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Prime Ministerial Pet Cemetery

Non-anomalous pet gravestones located in SCP-2072. Anomalous gravestones are similar in appearance.

Special Containment Procedures

At least one Foundation staff member (designated Level 1-SCP-2072 or higher) must be present and armed with a standard-issue sidearm at all times. Access to SCP-2072 is restricted from the general public.

Instances of SCP-2072 are to be covered with opaque, waterproof materials at all times. If the covering on instances SCP-2072-8 to SCP-2072-22 is disturbed to the degree that the text on said instances is readable, staff replacing the coverings must be administered amnestics immediately after said replacement.

Following the next change in the Prime Ministership of Montenegro, the assigned staff member will exhume the corpse buried beneath SCP-2072-8 and collect a sufficient sample for genetic testing to ensure continued accuracy of SCP-2072.


SCP-2072 is the former Garden of Love Pet Memorial Park, located approximately one mile south of ████████, Florida, United States. Upon the discovery of human remains beneath the northeast section of headstones in 1977, Foundation Local Mobile Task Force 352-Lamedh (“Stump Knockers”) seized control of the area to investigate. After discovering that four of the corpses located in the cemetery were genetically identical and buried under the same name, the Foundation opened a Provisional Containment Site on the premises.

The full significance of SCP-2072 was not known until June 1991, when a routine check of international political leaders’ genetic records discovered that Prime Minister of Montenegro Milo Đukanović (b. 1962, Prime Minister from 1991–98, 2003–06, 2008–10 and 2012–present [as of 2014-██-██]) was a genetic and name match for the first, third, fifth and seventh corpses located in SCP-2072, whose headstones are designated SCP-2072-1, -3, -5, and -7. The headstones and corpses have correctly reflected the holders of the office of Prime Minister of Montenegro from the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia to the present day. As SCP-2072-8 through SCP-2072-22 potentially represent future Prime Ministers of Montenegro, and SCP-2072-1, -2, -3, -5, -6, -7 and -23 contain dates of death and corpses of still-living political figures, the information in SCP-2072 is to be strictly controlled to prevent potential issues of causality.

List of anomalous headstones located in SCP-2072:
Designation Name Subtitle Date of Birth Date of Death Notes
SCP-2072-1 Milo Đukanović The Smuggler of Nikšić 1962-2-15 ████-██-██* Prime Minister on four non-consecutive occasions, and currently serving as of 2014-██-██. This headstone and corpse appears to represent his term as Montenegro's first Prime Minister after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, from 1991 to 1998. Title may refer to (unproven) allegations of organized criminal activity.
SCP-2072-2 Filip Vujanović The Unguarded Man 1954-9-1 ████-██-██* Prime Minister from 1998 to 2003, currently serving as President of Montenegro as of 2014-██-██. Title may refer to his refusal to travel with bodyguards or security. Corpse displays signs of ███████ ██████.
SCP-2072-3 Milo Đukanović The Smuggler of Nikšić 1962-2-15 ████-██-██* Corpse genetically identical to SCP-2072-1.
SCP-2072-4 Željko Šturanović The Stricken Acceder 1960-1-31 2014-6-30 Prime Minister from 2006–2008. His resignation due to lung cancer and signing of the document beginning Montenegro's accession to the European Union may be the source of his title.
SCP-2072-5 Milo Đukanović The Smuggler of Nikšić 1962-2-15 ████-██-██* Corpse genetically identical to SCP-2072-1.
SCP-2072-6 Igor Lukšić The Pawn 1976-6-14 ████-██-██* Prime Minister from 2010 to 2012, at which time he was the youngest head of government in the world. Title may refer to opponents' insistence that he was too influenced by former party leaders.
SCP-2072-7 Milo Đukanović The Smuggler of Nikšić 1962-2-15 ████-██-██* Corpse genetically identical to SCP-2072-1.
SCP-2072-8 █████ ████████* The Secretive Bureaucrat ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Name, birth date and genetics match current member of Montenegrin parliamentary majority.
SCP-2072-9 ███ ██████* The Old Guard ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Name, birth date and genetics match currently-serving Mayor of █████████.
SCP-2072-10 ██████ █████ ████████ The Reformer ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Name, birth date and genetics match current member of Montenegrin parliamentary minority.
SCP-2072-11 █████ ███████ The Younger Unificationist ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Date of birth in future.
SCP-2072-12 ██████ ██████████ The Elder Unificationist ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Name, birth date and genetics match current member of █████████ city assembly.
SCP-2072-13 ██████ █████ ████████ The Reformer ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Corpse genetically identical to SCP-2072-10.
SCP-2072-14 ████ ██████ The Murderer of Two ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Name, birth date and genetics match current student at █████ Primary School.
SCP-2072-15 ██████ ████████ The Woman Who Was Blind to the Light ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Date of birth in future. Corpse's eyes appear to be gouged out.
SCP-2072-16 ████ ███████ The First Heretic ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Date of birth in future. Buried in suit made from natural fabrics and dyes only.
SCP-2072-17 ██████ The Superior Man ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Date of birth in future. Lifespan well beyond current human expectations. Corpse heavily modified with metallic prosthetics and artificial eyes.
SCP-2072-18 Godhead Eternal Coffin filled approximately 15 cm deep with pure silicon powder. No corpse.
SCP-2072-19 ███████ ███ The Second Heretic ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Date of birth in future. Buried in suit made from natural fabrics and dyes only.
SCP-2072-20 ████ ███ The Third Heretic ████-██-██* ████-██-██* Date of birth in future. Buried in robes made from natural fabrics and dyes only. 13 years old as of time of death.
SCP-2072-21 Godhead Eternal Coffin filled approximately 15 cm deep with pure silicon powder. No corpse.
SCP-2072-22 Blank. Coffin empty.
SCP-2072-23 Milo Đukanović The Smuggler of Nikšić 1962-2-15 ████-██-██* Corpse genetically identical to SCP-2072-1. Date of death same as other Đukanović headstones, well before date of previous Prime Ministers' birth.

*Not yet verified as historically accurate as of 2014-██-██.