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Iron Wall of Dhul-Qarnayn

Special Containment Procedures

In order to prevent unauthorized access, the area surrounding SCP-2309 has been enclosed by a chain-link fence and given the public designation of a proving ground used by the Georgian Land Forces. A team of observers is to be stationed at SCP-2309 at all times to regularly report on the structural condition of SCP-2309. Any breach in SCP-2309 is to be reported immediately and considered a potential SK-Class dominance shift scenario. Upon receiving such a report, Foundation military assets stationed in the Middle East are to be activated and deployed according to Contingency Plan-2309, to assess the situation, and, if applicable, engage any hostile forces that appear.


SCP-2309 is an approximately 20 m tall and 5 m thick wall, constructed from blocks of iron covered in a thin layer of brass, standing between the walls of the █████ Pass in ███████ Region, Georgia. Although SCP-2309 is not susceptible to damage by conventional means, SCP-2309 continuously deteriorates through an anomalous process in which pieces of metal disappear from the north-facing side of SCP-2309, leaving a variety of patterns generally similar to claw marks in appearance. This process of deterioration, which occurs between sunrise and sunset, will continue until the thickness of the wall is reduced to as little as 5 cm in some sections. Between each period of deterioration, SCP-2309 will regenerate the lost material at a rate of approximately 0.5 mm/s, such that all of the lost material will have been regenerated before the next period of deterioration.

Foundation historians believe that SCP-2309 was constructed during the 6th century BCE, under the sponsorship of Cyrus the Great, founder of the Achaemenid Empire. The historical existence of SCP-2309 has been attested by various written sources dating from as early as the 1st century CE1; publicly-accessible versions of these sources have been modified accordingly to obscure the existence and location of SCP-2309. Of particular interest among these sources is the following first-hand account of SCP-2309, given by Sallam at-Turjumani, an official serving in the court of caliph al-Wathiq of the Abbasid Dynasty, during the early 9th century CE.

Foundation archeologists began excavations of the area surrounding SCP-2309 in 1992. Among the articles of interest discovered were:

  • A cache of approximately one thousand Lydian coins.
  • A large number of iron and bronze fragments from Achaemenid weapons and armor.
  • A collection of gears and other machine parts, probably used in the construction of SCP-2309. Many are stamped with the seals of the Mekhanite temple-cults of the Ionian city-states.
  • A mass grave containing skeletons with humanoid body structures largely similar to those of baseline Homo sapiens sapiens, deviating from the baseline in that their skulls largely consist of a vertically aligned pair of sharp jaws, and that their fingers end with bony claws. These specimens have been noted to resemble captured instances of SK-BIO Type B.
  • A large clay cylinder, containing the following record, written in Old Persian, of the construction of SCP-2309 and the circumstances in which it took place.

Because of the eschatological significance assigned to SCP-2309, and the existence of written and archeological evidence suggesting that SCP-2309 was constructed as a barrier against Sarkic armies, it is believed that the breach of SCP-2309, if and when it should take place, may constitute an SK-Class dominance shift scenario. Historical and esoteric research regarding the nature of the threat posed by SCP-2309 and possible improvements to its containment is ongoing.