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Big Wigs

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-2044-1 is contained in a standard humanoid containment cell, modified to include a small duct to allow for the entry of house flies. SCP-2044-1 has been conditioned against scratching its scalp, laying on its back, rapidly moving its head, taking aggressive action against house flies in its cell or any other activities which may disrupt SCP-2044-2’s community. Personnel are to discipline SCP-2044-1 if any of the above listed activities are performed. For a full list of prohibited actions, see Addendum-2044-D.

Following Incident-2044-B, SCP-2044-1 is to be kept in Site-34’s ICU to be provided with medical care in its comatose state. Subject's head is to be kept upright at all times, by means of a padded brace locked around the neck. A high-definition c-mount microscope camera has been installed directly above the scalp of SCP-2044-1, providing a live video feed of SCP-2044-2 for research staff.

As is standard protocol when dealing with parasitic SCPs, a hazmat suit of Level 2 or higher is to be worn when handling SCP-2044 to prevent potential spread of SCP-2044-2 to a separate host.


SCP-2044-1 is a 28-year-old human male of Estonian descent. SCP-2044-1’s scalp is host to a large colony of head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) estimated to be composed of two hundred individual specimens, henceforth referred to as SCP-2044-2. SCP-2044-2 instances possess a level of intelligence estimated to be equal to that of the average human, and are capable of building simple structures, operating machinery, and communicating in the Polish language. SCP-2044-2's small size makes communication impossible without the use of specialized acoustic equipment.

SCP-2044-2 has established a small community on SCP-2044-1’s scalp. This community is composed of 130 houses, two churches, a pub, six stores, and a town hall. These buildings are constructed by SCP-2044-2 using SCP-2044-1’s hair and dandruff. The only constructs not composed of materials native to the human scalp are a large factory complex on the outskirts of the community, and three track loaders. The purpose of these non-organic elements seems to be the gathering and refinement of SCP-2044-1’s dandruff into small bricks.

These bricks are taken at the end of every month by a house fly (Musca domestica) which arrives on SCP-2044-1’s scalp, where SCP-2044-2 then loads the refined dandruff onto a metal harness installed in its exoskeleton. These house flies also deliver manufactured goods to SCP-2044-2, all of which are scaled down for their use. These supplies include spare parts meant to repair equipment within the dandruff refinery, small tin cans filled with keratinous materials and fragments of potatoes, and gear which is sold by SCP-2044-2 in its several stores. The house fly will then depart to an unknown location. Attempts to locate the origin of these house flies have been unsuccessful, as have attempts to track outgoing instances.

When questioned on the origin of the house fly, the supplies it brings, the destination of the dandruff bricks, and how the miniature factory complex came to be on SCP-2044-1's scalp, the majority of SCP-2044-2 instances state that “it’s handled by the 'big wigs'.” SCP-2044-2 refuse to elaborate further on this topic, stating that it would violate “company policy.” A transcript of an interview with an instance of SCP-2044-2 is available below.

SCP-2044-1 claims no knowledge of SCP-2044-2’s existence, and currently believes he is being held in Foundation custody for the crime of grand theft auto. Please refer to Incident-2044-B for SCP-2044-1's current condition.