Inertial Dampeners
Special Containment Procedures
All Foundation containment procedure proposals are to be monitored for SCP-2477 methodology. All proposals determined to be affected by SCP-2477 are to be denied. (For a list of plausible reasons for denial, please see Document SCP-2477-Thoth.) Foundation astronomical assets are to maintain continuous tracking of all known Type A instances, as well as Type B-C instances wherever possible.
Engineering conference papers, presentations, and government proposals are to be monitored by Foundation web-crawlers for pre-SCP-2477 reasoning. Mobile Task Force Psi-18 (“Tenure Trackers”) are to intervene with any identified researchers by providing financial incentives towards approved avenues of research. SCP-2477-positive researchers (internal or external) may also be considered for recruitment into the Experimental Containment Research Group.
In the event of any proposal to create a singular, well-funded site for the storage of radioactive or other extremely hazardous material at a national or international level, Mobile Task Force Rho-17 (“Not in My Back Yard”) is to exert local political pressure to prevent the completion of such a project.
SCP-2477 consists of a novel, nonobvious series of solutions to statics1 equations based on erroneous interpretations of Newtonian physics. SCP-2477 are most often encountered in well-funded projects dedicated to the complete containment or isolation of physical objects. As SCP-2477 solutions are derived from practical rather than abstract theoretical applications, they are much more likely to be discovered by engineers than by physicists.
Given sufficient resources, SCP-2477 can be used to construct devices capable of eliminating all outside forces affecting an object. These include gravity, electromagnetism, friction, physical contact, and particle-based radiation. These devices also fix the contained object to a single position by eliminating all inertia.
Unfortunately, the anomalous calculations required to complete SCP-2477 solutions cannot be resolved within the reference frame of a fixed point on the Earth’s surface. Instead, objects are fixed in place in comparison with some other astronomical object or reference point, and remain in this position with no regard for the movement of the Earth. There are █ known solutions to these equations, each associated with a different point of reference.
Researchers using brute-force computer analysis to solve these equations are significantly less likely to recognize this reference frame error when constructing an SCP-2477-based device. Please see Addendum SCP-2477-Iota for a list of known SCP-2477 solutions and example uses.
Document SCP-2477-D-1953: Title unavailable
This document has been archived due to limited requests for access.