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Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2291 is stored in Anomalous Item Locker ECD-2291 in Site 19. As direct physical contact with SCP-2291 is prohibited, only D-Class personnel are authorized to move the item. Research involving SCP-2291 is prohibited without the express permission of Dr. Mbeke or Site-19’s senior administrative staff. Individuals that touch SCP-2291 directly are to be designated SCP-2291-A, administered a Class B amnestic, and placed into confinement for 3 months or until cleared by a supermajority of Site-19's psychiatric panel. Individuals that still show symptoms after this period are to be terminated.


SCP-2291 is a corrugated cardboard box with a edge length of 15cm. The word “FUN” is printed in large, black capital letters on each side. There are no gaps or joints on SCP-2291's surface, suggesting that it was formed whole rather than being folded from a flat sheet. D-Class personnel report a rattling noise issuing from SCP-2291 when moved, suggesting that it contains one or more smaller objects. All attempts to access SCP-2291's interior via destructive means have failed, as have imaging studies intended to probe the interior. Level-3 personnel and above may request Test Logs 2291 -1 though -4 for more details.

SCP-2291 was recovered from the offices of █████████ Corporate Solutions in ███████, Ohio. Foundation assets were alerted after the entire staff of █████████ Corporate Solutions was reported missing within a period of 2 days. Mobile Task Force Rho-9 ("The Dundies") was assigned to investigate, and recovered SCP-2291 along with 18 instances of SCP-2291-A, identified as the former employees of █████████ Corporate Solutions. These individuals were found at their workstations, suffering from sleep deprivation and mild dehydration.

Direct physical contact with SCP-2291 is to be considered a Delta-class cognitohazard. Those who do so are to be designated SCP-2291-A and experience the following symptoms:

  • All communication by SCP-2291-A instances is altered. SCP-2291-A instances involuntarily replace some adjectives, especially those involving emotion, with the word “fun”.
  • SCP-2291-A instances smile constantly, even while sleeping.
  • SCP-2291 significantly alters how SCP-2291-A instances express and experience emotion. Immediately after initial exposure, subjects report increased feelings of happiness and significantly reduced resistance to authority. As the time of exposure to SCP-2291 increases, however, symptoms change; subjects repeatedly exposed to SCP-2291 for a period greater than 2 weeks become reliant on SCP-2291's effects to experience pleasure. When isolated from SCP-2291, these subjects temporarily lose their ability to normally process endorphins. In addition to a suppressed ability to experience pleasure, these individuals experience symptoms analogous to extreme doses of Naloxone in opiate abusers; restlessness, sweating, and headache are common.

When isolated from SCP-2291, SCP-2291-A instances typically recover within 3 months. Recovery is negatively correlated with exposure time; the less time a subject spends near SCP-2291, the greater their chance of recovery.

Interview Log 2291-17-3: The first 18 known SCP-2291-A subjects were the employees of █████████ Corporate Solutions, all of whom were detained during the recovery of SCP-2291. The following interview has been deemed notable due to its content.

Interview Log D-14783-7: