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The Mocking Birds

Connected to: SCP-1028

SCP-2619-1, prior to containment

Special Containment Procedures

Instances of SCP-2619 are to be kept in a standard, double-doored aviary at Site-23. SCP-2619 instances must be fed an insect diet consistent with that of members of the species Mimus polyglottos (northern mockingbird).

Personnel are to be screened prior to working with SCP-2619 in the event of SCP-1028 preference.


SCP-2619 is a subspecies of epigenetically anomalous mockingbirds. Instances of SCP-2619 may appear as any species in the taxonomic class aves, though they most often manifest as species of passerine. Despite their appearance, instances of SCP-2619 (with the exception of SCP-2619-1), are genetically mockingbirds. It is unknown how or when their appearance shifts to that of another species, but breeding experiments with SCP-2619 instances suggest the change occurs before fledging, and is often permanent.1

SCP-2619-1, unlike other instances of SCP-2619, appears to have the ability to transform into many different bird species, provided there is a human in its effective range.

Outside of its range of effect, determined to be approximately 16 meters in diameter, SCP-2619-1 is a male Northern Mockingbird without any anomalous traits. When a human steps inside SCP-2619-1's affected range, SCP-2619-1 will convert itself into a different species of bird, usually one of personal preference to the human in SCP-2619's range. If the subject has ornithophobia or a general aversion to all avians, SCP-2619-1 will instead turn into the subject's least preferred species of bird and become hostile, engaging in territorial behaviors similar to those of mockingbirds, regardless of its present form.

If multiple human subjects enter SCP-2619-1's effective range simultaneously, SCP-2619-1 will convert to a species of preference to the closest subject. All other subjects will perceive the same bird. If subjects are an equal distance from SCP-2619-1, however, SCP-2619-1 may appear differently to all subjects present. Photographic and video evidence of SCP-2619-1 will always depict a mockingbird, regardless of subjects in the affected range

DNA samples taken from SCP-2619-1 reveal that SCP-2619-1's changes in appearance are full genetic changes, with DNA tests matching SCP-2619-1's present species each trial. If a subject's species of preference is extinct, SCP-2619-1 will still transform, making it possible to obtain DNA samples otherwise unavailable.2

SCP-2619-1 was discovered in the city of ███ ██████, CA after a fight broke out amongst a group of birders over the identification of an individual bird. A distressed birder called police regarding a cassowary on top of a telephone pole, thus alerting Agent Danner, who had been undercover in the ███ ██████ Police Department to track possible instances of SCP-████.

A small group of Lamda-4 MTF agents were called to the scene, where they successfully tracked and captured SCP-2619-1. The police initially dispatched to the scene and the group of birders were all given class B amnestics, and several distraught birders were sent to the hospital under the guise of treatment for acute sunstroke.

Further investigation of the area revealed several birds with anomalous DNA. A black phoebe, Sayornis nigricans, a ruby-crowned kinglet, Regulus calendula, and several acorn woodpeckers, Melanerpes formicivorus, were found to have pure mockingbird DNA in 75% of all cells, suggesting the birds were a form of genetic chimera. All birds were designated as instances of SCP-2619 and taken into Foundation custody.

Due to the unknown prevalence of SCP-2619 instances, several Lambda-4 agents have been tasked with continued investigation of suspected populations of SCP-2619 so that more can be obtained if detected.

A standard tracking tag on SCP-2619-1's right leg had the following message engraved in fine print:

"NoMo3 EX5 Property of Operation Lazarus4"

No other instances of SCP-2619 were found with tracking tags, with the exception of SCP-2619-6, an acorn woodpecker. Investigation revealed the woodpecker's tag belonged to a nearby research station, though interrogation suggested that the naturalists who had tagged SCP-2619-6 were unaware of its anomalous properties.