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Phantom Bomber Fleet

Special Containment Procedures

The source of SCP-2326-1 instances is currently unknown. Removal of the source of instances of SCP-2326-1 is ongoing. Containment currently focuses on eliminating SCP-2326-1 instances in 2326-Tango events. Detachments of interceptor aircraft in squadron strength as well as ground and air search radars sited at Sites 7, 18, 24, and GOC sites listed in Joint Document 2326-776 will attempt to detect and intercept SCP-2326-1 instances whenever 2326-Tango events occur. Additional undercover detachments in the armed forces of NATO and former Warsaw Pact members are tasked with masking SCP-2326-1 instances from air-search radars or otherwise establishing them as nonexistent contacts. Ideally, 2326-Tango events should be classified as scheduled large aircraft flights or coincide with planned monitoring downtime for maintenance or testing.

Ideally, Foundation and GOC forces should be sufficient to intercept SCP-2326-1 instances outside of densely populated areas. In the case that joint Foundation/GOC forces are out of action or otherwise insufficient, defense forces of nations targeted should only be alerted as a last resort.

All wreckage should be recovered under the guise of a technical failure in a military exercise. Surviving instances of SCP-2326-3 should be recovered for questioning, but neutralized should recovery become impossible. neutralized immediately. Surviving instances are unable to answer relevant questions.

Foundation Site 2326-A is sited at a derelict radar station on the outskirts of Tula, Russia. A research group of Foundation researchers should work to restore SCP-2326-2 to working order to remove the threat that 2326-Tango events pose.


Instances of SCP-2326-1 appear to be Handley Page Victor strategic bombers, outfitted for strategic bombing. Instances of SCP-2326-1 confirmed to be carefully reverse engineered Handley Page Victors of Soviet origin, escorted by Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 multirole fighters. Instances have markings consistent with RAF aircraft in 1975. Radiological testing indicates that 60% of instances carry tactical nuclear weapons ranging in size from 10 to 75 kilotons.

Air crews will attempt to respond to radio hails from interceptor aircraft, but audio received from flight crews is heavily distorted and mostly unintelligible, and have been otherwise unable to comply with Foundation requests. When approached using ICAO interception signalling, aircraft will respond with 'cannot comply' and continue on course. See Interview Log 2326-1.

Groups of SCP-2326-1 in flight strength will spontaneously appear over the North Atlantic at 16,000 m. Such appearances are termed 2326-Tango events. Instances will attempt to fly toward Warsaw Pact industrial centers, major military bases, and other strategic locations. It is presumed that instances of SCP-2326-1 will attempt to destroy these cities with their payloads.

Projections suggest that if one target is destroyed, there is a 68% chance of the resulting political situation escalating into an XK-class scenario.

Flights of SCP-2326-1 also have the following characteristics:

  • Approximately 16% of instances will suffer a mechanical failure and crash of their own accord.
  • In 5% of 2326-Tango events, MiG-29 escort fighters will shoot down their Victor counterparts, and otherwise resume course.
  • Instances often fly erratically, yawing or turning in circles several times before returning on course.

Site 2326-A was originally a control facility carefully disguised as a radar site. At some point after [REDACTED], it fell into disrepair until it was restored as a Foundation site after the discovery of its association with 2326-Tango events from rediscovered GRU 'P' Division documents. It contains the remains of a previously unknown variation of the Elbrus-3 computer linked to a Dnestr radar array, designated SCP-2326-2, as well as the remains of a GRU 'P' Division research site. Based on partial recovered documentation, the currently non-functioning network is the control mechanism for SCP-2326-1 instances, and currently in the active mode with no way to return the system to an inactive state. Work to restore functionality is ongoing.

Recovery Log: GOC forces requested assistance in containing SCP-2326-1 instances, which they claim to have been containing and attempting to destroy since 1975. They did not cite a reason for involving the Foundation. Link to SCP-2326-2 discovered in 2000 with the recovery of GRU 'P' Division archives. Inconsistencies discovered between GRU 'P' records and GOC timeline. See Internal Document 2326-1 - Request for Assistance and Internal Document 2326-2 - Timeline of Events.