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Yesterday, Upon the Stair

Object Class: Esoteric

Connected to: SCP-1500

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2359 should be held within a standard humanoid containment cell lined with soundproofing materials. The cell must not contain media with which SCP-2359 could record information. SCP-2359 must be observed neither directly nor by live camera feed. Observation must be performed by binary positive-negative detection of motion within SCP-2359’s containment cell.

All direct documentation of SCP-2359 – articles such as video recordings, audio recordings and transcripts, and photographic images – are to be classified as SCP-2359-A and stored in a reinforced secure locker. Access to these materials is restricted at all clearance levels, with exceptions subject to approval by O5-14.

In-person interaction with SCP-2359 and examination of previous interactions are forbidden at all security levels.

All research into SCP-2359’s anomalous properties is suspended indefinitely. Security staff assigned to monitor SCP-2359 must undergo fortnightly psychiatric evaluation. Any indicators of cognitohazardous infection will result in treatment with Class-C amnestics and rotation to other duties.

SCP-2359 must not be relocated for any reason.

See Addendum 2539-C for relevant documentation on SCP-2359’s revised classification and containment procedures.


SCP-2359 is a humanoid of 1.76 meters in height and 66.2 kilograms in weight. All further physical description of SCP-2359 is impossible, as there is no way to observe the entity in a manner that would resolve its identifying characteristics without being exposed to its cognitohazard, and hence having the viewer’s perceptions of SCP-2359 altered. While humanoid in shape and proportion, SCP-2359 does not need to eat, drink, or sleep, and only does so when researchers or test subjects enter its containment.

SCP-2359’s primary anomalous property is a cognitohazard that propagates to anyone that makes visual, auditory or informational contact with it.2 The infection impresses a false identity and memories of SCP-2359 onto the mind of the affected subject. As a result, the subject believes SCP-2359 to be a person with whom they have been acquainted with for most of their lives, such as a close family member or childhood friend. The implanted identity is generally a person whom the subject trusts innately and – in a large majority of documented occurrences – would go to great lengths to assist. Interviews with multiple infected subjects have indicated that the infection does not make the victim believe SCP-2359 is a person already known to them, but inserts an entirely new person and set of experiences into the victim’s memories. Complete removal of the infection necessitates precision application of Class-C amnestics.

SCP-2359’s cognitohazard propagates through all current forms of media with the capacity to distinguish identifying characteristics. Class-D test subjects have displayed recognition of SCP-2359 when exposed to Polaroid photographs or digital images; film or digital videos; analogue or digital audio recordings; and software-dictated transcriptions of audio recordings.

It is impossible to communicate with SCP-2359 through any medium without becoming indoctrinated by its cognitohazard. Likewise, it is impossible to visually observe SCP-2359 or any visual captures of it – including more abstract renders such as software-interpreted radar imaging – without becoming infected. The only current method of observation that has not been evidenced to result in cognitohazardous infection is a system of motion-mapping cameras that construct a representative animation of motion within SCP-2359’s containment cell. The entity’s cognitohazard also cannot propagate through second-hand documentation, description or repetition of what subjects believe SCP-2359 has said.

When contradicted, SCP-2359’s cognitohazard functions as a latent kill agent. When presented with conflicting evidence, the resulting dissonance experienced by a victim or subject cascades into a infohazardous kill agent.3 See Addendum 2359-A for relevant details.

Addendum 2359-B: Transcript of Assistant Researcher Mayhew’s First Interview with SCP-2359

Addendum 2359-C" id="">Addendum 2359-A: Transcript of Senior Researcher Gillard’s Debriefing Interview with Agent Shaw

Addendum 2359-B: Transcript of Assistant Researcher Mayhew’s First Interview with SCP-2359

Addendum 2359-C Revisions to Containment Procedures for SCP-2359

In response to SCP-2359’s long history of manipulating staff and subsequently breaching containment – and with special regard to its most recent containment breach, during which SCP-2359 successfully contacted SCP-████ – SCP-2359’s classification has been upgraded from Euclid to Keter. Subsequently, SCP-2359 will now be kept under revised containment procedures, as follows:

Due to the length of SCP-2359’s most recent containment breach, during which its movements were unaccounted for over a period of several days, it is unknown how many foundation staff have been exposed to its cognitohazard and may be subsequently conspiring to free it from containment. To safeguard against this, current research programs involving SCP-2359 have been suspended indefinitely and interaction with SCP-2359 is now prohibited at all Security levels. Exemption applications are to be submitted to O5-14 for approval. Repeated applications for exemption will result in psychiatric evaluation.

With respect to SCP-2359’s current feigned comatose state and Senior Researcher Gillard’s current hypothesis that its cognitohazard may be able to propagate through motion-mapping cameras, live observation of SCP-2359 is to be filtered into binary detection of movement. As a precautionary measure, still frames captured from the digitized motion feed of SCP-2359 have been expunged from its documentation. Access to SCP-2359’s live camera feed remains prohibited, and applications for access to the digitized motion feed are now subject to approval by O5-14.

SCP-2359 is not to be relocated for any reason. Exceptions are now subject to approval by O5-14.

The above procedural revisions are effective 22/01/2016

– From the desk of O5-14

Our research logs have been edited by someone with O5 clearance, but the changelog is classified. The others say there is a staff notice from O5-14. They say that the containment for 2359 has been revised; that our project has been shut down, and we’re being reassigned.

If there is one thing I know, it is that there are only thirteen. There has only ever been thirteen.

I am certain that this time tomorrow, I will know that there have always been fourteen.

I don't know what to do. There's no protocol for this. How am I meant to stop it?

I don't think I can.

– G