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We're All The Same Down Here

Special Containment Procedures

Due to the widespread nature of SCP-2375, permanent containment is currently not feasible. Instead, Mobile Task Force Zeta-28 ("Army of Darkness") has been created for the sole purpose of identifying and terminating active colonies of instances of SCP-2375-1, as well as working to prevent activities that would result in the spread of SCP-2375.

If an instance of SCP-2375-1 is discovered in a populated area where it is possible for SCP-2375 to spread, MTF-Zeta-28 is to be dispatched immediately and must investigate the targeted area for possible colonies of SCP-2375-2 instances. Should a colony of SCP-2375-2 be discovered, agents of MTF-Zeta-28 are instructed to eliminate any points of access for instances of SCP-2375-2 to exit the area. Any further remaining instances of SCP-2375-1 or SCP-2375-2 are to be terminated immediately.


SCP-2375 is a necrotic skin condition in its beginning stages, capable of spreading through physical contact. Initial symptoms of SCP-2375 include mild decay of the skin on the chest, increased senses of euphoria and pleasure, and a decreased ability to feel pain.

Within one week, this skin damage grows in size and intensity until the affected part of the body begins to resemble severely necrotic skin, although those infected with SCP-2375 report no unusual feelings. The bodies of individuals infected with SCP-2375 display no permanent damage to the insides of the body, appearing to suffer only physical decay.

Approximately two weeks after the individual is first infected with SCP-2375, the infection will spread to the individual's limbs (if available) and lower torso; individuals who reach this point of infection are designated instances of SCP-2375-1. The subject will then attempt to convince bystanders to initiate physical contact with the subject in order to spread SCP-2375. Humans with antisocial personality disorders are particularly susceptible to SCP-2375-1's influence.

SCP-2375-1 instances have been shown to engage in standard fundraising activities, such as door-to-door recruiting, distribution of mail leaflets (see transcript of 2375-1 distributed flyer), social events and group therapy programs to gain opportunities to spread SCP-2375 to humans who participate in these events. Participants in these events report a strong compulsion to interact with instances of SCP-2375-1 that remains for approximately three hours after the conclusion of the event. Aside from containing instances of SCP-2375-1 (Usually dressed in elaborate costumes or long clothing), no anomalous activity or atypical spread of SCP-2375 has been reported during these events.

Once an instance of SCP-2375-1 has spread SCP-2375, it will attempt to retreat to a small, readily available 5x5 hole within one hundred kilometers of the area, or to create one if one is not readily available. These holes have been shown to lead to small, subterranean caverns inhabited by mass quantities of SCP-2375-1 instances. These caverns are identified by instances of SCP-2375-1 as "Villages", and consist of several small buildings that serve various purposes (See Interview Log 2375-A). Any instance of SCP-2375-1 that is seen entering a village has not been shown to emerge again.

Once in these villages, instances of SCP-2375-1 enter the final stage of transformation into an instance of SCP-2375-2. Underground, the subject's face begins experiencing a rapid decomposition similar to the rest of the body. This is considered the final stage of infection with SCP-2375, as no further damage to the body has been noticed. No instances of SCP-2375-2 after the final stage of decomposition have been seen to willingly reemerge from their subterranean caverns, nor have any made an attempt during Foundation raids.