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Donut Jimmy

Object Class: Esoteric

Special Containment Procedures

Containment Procedures Rev. 3
As SCP-2593 has become hostile to the Foundation, and Foundation personnel, SCP-2593 is to be terminated on sight by security staff. Failure to do so before SCP-2593 will result in SCP-2593 remaining uncontained until the next manifestation event, as SCP-2593 has, invariably since the time of revision, attempted to flee Foundation custody.

In 87% of all successful terminations, SCP-2593 has rematerialized adjacent to Site-217's security perimeter. All other foundation sites are to be placed on high alert.

All delivered baked goods are to be incinerated at first opportunity. At no time are SCP-2593's baked goods to be ingested.


SCP-2593 is an anomalous humanoid entity which appears at a fixed location and time each day, making a delivery of donuts and bagels to Administrative Site-217. SCP-2593 disappears at a fixed point in time later the same day.

SCP-2593 is an anomalous manifestation of James ██████, former owner of a local bakery, Donut Jimmy's Bakery. Donut Jimmy's Bakery was contracted to deliver baked goods daily, for distribution to break rooms throughout the Site.

Foundation records indicate that James ██████ attended the California Institute of Technology and received a PhD in chemistry in ████.

James ██████ was considered for approach by the Foundation for employment, before being screened out due to lack of aptitude in his field. Further records show that multiple applications to various employers were denied due to lack of applicability of his research work, and a general lack of aptitude.

James ██████ opened Donut Jimmy's Bakery with a classmate from his secondary school (George Callaghan) in ████, four years after obtaining his PhD.

SCP-2593 was determined to be anomalous on September 1, ████, when Administrative Site-217 accounts payable found a discrepancy in the food budgets for refreshments, leading to an investigation by Agents Donnelly and McGill. Donut Jimmy's Bakery was observed to have been closed for several days. Local business owners claimed that the bakery had not opened since September 1, ████.

Remote observation of SCP-2593 after it made its daily delivery to Administrative Site-217 showed that SCP-2593 will disappear from view at a distance of .72 KM from the entrance to Administrative Site-217 and will reappear at precisely 0700 hours each day.

Analysis of SCP-2593's delivery confirmed that all food was non-anomalous. Chemical Analysis confirmed them safe for human consumption, however, as they're produced through anomalous means, they are to be disposed of.

SCP-2593 was contained on September 3, followed by an interview about its deliveries. SCP-2593 claimed to have no knowledge of any of the events or effects surrounding SCP-2593 and was placed in a standard humanoid containment chamber. SCP-2593 was extremely distressed and agitated, when informed of the anomalous context surrounding it.

On September 4, ████, SCP-2593 disappeared from its containment cell, and appeared .72 km outside of Administrative Site-217, with the usual quantity of food for delivery each morning. Containment procedures were amended to include an expansion of Site-217's perimeter.

Attached below are all materials related to the psychological evaluation of SCP-2593

On June 1, ████, SCP-2593 was confronted, and asked about the products it was bringing to Administrative Site-217. SCP-2593 began to cry uncontrollably, and psychological staff were called in. Interview with SCP-2593 is below with Dr. Jamesson.

Dr Jamesson: SCP-2593, my name is Dr. Jamesson.

SCP-2593: My name is █████ ██████.

Dr Jamesson: Apologies, Jimmy, may I call you, Jimmy?

SCP-2593 calms down significantly at the use of the given name

SCP-2593: Sure…I'd prefer it.

Dr Jamesson: Jimmy, why are your donuts and bagels wrong lately? I've never heard of you bringing the wrong food before.

SCP-2593: I just want this to stop…whatever it is, I just…it never ends.

Dr Jamesson: You're saying you remember all of it?

SCP-2593: Of course I remember all of it. I thought I was going crazy. I would bring the food, then sometimes people would lock me in a room, and interrogate me…I had no idea what was going on. All I could do is make the donuts wrong. I don't even remember baking them, but I thought about what would happen if the jelly filled had peanut butter, and the Boston Cremes had mayo in them and…

Dr Jamesson: We had no idea, James.

SCP-2593: Why is this even happening to me?

Dr Jamesson: One second.

Dr Jamesson radios to request permission to explain the situation to SCP-2593. An affirmative response is returned.

Dr Jamesson: Jimmy, how much do you know about this facility?

SCP-2593: It's just an office. You guys get a bunch of food, and you're my first delivery of the day usually.

Dr Jamesson: I see. Jimmy, that's not really what happens here. I'm not authorized to tell you much, but we're an organization that's…well, we protect people.

SCP-2593: Oh come on, I've been delivering to you guys for six years, and you're telling me this is some kind of— Oh God, is this some kind of government black site? Am I gonna go to a prison somewhere? Are you gonna lock me up again?

Dr Jamesson: No. We're not with the government. We're…well, I can't really tell you everything, but we protect people. From things like what happened to you.

SCP-2593: So why the hell didn't you stop whatever happened to make me this way?

Dr Jamesson: You're the first person this has happened to. We'd like to try and figure out what happened, though. And make sure the effect doesn't spread.

SCP-2593: I just want to go home, doc…

Dr Jamesson: We'll do what we can, Jimmy. We'd like to help you though.

SCP-2593: How? What are you gonna do?

Dr Jamesson: Tomorrow, when you make your delivery, I'd like to talk to you again. If you're willing.

SCP-2593: I…I think I'd like that.

<End Log>

Since receiving psychological counselling on a regular basis, SCP-2593 has produced expected types of baked goods during its regular deliveries. At this time, SCP-2593 is considered contained.

Dr. Jamesson's note:

Continued psychological counseling should give SCP-2593 a stable mental state for the foreseeable future. SCP-2593 is considered contained at this point. What I would like to stress, however, is that SCP-2593 is an anomaly. Not a person. Psychological counseling is the easiest way to keep it contained, however, it's vitally important that we do not relax around SCP-2593, and continue standard security sweeps on its deliveries. Judging by the initial psychological screening report for James when he was considered for Foundation employment, I would also recommend avoiding agitating SCP-2593.