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Also, Carthage Must Be Destroyed

Connected to: SCP-2766

SCP-2513 after containment.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2513 is to be guarded by armed personnel at all times, with orders to detain any non-authorized persons attempting to cross SCP-2513. An area of 10km2 around SCP-2513 is to be cordoned off as a nature preserve, to prevent any possible use by civilian populations.

Given the low saturation of information relating to SCP-2513, extant historical records need not be tampered with. Historical records of SCP-2513 that are not already cataloged are to be reported to the SCP-2513 project head.


SCP-2513 is a bridge located approximately 7km north of the city of Ragusa, Italy. Originally built by the Roman Republic, and restored in 2006 by the Ragusa Heritage Society, it shows notable signs of decay owing to its age. SCP-2513 will, when crossed by an individual from south to north, cause a sudden and irrational hatred of the Carthaginian Republic, a city-state that existed in modern-day Tunisia until 146 BC.

Further testing has determined that persons possessing no prior knowledge of Carthage will manifest this effect as a general dislike of north-central Africa and its current occupants. Testing on individuals with no knowledge of the continent of Africa have yielded little to no manifestation of SCP-2513's effect. However, individuals without a prior knowledge of Carthage will, when informed of its existence, begin to show the standard effects of SCP-2513.

SCP-2513's effect has been shown to trigger from as little information as the phrase "I am from Carthage," and "Carthage exists". While the intensity of this effect has been shown to diminish over time, only a north-to-south crossing of the bridge has shown a capacity to fully reverse these effects.

SCP-2513 was first built in 253 BC by the Roman Republic. It was ostensibly built to facilitate the passage of men from the city of Ragusa to aid the Roman Republic during several battles in Sicily. Following construction, however, the city of Ragusa shifted allegiances to aid the Carthaginian forces occupying the island. In 251 BC, the city of Ragusa once again shifted its allegiance to the Roman Republic. Unlike several other cities in Sicily during the remainder of the war, this was the last recorded shift of allegiance for the city.

By 132 BC, roads leading to and from SCP-2513 were no longer the primary methods to move from southern Sicily to the remainder of the island. Little other historical record of SCP-2513 exists except for a note in historical accounts by Vincentius Bonajutus of the 1693 Sicilian earthquake. A single footnote relating to the destruction of the bridge is contained in his account, which was published in the scientific journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

Of note, however, are several related and unpublished treatise written by Bonajutus on the dangers of a resurgent Carthaginian Republic (including specific objections to the rule of the Muradid dynasty). This is believed to be the earliest recorded SCP-2513-related event.

Stones which possess a carving relating to the Roman god Janus by an unidentified mason have been recovered from the area containing SCP-2513. SCP-2513 incorporates several of these stones into its construction, and further testing involving these stones is considered a priority to further understanding of the object.1