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Little Lock-a-Doors

Image taken of door to SCP-2181's containment cell by Agent ██████████ during Event 2181-02.

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2181 is housed in a standard Humanoid containment cell at Site-145. Monitoring is to be done by closed-circuit camera only; cell should not have windows. Cell door is to be furnished with an external manual, non-electronic lock in addition to standard site-wide remote electronic locking mechanisms. The door is to remain closed and locked while personnel are within the cell. Should SCP-2181 lock the door to its containment cell, personnel are to wait fifteen minutes before manually disengaging the lock and reengaging remotely. SCP-2181 is to be supplied with a misting bottle of saline fluid that should be refilled every two days. Requests for food, music and toys are to be brought to the Site Director for approval.

Addendum After Event 2181-02, personnel within the containment cell are to remain at least 5 meters from locked doors in the event that SCP-2181 becomes distressed.


SCP-2181 is a small humanoid of indeterminate gender with semi-opaque skin, appearing approximately seven years of age.1 The orbits of the eyes are 11.5 cm in diameter,2 with accompanying deformities to the frontal, parietal and zygomatic bones of the cranium. The eyelids are disproportionately small in comparison, and SCP-2181 has developed keratoconjunctivitis sicca3 as a result. SCP-2181 has considerably greater visual acuity and range than a normal human.

Testing has revealed that SCP-2181 can close and lock any door within sight, as well as windows, hatches, and any other covering placed in a wall, ceiling or floor. SCP-2181 is not capable of opening doors at distance. SCP-2181 will close and lock or seal doors seemingly at random, reacting with extreme distress if not allowed or able to do so. Its behavior when left alone is otherwise generally considered normal for a seven-year-old child,4 though introversion and reluctance to communicate have increased since Event 2181-02.

SCP-2181 was contained on March 1, 1976, when it exited Site-145's third floor men's lavatory, closing and sealing the door behind itself.5 SCP-2181 asked to be hidden from a malevolent entity or force, details of which have not been provided to date. The lavatory wall had to be manually breached to effect rescue of two personnel locked within.