    At 0222, local time, SCP-2636 enters labor, beginning songlike vocalizations that will last the entirety of the event. These vocalizations match no patterns observed before, and indicate intense pain.

    Vocalizations steadily increase in volume as SCP-2636 begins exerting force upon the structure of Site-151, culminating in an outward explosion of force centered around SCP-2636.

    Eight instances of UAP-5982 appear at this time, emerging from the ground around Site-151.

    SCP-2636 rises into the air, hovering approximately 25 meters off the ground. SCP-2636 develops six wing appendages.6 At this point, SCP-2636’s vocalizations have risen to approximately 140 db, and have been joined by similar vocalizations by all eight instances of UAP-5982.

    Vocalizations peak and then begin to recede. UAP-5982 instances each place a hand underneath SCP-2636 and lower it back to the ground. UAP-5982-4 shoots approaching helicopter containing members of MTF Eta-87 out of the air using what appears to be a beam of concentrated light, killing all hands.

    Upon returning to the ground, SCP-2636 falls asleep.

    Resultant Anomalies and Damages

    • Liquefaction of 89% of personnel within Site-151.
    • Deafening and blinding of all surviving personnel.
    • Destruction of 79% of Site-151’s primary structure.
    • Transmutation of all water within Site-151 into blood containing Mycobacterium leprae potrix.
    • Generation of eight incidences of UAP-5982.
    • Generation of SCP-2636a

    Recovery Efforts: Site-151 was retaken by members of Local Task Forces 151-He (“Jared Crump’s Hard-Luck Club”), 151-Yaw (“Pillar Men”), 151-Qoph (“Heavy Metal Queens”), and Mobile Task Force Eta-87 (“Lucky Leftovers”), with the assistance of EWU Squad 7. All instances of UAP-5982 were terminated by 2030, ██/██/2014. Surviving personnel were admitted to intensive treatment at Site-04, Site-78, and Site-115. SCP-2636 and SCP-2636a’s remains were successfully transported to Site-115. SCP-2636 was successfully placed in isolation and administered Omega-3 amnestics without further incident.

    Media coverup efforts and the remote location of the incident were sufficient to justify the withholding of additional amnestics to the surrounding population beyond standard waterborne rations.

    Foundation Casualties: 5 administrative staff, 16 research staff, 20 security staff, 11 D-Class personnel, 45 task force personnel.

    Items Lost: SCP-███, SCP-████, SCP-████, E-█████ through E-█████, and E-█████.

    Addendum-03: In light of the destructive nature of SCP-2636a, preventative termination of SCP-2636a was proposed and passed by the Overseer Board, with a vote of 8-5, with approval of the Ethics Committee. SCP-2636a was terminated without further incident.

    Analysis of the remains of SCP-2636a indicate that the fetus bore significant physical deformities, and is estimated to have survived no longer than two months after birth. This, combined with SCP-2636a’s method of parthenogenic conception, and the continued mummified and inanimate state of SCP-2636-2, indicates a significant deviation from the events depicted within SCP-2636-1. The consequences, if any, of this deviation are unknown at this time.

    Addendum-04: ██/██/2015 – Further physical study of SCP-2636 indicates prior pregnancies.