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Town That Never Existed

Danhorn Public Library

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-1971 is held in the Reliquary Research and Containment Site-76, Building C, room 23, and container 5. A retinal scanner will verify level 2 clearance before room entry is permitted. The three objects that comprise SCP-1971 are believed to be safe for human interaction. Non-destructive testing of these objects is permitted. No more than one object in SCP-1971 may be removed from the building at one time.


SCP-1971 is a collection of the following three items:

  1. A 10 x 15 cm black and white photo of a building with the following carved in its stone façade “Danhorn Public Library”. The photo is in poor condition. Analysis indicates this photo was developed during the 1950s and has not been tampered with. Foundation agents found the photo during a raid on a foreclosed house in Red Oak, Iowa May 1, 1998.
    • There is no record of Danhorn as a town, village or municipal entity in Iowa or any other state.
  2. A book titled "The Unwilling Wind" by Laura Kelfkin, copyright 1971 by Krinko Press. The book is a 265 page slightly-worn hardcover 40 cm x 31 cm in size. The pages contain a mediocre novel, which eschews the development of character or plot. On the inside cover is a pocket stamped "Property of the Public Library of Danhorn, Iowa." The checkout card has only one entry: Louisa Watson on May 1st, 1979. The prohibition on destructive testing applies to the cover and front pages of the book, but does not apply to the story itself. The book was obtained [REDACTED].
    • There is no record of a book named “The Unwilling Wind”, an author Laura Kelfkin or Krinko Press.
    • No one named Louisa Watson lived in Iowa during that that time frame according to census, DMV, IRS and property records.
  3. A Nokia 3210 cell phone. The cell phone was found at an estate sale at 119 Main Street in Burkeville Virginia in 2007. Investigation has revealed nothing to indicate its prior history. This cell phone, manufactured circa 2000, contains three encrypted text messages, all dated September 15, 2001:
    • “On my way to IA".
    • "Hope you learn from this experience”.
    • “Confirmed status of Danhorn”.

Available evidence points to a hoax.

Addendum 1971-2:
Foundation agents executed random questioning of 9,500 Iowa residents over the age of 35 between years ████ and ████.

  1. 427 of these residents confirm the existence of Danhorn, Iowa. None of this population was able to find the town's name on an actual map. 351 of this population attempted to provide directions, but the directions were contradictory and all were found to be incorrect. There was nothing statistically significant about the geographical locations of the population with knowledge of the town.
  2. 285 of those questioned claim to have traveled to or through Danhorn. Descriptions of the town were collected from this population. Computerized correlation analysis calculates that specific details given in these interviews agree with a statistically significant accuracy of 92%. To summarize, Danhorn is a small village of about 3000 people surrounded by small to moderate-sized farms. The descriptions in no way indicate the town is of singular interest, other than the fact that 95 of the 96 individuals who dined at the town's only restaurant claim that "The Feed Sack serves the best beef brisket".

Addendum 1971-3:
Evidence has accumulated indicating the existence of a village named Hogsette, Maine. As with SCP-1971, the town in question can not be verified to have ever existed. The evidence from Hogsette is in the process of being added to SCP-1971.

Addendum 1971-4" id="">Addendum 1971-1:
Extensive research into public records, Internet records and government files has revealed no evidence the town ever existed. Available evidence points to a hoax.

Addendum 1971-2:
Foundation agents executed random questioning of 9,500 Iowa residents over the age of 35 between years ████ and ████.

  1. 427 of these residents confirm the existence of Danhorn, Iowa. None of this population was able to find the town's name on an actual map. 351 of this population attempted to provide directions, but the directions were contradictory and all were found to be incorrect. There was nothing statistically significant about the geographical locations of the population with knowledge of the town.
  2. 285 of those questioned claim to have traveled to or through Danhorn. Descriptions of the town were collected from this population. Computerized correlation analysis calculates that specific details given in these interviews agree with a statistically significant accuracy of 92%. To summarize, Danhorn is a small village of about 3000 people surrounded by small to moderate-sized farms. The descriptions in no way indicate the town is of singular interest, other than the fact that 95 of the 96 individuals who dined at the town's only restaurant claim that "The Feed Sack serves the best beef brisket".

Addendum 1971-3:
Evidence has accumulated indicating the existence of a village named Hogsette, Maine. As with SCP-1971, the town in question can not be verified to have ever existed. The evidence from Hogsette is in the process of being added to SCP-1971.

Addendum 1971-4
The evidence from Simino, Montana; Mund, Texas; and Osterhouse, Washington is in the process of being added to SCP-1971.