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Object Class: Esoteric

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2502 is to be secured by an eight-point 'halo brace'-style clamping system consisting of a series of spring-loaded stainless steel rods measuring 2 cm in diameter, each ending in a retention pad of synthetic rubber, positioned equidistantly above and below the object and in contact with its obverse and reverse surfaces. The clamping system is to be calibrated with each rod delivering 200 kPa of pressure at each contact point, each with an associated tension sensor, and mounted in a ventilated clear polycarbonate container. The container is to be stored in a climate-controlled secure storage locker at Site-15, calibrated to 100 kPa pressure, 285 K temperature and 40% humidity in addition to the typical electromagnetic safety measures in place at the Site.

Once per month, the containment assembly must be inspected for signs of loss of tension in the clamping system and degradation of the retention pads, as well as the condition of the polycarbonate container. The aforementioned environmental factors are ideal for both long-term preservation of the object and the integrity of the various components of the clamping mechanism; as such, any deviation of 5% or more in any measurement or any discernible degradation of the retention pads or container walls requires immediate repair and/or replacement of the component in question.


SCP-2502 is a generic consumer-grade re-writable compact disc (CD-RW). There are no markings on the obverse surface of the disc, which is typical of a CD-RW of this manufacture. The disc appears to be industry-standard at 1.2 mm thickness, 12 cm diameter and 15 g mass. When inserted into any device capable of accessing a CD-RW, it appears to be filled to seemingly endless capacity with random binary data. Playback in a suitable audio device reveals audio content - specifically a studio recording session by musician David Howell Evans1. No cognitohazards have been detected in the recording. However, the recording itself is three hours, eight minutes and thirty seconds2 in length; this is far in excess of the one hour, twenty minutes typical of media of this type. Also, no record of any such recording session has been identified. The source of the audio remains unknown.

The anomalous property of SCP-2502 becomes apparent - and is seemingly constrained - at its circumference. When viewed at the circumference, the disc appears to vanish. When the edge comes in contact with any form of matter it passes through said matter with no measurable friction, cleaving a path 1.2 mm thick by 12 cm in width. The mechanism of this action is exclusive to the extreme outer rim of the disc.

Further, the entirety of the disc appears impervious to abrasion and heat, as demonstrated by Incident 2502-1 and experimentally verified under controlled conditions.

3. As is the case with the SCP-2502-A, no record of this studio session can be found. The means by which SCP-2502-B was introduced into the object while in containment at Site-15 is currently unknown. Comparative analysis of the structure of the object, the aforementioned tracks, and complete review of containment procedures are underway.

Addendum" id="">Addendum: Testing of the cleaving capabilities of the disc in combination with binary analysis of the recorded data has revealed that while the region containing the aforementioned music is static, other regions of data on the disc alter immediately following the cleaving process. The disc apparently does not destroy matter, but rather converts it into binary information and stores it. It is presently hypothesized that the disc was created as an attempt at a transfinite digital storage medium - the anomalous properties of the disc are the resulting side-effects of either the nature of such a medium within the accepted baseline space-time or the process by which the disc was created.

Experiments regarding matter reconstitution and exploration beyond the edge utilizing sensor devices smaller than the 1.2 mm limit are pending approval.

Discovery Log: SCP-2502 was discovered on 5/6/2014. The object was retrieved from ██████ █████, a small music media store in Manhattan, New York, where it hung as a decoration by a length of fishing line looped through its hub. Upon questioning, the proprietor of the store, ██████ █████, recalled only that it was present when he purchased the store. Following Incident 2502-1, Foundation assets repaired all damage caused by the disc, retrieved and replaced it with another of identical manufacture, and administered Class A amnestics to the proprietor.

Incident 2502-1: On 5/5/2014, the line by which the disc was suspended came loose of the thumbtack to which the line was attached. Due to air currents from the store's climate-control system, the disc struck the floor of the establishment at an angle of approximately 0.01 radians. It 'slid' through the floor, cleaving a path through all intervening matter and traveling an ultimate distance of approximately 50 meters before coming to rest due to gravity and friction acting upon the surface of the disc in a manner similar to a vehicular disc-type brake. Foundation assets within Consolidated Edison Steam Operations reported a steam conduit malfunction seemingly caused by a compact disc perforating the conduit. Class A amnestics were administered to the Consolidated Edison employees who made the original discovery.

Addendum: Recorded on 3/31/2016. As of this date, no containment breach nor degradation of containment apparatus has been detected. As such, this object has been re-designated Safe, as per standing directives - existing containment protocols are to be maintained. Submitted proposals for alternate containment methodology - hereby referred to as the "Mace Configuration" - have been denied by O5 review: while the Mace Configuration would allow the object to be utilized as a tool and/or weapon in the event of a Site-wide emergency, compromising the successful containment of this object is deemed not warranted at this time.

The aforementioned O5 review approves the following emergency measures: the Mace Configuration and relevant equipment are to be maintained in-situ as a stand-by option. Personnel with clearance Level 3/2502 or higher may enact the Mace Configuration Protocol. Any personnel found activating this Protocol outside of a Site containment breach or higher emergency scenario will be subject to immediate sanction.

Addendum: Recorded on 6/28/2016. Routine assay of Safe-class objects at Site-15 revealed a change in the audio playback of this object. Immediately following the previously documented audio track (designated SCP-2502-A), a second audio track was discovered (designated SCP-2502-B). No cognitohazards have been detected in either recording. SCP-2502-B was not present in any previous analyses of the object. SCP-2502-B is accessible via any device capable of playing an audio CD, and can be played directly by skipping to the second track, or by playing through the completion of SCP-2502-A as would be the typical behavior of an audio CD. SCP-2502-B has a run length of three hours, eight minutes and thirty seconds. This length is identical to SCP-2502-A as specified in this object's initial description. Analysis of SCP-2502-B confirms that it is a studio recording session by musician Saul Hudson3. As is the case with the SCP-2502-A, no record of this studio session can be found. The means by which SCP-2502-B was introduced into the object while in containment at Site-15 is currently unknown. Comparative analysis of the structure of the object, the aforementioned tracks, and complete review of containment procedures are underway.

Addendum: Recorded on 3/14/2017. All requests to interview David Howell Evans and/or Saul Hudson pertaining to this object are preemptively denied by O5.