Special Containment Procedures
SCP-2541 must be monitored by personnel at all times to observe any changes in environment. A network of air and ground surveillance rovers must maintain observation of SCP-2541 at all times. Personnel are required to operate on 6 hour shifts. Under no circumstances are personnel not belonging to the surveillance maintenance team permitted to exit the research facility located at the edge of SCP-2541. Shipments of bottled water, food, research materials, and maintenance supplies are to be made every 48 hours.
Between the months of December to February, all personnel are required to remain within the onsite research facility or the nearest underground bunker. Local authorities are to be instructed to evacuate any settlements within 100 km of SCP-2541 during these months. Foundation personnel are required to prepare for full-scale recovery and reconstruction efforts and be fully prepared before 12:00 AM, December 1st. All personnel are required to be inside a facility and fitted with full body protective wear and air quality filters during a manifestation of SCP-2541-A. Under no circumstances are personnel to enter SCP-2541 or interfere with SCP-2541.
SCP-2541 is a section of land approximately 76 km2 located in northern Finland. The surface of SCP-2541 is composed of exposed shale. SCP-2541 contains growths and structures resembling typical flora and fauna of Finland encountered outside of SCP-2541 exclusively composed of various types of minerals and gemstones. (See Study Logs)
SCP-2541 was discovered in 2016 by satellite imaging technology. SCP-2541 and the surrounding area had been falsely included as part of a local lake, and its existence had been unknown to locals. Upon discovery, Foundation personnel were sent to establish a presence in the area and block civilian access. A yearlong initial observation study was conducted, with the results later determining the containment procedures for SCP-2541.
A list of the identified seasons within SCP-2541 is available below, presented in chronological order.
Season: Early Autumn
Summary: The first stage of the study began shortly after Foundation presence at SCP-2541 was established. Personnel reported the surface of SCP-2541 to be barren shale, with growths of igneous composite resembling bare trees. Small avian creatures composed of a mineral believed to be peridot were observed constructing nests out of the fallen portions of the "trees". The specimens produced loud sounds resembling tubular bells towards other instances, believed to be a mating call. Instances were observed feeding off of small pebbles and gravel. SCP-2541 was recorded having a wind speed and direction that conflicted with measurements for the surrounding area.
Researcher Notes: The avian lifeforms observed within SCP-2541 came as a surprise to most of us stationed here. The majority of us are unsure as to whether these creatures justify the creation of a subdesignation, however, we have compiled our observations on them regardless. It is worth noting that fallen leaves from the vegetation surrounding SCP-2541 was carried outside of SCP-2541 by the fluctuating wind currents.
Season: Late Autumn-Early Winter
Summary: The avian lifeforms previously observed within SCP-2541 appear to have left SCP-2541, leaving vacant nests present on the "trees" throughout SCP-2541. Faint traces of small particles resembling snowflakes were collected by a remotely operated surveillance rover, and microscopic observation of them revealed them to be small crystal structures composed of compressed carbon (diamond). A thick layer of this material slowly deposited on the surface of SCP-2541 over the course of 2 weeks.
Shortly after the onset of the particles, creatures resembling marble sculptures of Rangifer tarandus (Reindeer) were observed within SCP-2541, and appeared to engage in playful interaction with the "snowfall". In addition, instances of Sciurus carolinensis (Eastern Squirrel), Bubo scandiacus (Snowy Owl), and Lepus americanus (Snowshoe Hare) composed of marble were observed creating burrows typical of their non-anomalous species from fallen limbs of the structures present in SCP-2541. Small growths of Ilex aquifolium (European Holly) were observed at the base of hill portions of SCP-2541 with branches and leaves composed of a green granite variant and fruit composed of rounded garnet gems.
Wind speed was observed to have slightly increased over the course of 4 weeks to a variable rate of 24-37 km/h. SCP-2541's air temperature decreased according to the expected regional climate.
Researcher Notes: During these particular months, the team was able to establish that SCP-2541 was a self contained ecosystem, and we were able to identify the various creatures that reside in SCP-2541. Similar to the avian creatures, our team was unable to justify creating a designation for the creatures observed, however members have compiled reports on the known behavior of the creatures during these months. There were two notable discoveries during this particular period of the study. The first discovery was that particles originating from within SCP-2541 are not exclusive to the area, meaning that the "snowfall" from within SCP-2541 had been carried by wind currents to nearby settlements, and we received word of a number of deaths in a nearby town due to a buildup of abrasive crystalline particles in the lungs. We have since procured air filters for our suits and stations, and have requested that an evacuation of settlements within the established area of effect of SCP-2541 take place as soon as possible. In addition, we discovered some signs of possible human presence within SCP-2541, including footprints in the surface of SCP-2541, and an arrangement of material in a manner similar to a campfire.
Season: Midwinter
Summary: Wind speeds increased to levels in excess of 80 km/h. The wind began blowing large amounts of "snow" particles in the air, significantly decreasing visibility and making it impossible for personnel to exit the secure facilities without suffering from heavy abrasion and lung damage. Approximately 13 hours after the start of the windstorm, wind speeds increased again to levels of 105-123 km/h. The airborne particles after this event appeared to consolidate into a large cloud resembling a semi-humanoid entity. The entity, labeled SCP-2541-A by the research team, ejected masses of geological material at the forested areas outside of SCP-2541 and had a large amount of influence over the wind patterns within SCP-2541. The area affected by projectiles and dust particles emitted by SCP-2541-A covered settlements as much as 97 km from the established perimeter of SCP-2541. SCP-2541-A dissipated after approximately one week, and large scale efforts by Foundation personnel were made to cover up the incident and its effects on nearby settlements.
Researcher Notes: Once again, most of the team was caught off guard by the development of events. Despite the majority of us being inside at the start of the storm, there were a few field researchers who were unaccounted for, and we presume them to be dead. Most of us were unable to sleep through the unintelligible sounds made by SCP-2541-A. Also, despite our previously installed air filters, there were found to be some traces of exterior particles making their way into the facilities.
Immediately after we determined that the storm had ceased for a sufficient amount of time, we deployed a set of remotely operated reconnaisance units to assess the damage inflicted by SCP-2541-A and recover lost surveillance units. All surveillance devices were recovered, having sustained heavy damage, but were ultimately able to be repaired. No signs of previously recorded life were present, however fragments of the tree-like structures were found scattered throughout SCP-2541. It was also established that areas previously outside of SCP-2541 that were impacted by SCP-2541-A's projectiles had a >1 meter radius of terrain resembling that of SCP-2541.
Season: Thaw Season
Summary: During the two weeks following the Midwinter season, remaining airborne particles settled along the surface of SCP-2541, and regular surveillance was re-established. The deposited particles were recorded gradually solidifying into the shale surface seen in previous seasons. Surveillance units discovered a set of worn blankets near an area of SCP-2541 with particularly rugged terrain. The articles were brought to the facility for analysis. Initially believed to be debris from settlements near SCP-2541, microscopic analysis showed a lack of mineral particles inconsistent with other similar garments found in affected settlements.
Researcher Notes: Despite the frequent dispatch of surveillance units, this period was significantly more idle than the rest. The rest of the team spent more of this period in recreational activities, with a small group of researchers finding a passion in creating artwork of SCP-2541. The discovery of the garments in SCP-2541 came as the only event of major significance during this period, and it reinforced the team's beliefs that SCP-2541 was inhabited by an unidentified human.
Season: Early Spring
Summary: Temperature increased to about 20 degrees Celsius. A slight gust of wind (approx. 4-5 km/h) blew large amounts of unidentified particles, which settled on the surface of SCP-2541 5 minutes after the gust. Approximately an hour after the initial gust, surveillance recorded video of the entire surface of SCP-2541 "blooming" into an array of flower-shaped growths of sapphire, ruby, citrine, emerald, and pink quartz. Personnel reported picking up sounds of faint buzzing shortly after the event.
Instances of creatures composed of fossilized sap and resinous material resembling Apis mellifera(North European Dark Bee) and Anthocharis cardamines(Orange Tip Butterfly) were observed using elongated crystal filaments to chip away small pieces of the growths, presumably for consumption. Instances of these creatures were found to actively compete for dominance over these growths.
The avian creatures recorded in the Autumnal period of the study were found to have returned to SCP-2541 sometime around the second week of early spring. The creatures were observed attacking instances of insects and feeding them to smaller instances of the avian creatures, presumed to be the offspring of the other specimens.
Researcher Notes: First and foremost, the first week of this period was perhaps our favorite part of the entire study. We witnessed, after the many months of harsh conditions in SCP-2541, the sudden explosion of color throughout SCP-2541. The crystal growths were reflective, and possessed remarkable clarity as seen through surveillance. In addition, the newly observed creatures within SCP-2541 gave us a further understanding of the nature of SCP-2541; SCP-2541 is an entirely self-sustained environment, with each creature having a role in the environment. In addition, certain members of the team have suggested that the origin of SCP-2541 may have been for either monetary or aesthetic purposes.
We documented each of the new creatures and growths observed. The possibility of reproduction in the creatures was brought up, particularly in regard to the avian creatures, however more evidence is required before we establish this as a fact. In regards as to whether there is indeed a human presence within SCP-2541, no sufficient evidence has been found.
Season: Late Spring-Summer
Summary: Temperature increased to 27 degrees Celsius. Large growths of granite resembling coniferous trees began to form in the more rugged areas of SCP-2541. Creatures previously observed in winter were seen to wander SCP-2541. The avian specimens were found to produce sounds resembling the glass harmonica in harmonic triads.
In the later weeks of this period, the floral growths in SCP-2541 were found to gradually decrease in color intensity, clarity, and size. In the last 3 days of the study, growths were eventually reduced to the barren state as observed upon initial containment.
Researcher Notes: As part of the requirements of the end of the study, we began to determine the connection between the various stages from the perspective of an ecologist, compiling the defined events that should occur during those times for use in future study. The reversion of SCP-2541 to a state nearly identical to that in which we began the study represented the full circle of ecological change within SCP-2541, giving us sufficient evidence to create a list of recommended containment protocol based on the phenomena observed.
Despite evidence found in previous seasons, we were unable to reach a final conclusion as to the possibility of human habitation within SCP-2541. We were unable to determine whether fragmented creatures found by our surveillance devices were rendered inert through human intervention or natural hunting patterns by specimens native to SCP-2541. I strongly recommend, however, that future researchers assigned to SCP-2541 continue to consider it as a possibility.
This entry hereby concludes the documentation of the diagnostic observation study of SCP-2541. Containment recommendations and data recorded will be filed within the next week, and regular containment will be established following that.
Permanent containment of SCP-2541 was established upon the conclusion of the study. In addition, a study as to ascertain the nature of SCP-2541-A was approved on the grounds of the information documented by the research team, and it has been declared a priority to determine if there are any methods of neutralizing or preventing any manifestations of SCP-2541-A.
A request to utilize SCP-2541 as a source of high-quality resources for use in the creation of specialized electronics requiring components that can be found within SCP-2541 was denied on grounds of causing significant damage to SCP-2541 with potentially dangerous effects.
Attempts to identify a presence of humans in SCP-2541 have been approved.