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Legate of Ursa Major to the Senate and People of Rome

Connected to: SCP-1822

Special Containment Procedures

All communication with SCP-2229 is to be directed through the Designated Liaison to SCP-2229. The Liaison is to be selected by a special committee of the Department of Antiquities on the basis of fluency in Classical Latin, knowledge of Roman history, and diplomatic experience. While communicating with SCP-2229, the Liaison must consistently assume the identity of a Roman emperor. Biannually, the Liaison must present a selection of goods1 to SCP-2229 as tribute. Although SCP-2229 has promised to solely communicate with the Liaison, reports from psychiatric hospitals in the city of Rome are to be continuously monitored for instances of communication between SCP-2229 and other individuals.


SCP-2229 is a telepathic entity that self-identifies as Sextus Pompilius Trio, Legate of Ursa Major2 to the Senate and People of Rome. SCP-2229 manifests to individuals with whom it chooses to communicate as an auditory hallucination of an individual speaking in Classical Latin. By thinking in Classical Latin, individuals are capable of initiating communication to or responding to communication from SCP-2229. SCP-2229 is not thought to have a physical form, but is capable of manipulating matter through anomalous means. When an individual communicating with SCP-2229 focuses on a particular object or group of objects, SCP-2229 is capable of causing that object or group of objects to spontaneously disappear. Similarly, when an individual communicating with SCP-2229 focuses on a particular location, SCP-2229 is capable of causing an object or group of objects to spontaneously appear at that location3.

The Foundation became aware of SCP-2229 after Agents monitoring psychiatric hospitals in the city of Rome noted the existence of several individuals who claimed to have heard a "legate of the bear" speaking to them in Latin, demanding an audience with the current Roman emperor. Due to the frequency and similarity of the reports, the cause was immediately suspected to be anomalous in nature. Dr. Marcellus, the first Designated Liaison to SCP-2229, was dispatched to investigate the reports and attempt communication with SCP-2229.