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The Twenty-Nine Year Paintball War

Special Containment Procedures

The cover story about SCP-2629 containing hazardous amounts of asbestos must be maintained. All entrances and exits to SCP-2629 must be sealed and inconspicuously reinforced. Due to the high frequency of daytime visits to SCP-2629 necessitated by Foundation personnel, an underground tunnel has been constructed from SCP-2629 to another Foundation-owned property.

Every day at 12:30 p.m. (Central European Time) MTF-Iota-17 ("Greendale Humans") must enter SCP-2629 via the underground tunnel. All members of MTF-Iota-17 are to be trained in marksmanship, firearm-based close quarters combat, and competitive paintball. All members of the Task Force should be equipped with standard paintball gear. At 1:00 p.m. MTF-Iota-17 is to engage SCP-2629-A in a game of "Capture the Flag" paintball. The Task Force must do everything it can to win the match, without breaking any of the conventional rules of competitive paintball. (See Document 2629-3, "Rules and Regulations Recognized by SCP-2629-A".) Failure to win the match or to follow the rules will result in an Aleph-2629 Scenario.


SCP-2629 is an abandoned indoor paintball venue previously known as "████████ █████████", located on the outskirts of Krakow, Poland. SCP-2629 is inhabited by five Class III Incorporeal Humanoid Entities designated SCP-2629-A. Individual SCP-2629-A entities are designated from SCP-2629-A-1 to SCP-2629-A-5. Facial recognition software shows that SCP-2629-A bears great resemblance to five teenagers (see Document 2629-2 "Possible Origins of SCP-2629-A" for names and photo identification) who died in a drunk driving accident approximately five kilometres outside Krakow. No records exist of the five teenagers visiting SCP-2629 while it operated as a paintball venue.

While SCP-2629-A is typically incorporeal when it visibly manifests, there are a few exceptions. Paintballs fired from SCP-2629-A's weapons not only have physically tangible bodies but do not demanifest with SCP-2629-A. Chemical analysis of paintballs fired by SCP-2629-A have shown no anomalous properties. In addition, paintballs fired at SCP-2629-A will impact them the same way it would any other solid matter.

SCP-2629-A typically manifests within SCP-2629 at 1 p.m. each day. If left unattended to, SCP-2629-A will leave SCP-2629 and begin roaming around the surrounding neighbourhood, spraying people and property with their paintball guns. This is what is referred to as an Aleph-2629 Scenario. (Note: For changes in the Aleph-2629 Scenario over time, see the 2629-Event Timeline). Aleph-2629 Scenarios typically last for several hours, after which SCP-2629-A begin to demanifest. SCP-2629-A will always remanifest within SCP-2629 at 1 p.m., regardless of whether an Aleph-2629 Scenario has occurred or not.

So far, the only way SCP-2629-A can be deterred from an Aleph-2629 Scenario is if they are engaged in a game of "Capture the Flag" paintball shortly after manifesting. If MTF-Iota-17 wins the match, SCP-2629-A will peacefully demanifest, reappearing again only at 1 p.m. the next day. If MTF-Iota-17 loses, or breaks any of the conventional rules of paintball, an Aleph-2629 Scenario will occur.

Interview Log:

Attempts to communicate with SCP-2629-A have met with great difficulty. While SCP-2629-A is happy to engage in in-game banter with MTF-Iota-17, they are disinterested in communicating about any subject other than paintball. Nevertheless, several attempts have made to communicate with them during paintball matches.

Dr. Ben Kasrzyszak has replaced one of the MTF-Iota-17 members during their daily match with SCP-2629-A. Kasrzyszak is clothed in MTF-Iota-17's standard paintball gear. All dialogue is translated from Polish.

Kasrzyszak: Hey, I just want to- [Kasrzyszak is splattered with several paintballs from SCP-2629-A-2]

SCP-2629-A-2: Start playing or shut your mouth! Hey, you're not one of the guys we usually have.

Kasrzyszak: I just want to ask, why are you spending all eternity in a paintball arena?

SCP-2629-A-2: Why not? [SCP-2629-A-2 runs off.]

2629-Event Timeline:

1/20/1988: Reports of unusual vandalism and spectral sightings emerge from a small area outside Krakow. Foundation officially launches investigation.

1/22/1988: SCP-2629 discovered.

1/24/1988: Immediate vicinity of SCP-2629 is evacuated as Containment Procedures are devised.

2/01/1988: First match between MTF-Iota-17 and SCP-2629-A.

5/17/1988: Attempt to stack the odds in MTF-Iota-17's favour by rearranging the playing field. First Aleph-2629 Scenario under current Containment Procedures triggered. Surrounding neighbourhood successfully evacuated and cleaned.

8/18/1994: First loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Surrounding neighbourhood successfully evacuated and cleaned.

6/30/1998: Second loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Surrounding neighbourhood successfully evacuated and cleaned.

2/28/2000: Third loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. SCP-2629-A manifests not in the neighbourhood surrounding SCP-2629 but in Site-19, ████ kilometres away. Multiple Site-19 personnel splattered with paint. This is the first time SCP-2629-A has manifested outside of a 250 metre radius within SCP-2629.

3/1/2000: An inquiry is launched into why SCP-2629-A manifested within Site-19. Chatter between MTF-Iota-17 members about Foundation operations is deemed to be the most likely cause. All operatives are now forbidden to discuss all Foundation matters unrelated to SCP-2629 while inside SCP-2629.

Note: In our defence, it seemed very unlikely SCP-2629-A would take a interest in greater Foundation operations, given their monomaniacal focus on paintball. That's no excuse for how lax we were, but I feel it needed to be said - Dr. ███████

4/13/2002: Fourth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint.

6/25/2004: Fifth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint. Significant damage done to unprotected equipment. Restricted Access Wing 2 closed down for maintenance.

6/26/2004: Multiple Site-19 personnel file requests for neutralization of SCP-2629. Requests denied by Ethics Committee.

2/14/2005: Sixth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and corridors splattered with paint. Attempts by several personnel to disperse SCP-2629-A using paintball guns illicitly brought into Site-19 only cause further damage to the facilities.

7/7/2009: Seventh loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint. Researcher ███ ██████ suffers significant eye trauma after being struck in the eye by a paintball.

7/8/2011: Multiple Site-19 personnel file requests for neutralization of SCP-2629. Requests denied by Ethics Committee.

7/17/2013: Eighth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint.

12/28/2014: Ninth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint. Computer terminal damaged by stray paintball, delaying research into SCP-████.

11/12/2015: Tenth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint. SCP-2629-A-3 and 4 manifest in Biohazard Wing, causing a brief panic among surrounding personnel. Fortunately, due to pre-existing safety measures no hazardous material is released.

11/13/2015: Site-19 Director files request for neutralization of SCP-2629. Request denied by Ethics Committee.

2/3/2016: Eleventh loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint.

10/16/2016: Twelfth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint. SCP-2629-A-5 accidently exposed to cognitohazard during encounter with SCP-████. SCP-2629-A-5 does not demanifest with the rest of SCP-2629-A, spending the next ten hours screaming and spraying a single wall with paintballs before finally dematerializing. SCP-2629-A-5 appears fully recovered on all subsequent encounters.

2/10/2017: Thirteenth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint.

5/3/2017: Fourteenth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint.

7/18/2017: Fifteenth loss by MTF-Iota-17. Aleph-2629 Scenario triggered. Multiple Site-19 personnel and interior facilities splattered with paint.

Look at the rate of MTF-Iota-17's losses. We're getting multiple Aleph-2629 Scenarios a year now. The rate of Aleph-2629 Scenarios has been steadily increasing, and they're only going to get worse. MTF-Iota-17 may have some of the best trained people in the world, but SCP-2629-A have been gaining experience for decades. It was only a matter of time before the skill gap closed. Anyone we recruit to fill a vacancy in MTF-Iota-17 is going to need be able to counter nearly thirty years of paintball experience, and that number is always growing.

That's why we need to terminate SCP-2629. Or at the very least, seriously rework its containment procedures. Not because of a childish frustration over having our facilities damaged, but because the current Containment Procedures are simply unsustainable. SCP-2629-A got bored of only trashing their neighbourhood. They're going to get bored with only trashing Site-19 eventually.

- Dr. ████ ███████, Site-19 Director.