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SCP-2224 just before acquisition

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2224 is located in the External Environmental Lab on Site 24. Level 2 security clearance or higher is required to access the object, in addition to permission from Dr. Darritz.


SCP-2224 is a teeter-totter made of wood and metal, fitted with two boards and four handles to accommodate up to four riders at a time. The object resembles an older style of teeter-totter which is no longer widely produced due to safety regulations in most countries. It was acquired from a village located in southern Finland after the Foundation was contacted by the local government.

Each of SCP-2224's four seats have a single letter engraved into the wood where the rider would be positioned. The letters are A, B, Ø, and D, with A and B engraved on one board, and Ø and D on the other.

SCP-2224's effects only occur if a rider is sitting on the "A" or "Ø" seats, with another rider on the opposite end of the board. The effects are different depending on which seat is being utilized. Their individual effects are listed below.

"A" Seat: The anomalous effect of the "A" seat is first initiated when both it and the "B" seat are occupied by riders. When the rider on the "A" seat pushes off from the ground causing the "B" seat to then touch the ground, the "A" seat rider will experience the feeling of being launched off the object, approximately 2.2 to 3 meters straight above the seat. When the "B" rider pushes off the ground again, the "A" rider will then feel as if they are falling back down on the seat at a velocity to be expected from their perceived height in the air. Visual and auditory hallucinations accompany this effect.

The "A" rider's experience will always last approximately 2-3 seconds, regardless of how long the "B" rider stays in the ground position after touching down. Tests have been done with the "B" rider staying in the ground position for up to 52 minutes, with the "A" rider not realizing how much time has passed until they are informed by the testing staff. The effect is broken as soon as the "B" rider leaves their seat, even if another person holds down the "B" end of the board first and takes the vacated seat. It can also be broken by removing the "A" rider from their seat(usually by tether) before they reach the ground position again. "A" riders who have the effect broken for them do not experience any anomalous feelings or hallucinations, or possibly forget them immediately. Testing has not yet yielded any other notable results for the "A" seat.

"Ø" Seat: The anomalous effect of the "Ø" seat is initiated in a similar manner as the "A" seat's, with riders occupying both the "Ø" and "D" seats instead. It does differ in that the "D" rider must stay in the ground position for longer than 1.2 seconds after the "Ø" rider reaches their apex. The effect will not occur if the "D" rider's seat does not touch the ground at all, or the "D" rider immediately pushes off the ground again once their seat touches it.

Unlike the "A" seat, riders on the "Ø" seat can have experiences that vary greatly in perceived time and velocity, depending on how long the "D" rider stays in the ground position. Due to the perceived time of the experience for riders of the "Ø" seat, their facial expressions will usually change rapidly while using SCP-2224, which often results in facial muscle tearing. "Ø" riders will often lose consciousness upon returning to the ground position, but only if the "D" rider maintained the ground position for longer than 20 seconds before pushing off the ground again.

Breaking the effect is possible using the methods outlined for the "A" seat, with "Ø" riders having their experience nullified or forgotten similarly. Considerable testing of the "Ø" seat has been done to seek out any other similarities or differences between it and the "A" seat. Those results can be found in the table below. Tests beyond 59 seconds are no longer authorized.

The Foundation has been unable to locate any records of a Caverage Company. It is possible that D-119786 misspelled or misremembered the name, but additional testing will be required to confirm that. - Dr. Darritz