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Animal Assassins

The Foundation security badge used by SCP-2549-1 to access Lab-██.

Special Containment Procedures

Worldwide news sources are monitored for events matching the pattern of SCP-2549. In the event of an SCP-2549 incident, elements of MTF Gamma-5 will be mobilized to the location. Any mention of the anomalous circumstances of the incident will be censored from the media, and any non-Foundation witnesses will be administered amnestics and given false memories matching the cover story provided to the media. To prevent a pattern from being established, the cover story for an SCP-2549 incident should not involve an animal attack unless no other explanation is practical.

The SCP-2549-1 involved in an incident is not anomalous and is not a priority for capture. If it has already been captured, it may be surrendered to animal control or euthanized and disposed of.

SCP-2549-2 is stored in the Temporal Anomaly subdivision of Site-77. Testing is disallowed by O5 order.


SCP-2549 is a phenomenon which affects one human being and one wild animal per incident.

The exact criteria for the human subject is unclear, but it appears to invariably target those who have achieved great personal and/or professional success. Notably, an abnormally high percentage of the targets have been Foundation employees or have had contact with the Foundation. This has included 2 individuals once considered for D-Class induction, 3 potential agent and researcher candidates, 6 high ranking researchers, 2 executive administrators, [REDACTED].

The animal, referred to as SCP-2549-1, is an otherwise normal member of the order Carnivora which is native to the area of the human target. It is not known whether SCP-2549-1 is chosen from existing nearby animals, teleported to the area, or generated nearby. There is no record of a GPS tracked animal being chosen as SCP-2549-1.

SCP-2549-1 will proceed towards the target at a walking pace. It will navigate any obstacles, displaying a knowledge of landscape, building layout, and security measures in order to find the shortest path. Security systems will not malfunction, but will be bypassed through mundane means. Any physical implements necessary will be carried by SCP-2549-1 in its jaws or in a clothing item.

Humans other than the target will react to SCP-2549-1 without surprise, and may interact with it as if it is an acquaintance, coworker, or relative. SCP-2549-1 will respond to interaction in as much of a capacity as it can. At no point will any person attempt to interfere with SCP-2549-1's progress towards the target.

Upon reaching the target, SCP-2549-1 will attack and begin to devour them. The target may remain alive and conscious for an extended period of time, but will make no attempt to resist SCP-2549-1.

Upon the target's death, the anomalous effect ends. At this point, individuals not previously exposed to SCP-2549-1 will react as expected to the situation. Those previously exposed to SCP-2549-1 will react normally once given an opportunity to recognize the incongruence of the situation. SCP-2549-1 may lose interest and wander away or become agitated and attack other humans in the area, but all investigation has shown it to be nonanomalous after the death of the target.

SCP-2549-2 is a 10cm diameter steel sphere. [DATA EXPUNGED] See Addendum 2549-A.