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Tissue Dome

Connected to: SCP-2431SCP-2946SCP-3536

Interior of SCP-2378-A Segment 3 during initial exploration

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2378 is to be contained in an outdoor enclosure with a 5 km radius between the structure and the edge of the containment enclosure. The enclosure area is to be designated a no-fly zone. Containment barriers should be constructed of durable metal coated in Teflon polymer. CCTV monitoring cameras are to be implanted in concealed locations along the fenceline at intervals of 50 meters. Civilians attempting or successfully entering the containment enclosure are to be apprehended and administered class A amnestics as required. Satellite imagery should be modified such that SCP-2378 resembles weathered rock layers.

Exploration and Research teams entering SCP-2378 must have at least BSL-2 safety training. Individuals entering A regions are not to have consumed more than 36 mg of glucose for at least 3 hours. Physical contact with SCP-2378-1 instances should be avoided, especially if entering SCP-2378-B or C regions. Exploration of B or C regions require BSL-3 and 4 safety protocols, respectively, and use of appropriate liquid immersion equipment. Physical interaction with SCP-2378-4 should be avoided by personnel at all costs.

Entry into SCP-2378-D is restricted to aerial corrosion-proof drones.

Irritation of the interior elements of SCP-2378 should be avoided. In the event of a Class 1 event, research and exploration crews within A regions are instructed to secure themselves to tunnel or cavern walls via provided equipment. Personnel in B or C regions are instructed to evacuate to A regions immediately. If SCP-2378 enters a Class 2 event, all personnel are to be evacuated and the surrounding area placed under lock down.

At the end of every designated 8 month period, personnel are to be barred from entering SCP-2378 until the transition point has elapsed. Genomic analysis is to take place following this transition, at which time the new link is to be identified and tracked for observation.

Use of SCP-3536-1 instances have been approved for testing within SCP-2378 on a case by case basis.


SCP-2378 is a large domed structure located 15 km from Site-234 in █████████, Alabama. SCP-2378 is circular at its base, with a diameter of 3 km and a maximum height of 200 meters. The structure's exterior is grey in pigmentation and composed of large interlocking amorphous structures morphologically similar to human epidermis tissue, which resemble weathered limestone from a distance. Between these structures are holes, 5-10 cm in diameter, from which .5 meter long keratin fibers, ranging from dark blue to black in pigment, protrude. All attempts to drill or cut portions of the exterior have failed, usually inducing small seismic events. All components of SCP-2378 defy normal biophysical evolution to some degree, notably, the gravity defying flow of nutrient processing in the upwards direction and violation of biological principles derived from the Square Cube Law.

All interior and exterior structural components of SCP-2378 are composed of cells, tissues, and organs similar to those of human origin at approximately 10,000 times their normal size. These components correspond, genetically, to a single real world individual, and often display physiological signs congruent with the current health of said individual. Linked individuals appear to be spatially connected to SCP-2378 in some unknown manner, however; individuals remain unaware of said spatial connection throughout its duration.

Every 8 months SCP-2378 undergoes a transition period, where it becomes "linked" to a new individual1. At this point, the interior layout, and physiological conditions within SCP-2378 are altered, rendering previous navigational charting useless. Anyone within the structure during a transition period may experience relocation into non-navigable tissues, or outright dematerialization. Newly linked individuals are tracked and observed by foundation undercover operatives for anomalous activity. Please see Observation Log SCP-2378-12 for a list of notable linked individuals.

SCP-2378 has 2 openings at ground level, each 5 meters wide, oriented due north and due south. Caverns directly attached to the opening are sloped downhill, and once every 3 months the openings will contract, and a brown viscous fluid will wash out onto the forest floor, before promptly dematerializing. These openings, as far as current exploration and research efforts have determined, are not directly connected, and in fact may be mirror images of each other.

From these openings, four definitive geographical/anatomical regions have been explored and described. These regions, SCP-2378-A, B, C, and D are described below.

SCP-2378's interior is quite susceptible to irritation, via humans or one of the many anomalous entities that occupy its tissues. Normal irritation events are dubbed "Class 1" events. During a Class 1 event, the structure will usually exhibit a number of responses.

  • Sudden and violent shaking, which may amplify the irritation event by tearing/bursting some B regions.
  • Excretion of unpleasantly odorous fluid from the exterior surface, often laced with high amounts of urea
  • Deployment of large quantities of -1 and -3 instances into B regions.
  • Contractions in A regions, inducing a flood of waste and incomplete digestion products through either exterior openings.
  • Contractive expulsion of fluid from D regions through the top sphincter.

Class 1 events also generate responses in the linked individual, including the following:

  • Scratching, pulling, or biting of limbs and extremities in a detrimental manner
  • Heightened perspiration
  • Development of fever, swelling, and congestion
  • Diarrhea, possibly with blood depending on the severity of irritation
  • Emesis and acid reflux

In rare instances, a Class 2 event may occur. Class 2 events are triggered by SCP-2378-3, -4 instances, or severe illness/physical trauma in the linked individual. These phenomena include the same signatory responses as a regular event, but also incur active SCP-2378-3 and -4 into A regions, irreparable damage to anatomical segments, and severe tissue damage/failure as well as internal bleeding in linked subjects. It is currently not known how the expiration of a linked individual might impact the anomaly10.

Discovery: SCP-2378 was first discovered by Foundation engineering teams surveying a large portion of unoccupied, recently purchased land on July 5th, 1983 near █████████, Alabama11. Appropriation of local historical records indicate that the structure may have first emerged sometime following the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906, when a small quake measuring at magnitude 3 on the Richter scale was detected in the surrounding area.

Initial genetic testing revealed that all tissue components of the structure corresponded genomically with current Foundation employee, Agent Sam ██████. Agent ██████ had recently been diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer. Seismic events, and a number of severe irritation events over the course of the previous year prompted inquiry12. Exploration of A-regions, at the time, maintained congruence with this diagnosis, with large numbers of quickly dividing cells spreading about the segment walls, and forming large atypical lumps. Agent ██████ underwent therapeutic surgery on July 3rd 1997, followed by chemotherapy, resulting in 13 irritation events, and a small-scale seismic quake inflicting ███████ worth of damage on the nearby town.

Further exploration lead to the discovery of attached anatomical structures, as well as SCP-2431 and SCP-2946, as detailed in the previous sections (See exploration logs E-2378-1 through 4). On August 5th, 1997, SCP-2378 underwent its first observed transition period 3 months after genetic identification. 2 teams were within the structure during the transition, resulting in █ personnel becoming trapped in dense tissue, and loss of GPS contact with ██ personnel.

Exploration logs" id="">Addendum 2: SCP-2378-4:
SCP-2378-4 are manifestations of Natural Killer cells13 1.5 m in diameter. Direct physical interaction with any -4 iteration by human targets or normal SCP-2378 cells lacking requisite MHC 1 receptors, induces SCP-2378-4's primary, secondary, and tertiary functions. First, it will release a series of compounds which permeate the target, regardless of protective equipment. Second, it will begin secreting large quantities of interferon γ14. Finally, SCP-2378-4 will begin secreting chemical markers, which draw more SCP-2378-4 instances in addition to phagocytic -3 instances.

-4 instance's primary and secondary responses have a number of effects on human targets. For targets subject to the primary response:

  • Subjects immediately begin to feel ill, bloated, and swollen.
  • Subjects will swell rapidly, often tearing clothing and protective gear.
  • Subjects explosively burst.
  • Subjects parts rearrange and package into membranous sacks, and begin to resemble former cell components.
  • Phagocytes consume subjects remains.

For individuals subject to the secondary response:

  • Subjects will begin feeling nauseous, woozy, and fatigued.
  • Subjects develop a fever, and begin hallucinating.

In the event that any member of an exploration team comes into contact with an instance of SCP-2378-4, non-target members are advised to immediately swim in the opposite direction of pulse current, and exit to an A region.

Exploration logs
The following supplementary documents detail expeditions into SCP-2378.

  • E-2378-01 - Access Denied
  • E-2378-02 - Access Denied
  • E-2378-03 - Access Denied
  • E-2378-04 - Access Denied